"You are the boss behind this club and hotel. Does my brother know?" Arka found all of this very strange. If Nico found out that Henry was the man behind this club and hotel, he wouldn't let his daughter have anything to do with him.

"He doesn't know. I gave this club and hotel to my sister three years ago. Do you know Elena? You must have heard her name. She was quite famous and very busy so she gave the club to her boyfriend. By the way, why did you guys come here today?" Henry asked.

Sabrina's brain began to work quickly and she immediately understood what was happening. She grabbed Arka's hand. "Brother, I know what happened."

Arka nodded his head, showing that he was able to connect all the clues they got. "Then, is Elena still in touch with her boyfriend..."

"They've separated," said Henry.

At that moment, a handsome young man walked into the room carrying two cups of coffee.

"Brother, are you looking for me?" The man put down the cup he was carrying in front of Arka and Sabrina.

Sabrina had not returned to Indonesia for a long time so she did not know the man in front of her.

But Arka knew him. The man's name is Michael and he is friends with Aksa.

"Michael, these two friends of mine are looking for you because you are in charge of this club and hotel. You must know what they want to ask," said Henry.

Michael immediately understood. "You want to ask about what happened three years ago, right? The CCTV footage in the corridor has been deleted. Don't worry."

"Why are you helping Anna?" Arka asked.

"Her mother gave her to me, but I have absolutely no interest in her. If I can help her earn money, she can pay me. Wouldn't that benefit both of us? As for the two of you, if you two really love and trust each other, how can you not know anything during these three years?" Michael scoffed at them.

Henry looked at them in confusion. "What really happened?"

"Brother, for three years, Elena didn't want to forgive me. But Anna and I never had any relationship. I just used her to make money. Didn't you promise me that you would bless my relationship with Elena if I could manage this club well? Using Anna, I can earn money for the club and I can marry Elena…"

Henry immediately rebuked him. "You really are blinded by money!" His body looked a little wobbly and almost fell.

Michael then stepped forward and helped him to his feet while trying to explain. "Brother, I know what I did was wrong. Don't be angry. Remind yourself of your health."

Henry then pushed him away angrily. "I did ask you to help me manage this club and hotel, but that's not how it should be done. I never taught you to do anything bad!"

Sabrina looked at the two of them and then asked Arka in a low voice, "Are the two of them acting?"

Michael immediately turned and looked at Sabrina angrily. "Is there something wrong with your eyes? Brother Henry has been battling cancer for years and is in poor health. Plus, that Maddison was really hard on him. I don't know what he saw in that woman. He almost died from her treatment. You could say it's a miracle that Henry is now standing in front of us in such a healthy condition."

"Michael, shut up! Maddy knew nothing about this. And I'm fine!" Henry tried to keep his voice steady. But he was not strong enough to stand so he sat back in the chair.

When Sabrina came there, she noticed that Henry's face looked a little pale. But she had no idea that Henry was battling a serious illness, a disease that was eating away at his life.

"I have no interest in knowing what happened to you. As far as I know, you make Maddy sad and misunderstood. This is a matter between you and Maddy herself. Michael, leave the video to me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you," Arka's voice suddenly sounded cold.

"Michael, is the video still in your hands? Quickly give it to them!" Henry said sharply.

"Brother, why are you helping them? Have you forgotten who made you suffer?" Michael said angrily.

"That is my personal matter. And you created this misunderstanding. Do I need to contact Elena?" Henry rarely looks angry.

But now, his face looked a little red with irritation.

Even though Michael was a haughty and arrogant man, when he heard Elena's name was mentioned, he immediately became obedient. He surrendered the video to Arka in no time.

In Henry's office, Michael played CCTV footage from three years ago.

Anna helped Sabrina out of the room and after that, she went back inside. From the moment she entered the room until she left, she stayed inside for 13 minutes.

In other words, after going out to move Sabrina, she returned to the room. Before she could pretend, Arka had woken up.

"When I woke up, Anna was fully clothed and sitting by the bed. After that, without being able to find the CCTV footage that night, I thought the woman from that time was Anna," said Arka.

"Anna told me that there was no man in my room. She also said that dad was looking for me and wanted to pick me up so she was afraid I would be punished and decided to move me. At that time, I believed it and had absolutely no doubts about it," Sabrina whispered.

Henry rubbed his face and said, "I am really, really sorry. But I don't know what happened that night. Michael was just too much in love with Elena. He works so hard to earn extra income that he strays into the wrong path. Just blame me. I am the owner of this hotel and club. It's all my fault for not being able to manage my people properly."

"Brother, I did all this. I didn't mean to trouble you. Just tell Elena that I love her, that's enough," although Michael is not a nice man, his love for Elena is very sincere.

Sabrina looked at Arka and said, "Am I the only one feeling annoyed? We can discuss this matter another time. But Michael, you've made Arka and I suffer for three years. I plan to make you make up for everything!"

At that moment, Arka's cell phone suddenly rang. And the person who called him was Anna.

"Wait a moment!" Sabrina immediately took her cell phone and saw Nico was doing a live broadcast as usual.

She immediately asked to do a joint live broadcast together.

Nico felt a little doubtful. He rarely has accidents or unwanted things on his live broadcasts and he is afraid to do a joint broadcast with Sabrina. He didn't know what she was planning and what she was going to do on the broadcast…

"Dear friends, there is a beautiful woman who wants to broadcast with me. Maybe there will be an answer to all of your questions," Nico decided to accept Sabrina's request.

When Sabrina's face appeared on the broadcast, everyone immediately threw all kinds of questions. They all asked about Arka and Anna's news. And also about Sabrina's feelings…

Sabrina turned her camera around facing Arka then gave an 'OK' sign with her hand.

Henry looked at Michael, giving him a warning look and preventing him from speaking.

Arka picked up the cell phone and showed who was calling him to the people on the broadcast. His screen showed Anna's name clearly.

Arka answered the call. "Anna, quickly delete that photo."

"How does it feel to be bashed by so many people? Didn't you feel very proud when you showed your affectionate love along with Sabrina?" Anna laughed.

"What do you really want?" Arka said coldly.

"What do I want?" Anna laughed again. "I should be the one asking you, what do you really want? If you want to get rid of me, give me 500 million and I'll delete the photo. Otherwise, just let everyone misunderstand you! I heard the shares in Atmajaya Group experienced a drastic decline this morning. Looks like you're going to have a huge loss!"

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