Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 934 - Kidnapping Him And Making Him Your Son-in-law

"Miss, would you like to move to the guest room downstairs? There are no trees in the room blocking the window," Hana suggested.

"No," Bella said angrily. "I don't know what my uncle was thinking. You are old but my uncle still lets you be his servant. You can't even solve this small problem. Let me tell my uncle to fire you tomorrow."

Hannah laughed at that. "Miss, I am already 70 and yes, I am old. Can you see how old I am and how slow I move? I have to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, I'll have someone cut the tree."

"Not. Cut the tree now. Where's my uncle?" Bella asked angrily.

"He and his wife are in his study. If there's nothing important, it's best not to disturb them," said Hana.

"I can't sleep peacefully. Is that not an important issue? There's no point in talking to you. I want to talk to my uncle!" Bella immediately went upstairs.

Hana could only shake her head in resignation and couldn't say anything else.

Bella went upstairs and walked to her uncle's study.

In the study, Anya saw that Aiden was silent. Apparently, he gave Anya a chance to explain everything because she is Adrian's older sister.

"Adrian, no matter what my father-in-law says, I just want to say that we love you very much. Now, I will tell you one thing. Actually, you are not our son," Anya said calmly.

"What?" Adrian was silent, unable to accept this fact.

"You are my brother. Twenty-four years ago, your father and mother were in a car accident together. At that time, I was pregnant with Adel and when I found out that my father had an accident, I gave birth earlier than scheduled. Your mother couldn't survive at the time of the incident, but you were born safe. Once you were born, you lost both of your parents. After discussing it with the whole family, we decided to raise you and announce to everyone that I have given birth to twins, a boy and a girl. That's what happened," said Anya.

Bella, who was standing at the door, initially wanted to knock on the door and enter. But when she heard such shocking news, she couldn't help but be silent.

Without saying anything, she quietly returned to her room.

Hana stood downstairs where she could see the second floor corridor. She watched the movement upstairs.

Previously, she saw Bella walking towards Aiden's study. But it didn't take long for Bella to return to her own room.

Hana thought that Aiden had refused Bella's request so the girl finally decided to rest.

There was silence in the study, like a funeral. Apart from being shocked and in disbelief, Adrian couldn't say anything else.

"Adrian, although we are not your real parents, we love you like our own son. The reason why we are telling this today is because we are afraid that someone will want to take advantage of you or hurt you. We don't want anything bad to happen to you," Aiden tried to comfort him.

"Even though I'm not your biological mother, even though I'm only your sister, you can think of me as your mother. I have fulfilled my responsibility. Whether as a sister or a mother, my love for you remains the same," Anya said nervously. "Adrian, say something. I'm really worried if you just kept quiet."

Adrian took a deep breath. "I… I didn't mean to blame you. But thank you for raising me like your own child and providing a warm home for me when I have lost both my parents. Tomorrow, I'm going to see grandma. Every time she sees me, she must feel sad."

"No! My mother never blamed you. You are not responsible for your parents' mistakes. After all, before you were born, my father and mother were divorced," Anya said quickly.

Aiden opened his safe and handed Adrian a document. "This is information regarding your birth mother. For the rest, you can check it yourself. We only hope that you can grow up healthy and become the heir to the Pratama Group."

"Our father is a famous spice king and Pratama Group is his hard work for many years. And your mother, you must know the woman well. She'd have become a weapon that can hurt you if she hadn't been dying herself. When that day comes, we will try to protect you and you must also learn to protect yourself," said Anya.

Adrian took the document and nodded repeatedly.

Although he did not know who his biological mother was, he could tell that his mother was not a good person.

"Can I still be your son? I… I…"

"You will still be our son." Aiden stood up and walked over to Adrian, hugging his son tightly.

Adrian felt his throat choked and his eyes burned.

He never imagined that he was not the child of Anya and Aiden. For 24 years, they have only shown true love from the bottom of their hearts. And none of them were fake, and really sincere instead.

"Adrian, there is no difference between being your sister or your mother. Our father is gone and it's only right that I take care of you. Never feel guilty in your heart," Anya said while looking at Adrian with a smile.

"Father, mother, thank you. You have raised me. I will never forget your kindness and from now on, I will protect you two," said Adrian firmly.

Aiden patted his son's shoulder. "My son has grown up."

"I will accompany you to my mother's house tomorrow. I hope you won't tell other people about this problem and that you will still consider us as your parents so that no one can hurt you," said Anya.

"I will always be your son," Adrian nodded,

Bella waited until midnight. While everyone was sleeping, it was early morning at her mother's house.

She used her headphones and made a video call with Raisa.

"Mom, I want to ask you something. Adrian is the younger brother of Aunt Anya. Do you know this?" Bella asked in a low voice.

Raisa's face stiffened. She turned and looked at Ivan. Ivan immediately took the phone. "Who did you know that from?"

"We had dinner at grandpa's house today. Grandpa said it himself. Is that true?" She asked.

Ivan's face immediately darkened. "Bella, I saw the message your uncle sent me. Now you live with your uncle. You have to be careful with your words and actions. This is your uncle's family matter. Your grandpa is just confused. You can't say anything about this matter."

"I just asked mom if it's true. Why are you angry?" She asked.

"Bella, you shouldn't know about this. Your aunt didn't say anything. Adrian is still your cousin. What's the point of you asking? After the holidays, you will come back here. You can't make trouble," Raisa said.

"It is true that Adrian is my aunt's brother. No wonder he is so handsome. Aunt Anya is very beautiful. The Pratama Family genes are indeed very good!" Bella said excitedly.

"You are also very beautiful. The genes of the Atmajaya Family and the Mahendra Family are also good," Raisa said proudly.

"It's still night in Indonesia, right? Why are you still not sleeping? Go to sleep and wake up tomorrow morning. Listen to your uncle and aunt, don't make trouble there. Adrian's problem is not your responsibility," said Ivan.

"Father, I think Adrian is very handsome and he is the CEO of Pratama Group. How about I kidnap him and make him your son-in-law?" Bella smiled.

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