"How is your relationship with Sabrina? Are those three stupid kids still chasing her?" Maria asked.

Maya looked at her in surprise. She knew who the three stupid children she talked about. They were Arka, Aksa and Mason. Not that the three of them are literally stupid, but they are still stubbornly chasing Sabrina to this day.

That's why if the three of them were honestly stupid, how could they possibly manage the Atmajaya Group to this day?

"Grandma, did you misunderstand my uncle and cousin?" Jason felt that being called stupid was inappropriate for the three of them.

"Those three are stupid. If they really liked Sabrina, they should have gone after her. But they stalled until now and to no avail. If it's not stupid, what is it called?" Maria said grimly.

Jenny laughed. "Uncle Aiden is just as 'stupid' when it comes to love. I don't know how he could land my aunt. So, it's no wonder that Arka and Aksa are just like him. But it's a bit strange for Mason's case. Did he not inherit his father's character? The three of them don't know how to fall in love."

"Maya, if you find the right person and fall in love, don't be like Maddy. Later you will be old," said Maria.

"If I fall in love with someone, I'll tell you, grandma," Maya said with a smile.

"Grandma, me too. If I like a girl, I'll tell you straight away," Jason chimed in.

"You are still 20 years old. So you can't fall in love just yet." Jenny immediately hit her son's head.

"Jenny, why did you hit your son's head? If he gets hit on the head often, he can become stupid. If he really does turn into one, you will regret it, "said Maria.

Jenny glared at her son. "This child will not be deterred if he is hit only once."

"You have to change too. Your son is a big boy. You can't beat him forever, especially when he's outside. You need to help him maintain his pride. When there is a problem, solve it inside the house, in a closed room without outsiders knowing," Maria advised her daughter.

"I understand, mother," Jenny replied.

"It's night already. You guys go home. Next time if you have time, come again. Don't forget to call ahead. I'll prepare a nice meal for you guys," Maria smiled.

Bima was already asleep, so they went home without saying goodbye for fear of disturbing his rest.

Outside the Atmajaya Family's house, Jenny said to Maya. "Maya, if you have a good friend, introduce your two uncles or cousins. I was also surprised to see that they were all still single."

Maya laughed. "Okay, if there's someone I feel like a good fit, I'll introduce them."

"Good night, sis!" Jason waved his hand at Maya.

"Jason, don't listen to your mother. If you don't find a girlfriend right away while you're in college, the pressure will be so heavy when you're working that you don't have time to fall in love. So, you better find a girlfriend quickly while you are still in college," said Maya.

"Okay!" Jason nodded excitedly.

Jenny laughed at him. "Maya, I think Jason really listened to your words. He and Rio will stay home for the holidays and I don't have time to take care of them. What if they work as interns at your company?"

"Okay. Incidentally, the men's jewelry department needed the help of a marketing and spokesperson. My company is a pretty big brand and there's no need to look for someone famous. Rio is quite famous on the internet recently and he could consider becoming a spokesperson. Meanwhile, Jason can learn very quickly. He can help me at the company. How about becoming a store manager? That will make him learn faster to deal directly with clients," Maya's brain immediately worked and thought about how to place the two boys.

"Alright, I'll just follow your arrangements. Tomorrow, I will send the two of them to your company," Jenny said happily.

Jason was also excited when he heard that he was going to be the manager of the most famous jewelry store in town. "Okay, I'll come tomorrow!"

"Don't forget to bring Rio," said Maya. Incidentally, she wanted to take advantage of Rio's current fame. His name is on the rise. It's a shame not to use it.

Timing is a very important issue. She had to take advantage of Rio's usefulness now, arranging work for him so he could be busy and no longer disturb Maddison.

In this way, the problem with her is also resolved.

Wouldn't that benefit everyone?

Now Jason is 20 while Rio is 19. They were both already registered as adults. But with such a childish face and demeanor, there was no way Maddison would like Rio.

As for her date with Rio at KFC, Maya was sure that Maddison only invited Rio to eat like she was inviting her own brother even though she didn't explain anything.

Maya didn't think of it as a date at all.

She had decided to employ the two boys that night, so she immediately called her assistant to arrange everything.

All day, Sabrina spent her time accompanying Samuel and taking him to the tutoring center.

Even though he was on semester break, Samuel's days were filled with various kinds of tutoring so Sabrina had to take him everywhere.

The job was not easy. When she thought about it again, she would be happier if she could return to work at the company.

Before she sleeps, Sabrina gets a message from Arka.

Arka : Today I returned to my family's house so I couldn't contact you. No matter what decision you make, I will support you. I hope you have time to meet me for a bit. I have something important to confirm.

Seeing the contents of the message, Sabrina did not reply. She didn't want to meet Arka. She regretted telling him everything.

And now she can only pretend nothing happened.

She forced herself to do that.

If she met Arka again, she wouldn't be able to contain her feelings.

That night, at Aiden's house, Aiden gathered his four children and Bella, to hold a small meeting.

"Starting today, Bella will stay at our house. I want the three of you to stay in the back house," Aiden said to his three sons. The back house he meant was the house where Galih and Indah used to live.

"Does not matter. I also want Bella to live comfortably," Aksa immediately agreed.

"We'll still have dinner together every week. Besides, starting tomorrow, Adel and Bella will start their apprenticeship at Iris," said Aiden.

"I'm on vacation. I don't want to work," Bella immediately refused.

"Bella, your uncle arranged all of this out of concern that you would be bored. If you don't want to, you don't need an internship. You can do whatever you want," said Anya.

"I want to sleep and wake up without worrying about school or work. I want to visit fun places, eat good food and find a lover!" Bella told her all the plans.

Anya laughed hearing that. "Your idea is very good. Then, when you leave, don't forget to bring a bodyguard."

"Aren't you guys going to play with me?" Bella pursed her lips and blinked her eyes excessively.

Adel laughed too. "Brother Arka is the CEO of Atmajaya Group and Brother Aksa is the representative. Meanwhile, Adrian is the CEO of Pratama Group. Who do you think can accompany you to play?"

"You. Aren't you free?" She asked.

Adele deliberately answered. "I managed dozens of Iris' shops so of course I'm too busy for that. My mother is the principal of Iris Perfume Academy. It's rare for her to get a day off like this so she has to rest a lot. In addition, there will be a new product launch soon. I think, in this family, only my father has a lot of free time in his hand—"

"I don't want to play with Uncle. It's no fun!" Bella immediately refused before Adel could finish her words.

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