Arka could see that something was bothering Sabrina's mind. Is Sabrina still thinking about the man behind Anna and wants to find him?

It seemed that he needed to warn Anna.

Arka couldn't imagine how Sabrina would treat him if she found out that he had slept with Anna.

Arka will not let that happen.

Winata returned to the office after lunch in the employee canteen.

He knew that Sabrina and Arka would be having lunch at the office so he took the initiative to make some tea and send it inside.

"Master, I made tea for you and Miss Sabrina. Have you finished eating?" With a warm smile. He put the tea he made on the table.

"Thank you, we've finished eating. You can rest now. Let me take care of everything," Sabrina immediately stood up and cleared the lunch box that was on the table.

"Let me help," Winata immediately approached her and helped her to clean the table quickly.

Arka leaned on his desk while looking at Sabrina from a distance. He felt his heart warm when he saw Sabrina cleaning the table.

He could imagine her as his wife and do the same for him. Or perhaps, they could clear the table together.

After Sabrina finished cleaning the table, she looked up and found that Arka was looking at her with a smile on his face.

A thought suddenly dawned on her and entered her mind.

She will be very disappointed and sad if she doesn't end up with a good man like Arka.

She would be very sorry if Arka married another woman.

But she still didn't know the man she slept with three years ago. What if that person turns out to be Aksa?

Was she really destined to not be able to choose Arka in this life?

'Brother Arka, why are you so kind? If you're this good, how can I let you go?'

At that time, Sabrina had decided not to marry for the rest of her life.

If she can't marry the man she loves, she better off staying single for the rest of her life.

She will not choose Aksa just because of her mistake three years ago. If she chose Aksa just because she was drunk three years ago, it would be unfair to Aksa.

In the afternoon, Anna appeared at the press conference of Mawardi Group's Jewelry Company. She insisted that there were no obscene videos as reported and that someone deliberately wanted to take her down.

And the person who claims to be her ex-lover has deleted all of his social media accounts and disappeared without a trace.

After Sabrina left the Atmajaya Group, she bought flowers and fruit to visit her grandparents.

She knows Arka wants her grandmother's orange grove and Sabrina decides to help him.

Irena was overjoyed when she saw her granddaughter come to visit her.

"Sabrina, we had no idea you would come today. Your grandpa went fishing and won't be back for the next few days," Irena said with a smile.

"It's okay, grandma. When Samuel doesn't have class, I'll take him to visit you again." Sabrina took her grandmother's arm and sat together on the sofa while chatting.

"A few days ago, your aunt said that Bella would go on vacation and return to Indonesia. Bella is not submissive like you. In fact, she is very naughty. I asked her to stay with me so that Samuel wouldn't be disturbed during his lessons," Irena said with a smile.

Bella is the daughter of Ivan and Raisa. Now she is 19 years old and still in college.

She is very cheerful and upbeat. But her energy is sometimes too much, a true copy of her mother.

"Grandma, Bella is not only your granddaughter, but also the granddaughter of the Atmajaya Family. If you want her to live with you, you have to tell the Atmajaya Family too," Sabrina said.

Irena pursed her lips in annoyance. "Bima is not as healthy as before. Earlier this year, Marsha died and left him devastated. Your uncle is also not the favorite child in the Atmajaya Family, only Bima loves him. Now, he is sick. So it's better for Bella to stay in this house."

"Grandma, don't think too much. Everyone from the Atmajaya Family is very kind," Sabrina said with a smile.

"Sabrina, you are too innocent. What you see is only from the outside. Aiden and Nico's father, Ardan, are siblings. While your uncle is the child of another woman. Just look at the Atmajaya Group now, Aiden's two sons and Nico's son are in control of everything. While your uncle got nothing," Irena said, defending his son-in-law.

Sabrina kept smiling. "The overseas branch company owned by Atmajaya Group is controlled by my uncle, right? Wouldn't that be better?"

"At first, I thought so too and I also feel quite satisfied. But after that, Aiden sent Harris and Nadine there. You know Harris was Aiden's assistant before marrying Nadine," at the thought of this, Irena felt so angry. "Aiden is not a nice guy. You can't marry his son."

Sabrina laughed at her grandmother's words. "Grandma, you're too prejudiced."

"Aiden is very cunning. I'm sure his kids are the same. Don't let them deceive you. The three boys in the Atmajaya Family are not as good as you think. I think Mason is the best. Nico and your dad are best friends. If you marry Mason, Nico will treat you like his own daughter. Your mother-in-law is also honest and not treacherous. She…"

"Grandma, Aunt Tara is not my mother-in-law," Sabrina immediately stopped her conversation.

Irena patted the back of Sabrina's hand. "You stupid. Maybe not now, but someday. Nico only had one daughter and one son. Although Mason's position in the company is not as high as that of Arka and Aksa, his ability is not inferior to them. Aiden has four children. If you marry one of his sons, you will only get a quarter of their property. But marrying Mason is different. When Maddison gets married, you'll have it all."

"Grandmother, what is my purpose in getting married? Is it to live with the man I love or to hoard his wealth?" Sabrina felt her head dizzy.

"Just think for yourself. If you marry Mason, you will get all the property belonging to Nico and Tara. Meanwhile, if you marry Arka or Aksa, you will get a quarter of their family's wealth. Then, of course you should choose…"

"Choose a guy I like," Sabrina couldn't hear her anymore.

Irena looked at her granddaughter. She knows that young people don't like to hear old people talk, so she finally said, "If you have chosen someone, tell me. Let grandma help you."

"I'll let you know when I've decided," Sabrina smiled.

"Give Mason the priority. Do you understand?" Irena said again.

"I know, Grandma," Sabrina replied.

Sabrina chatted with her grandmother all afternoon, until the sun was setting. Then she finally asked, "Grandma, your orange garden will bear fruit this year. Later I will accompany you to harvest them. I heard the Atmajaya Group will build a hot spring hotel there. After picking the oranges, we can go to the hot springs."

"When you talk about the hotel, I remember one thing. Your father told me that the Atmajaya Group wants to buy my garden and flatten everything," Irena felt angry when she talked about it.

"Grandma, do you want to give me the garden?" Sabrina asked.

"What do you want to do? The two wolves Aiden raised must have come to you for wanting my garden. Who is it? Is that Arka? I will beat him!" After saying that, Irena took out her cell phone and was about to call someone.

"Grandma, I want it. Not him," Sabrina rushed to stop Irena.

"Oh, I know what you mean. You like Arka, right?" Irena said angrily.

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