"Here's a video of Anna with her ex-boyfriend," Sabrina said as she handed over the flashdisk she took from Mason.

"Finally, you want to do something business related. How did you get it?" Maya took it from her and connected it to the computer. When she opened it, it was true that there was a video of Anna doing obscene things.

"To think that Anna actually made this kind of video..." Della looked at the computer screen with a surprised look.

Maya ejected the flashdisk and said coldly, "A woman with an empty brain. Sis, next time be careful. You need to background check your business partner if you could."

Della immediately looked at Sabrina, making Sabrina panic. "Mother, how could I do that?! I swear I didn't know she was such a lowly person!"

"You two have to be careful. Even if you are friends with your partner, you shouldn't hire anyone who took this kind of photo or video with their boyfriends. The same also goes for you two. If you're dating a guy and he asks for it, you have to say no. Such a man is unkind and unfit to be a husband!" Della said.

"Sis, did you hear that?" Maya looked at her sharply.

"Do you think I'm that dumb to make such a video?" Sabrina looked back at her.

"I will prepare a press conference to clarify this scandal. Come see me later. I want to talk to you." Maya looked at Sabrina with a deep gaze and left with the documents.

"Hey, Maya. Why are you looking at me like that? Why are you making me feel like Anna?" Sabrina looked at her.

Maya left in her high heels, leaving Sabrina not knowing anything.

"Mother, look at her! That girl is getting more and more arrogant!" Sabrina took her mother's hand in annoyance.

"Maya is much smarter and more understanding than you. Look, you can't even choose between Arka, Aksa and Mason. Maya is very firm and knows everything she wants. You should learn a little from her," Della said while flicking Sabrina's forehead.

"Maya has been a tomboy since she was little. How can I compare to her?" Sabrina walked towards the sofa. She put the breakfast provided by Arka on the table and began to enjoy it.

"You haven't had breakfast yet?" Della asked as she walked over to her, looking at the pancakes and sandwiches that were on the table. "Did you buy it?"

"Brother Arka helped me to get the video. Brother Aksa and Mason also helped to find Anna's ex-lover," said Sabrina.

"They really helped us in this matter," Della nodded and smiled.

She sat on the sofa watching Sabrina eat deliciously. Then, she whispered softly, "Anna has personality problems. If something happened, she immediately went into hiding, didn't want to see anyone and didn't tell the truth. We can't work with this kind of person. If we don't deal with the trouble she caused in time, everything will fall apart."

"She has broken the contract first. With this video in our hands, she will surely cooperate and obey us. And we can use her without having to pay a single penny…"

"The company already gave her the money. This morning, the manager came to tell us that we need Anna to come and clarify all these matters for the sake of Mawardi Group's reputation. So I gave her the money," Della replied.

"Mom, you're too good to her. It should not only be the Mawardi Group who is afraid of ruining its reputation. Anna could also have ruined her own reputation. And I bought this video with money. Why do we have to pay for it again?" Sabrina said irritably.

Della laughed. "I've asked Maya and she agreed."

"I will meet her after eating. Didn't she bring the flashdisk just now? I want to use Anna's video to ask for the money back."

After eating a few bites of pancakes and half of the sandwich, Sabrina went out to find Maya.

Maya's office is right next to the CEO's office. Although Della has appointed Maya as her personal assistant, she is actually the deputy CEO of Mawardi Group.

"Maya, didn't you take the flashdisk earlier? Mom said Anna took the advertising money," Sabrina walked into Maya's office and pulled up a chair in front of her desk.

Maya looked at her. "You introduced Anna to Aunt Della. Now she makes it difficult for the company by causing such a scandal. Why should we pay the money? If possible, I will charge a compensation fee because she has violated the contract instead."

Sabrina's eyes immediately lit up. "Is that right? How could you just give her the money?"

"If the situation is calm, I can just hold on to the money. But…" Maya wanted to continue, but she stopped talking.

"What's going on now? Anna's video is in our hands. She should be the one panicking, not us," Sabrina snorted coldly.

Maya looked at her and then turned her attention towards her computer. She opened an email. "See for yourself. After reading it, try to tell me again what I should do."

"What is it? Is there a serious problem?" Sabrina looked at the screen and caught a photo of her sleeping on a bed.

Sabrina immediately rose to her feet in shock so that the chair behind her fell down.

"I asked the IT department to check the IP address of this email. Guess who sent it?" Maya pouted.

"Anna?" Sabrina asked.

"What were you doing?" Maya asked.

"I…" Sabrina bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

"If you don't tell me the truth, how can I help you? You keep saying that Anna deliberately hid everything and almost ruined the Mawardi Group's good name. How about you? If this photo was exposed, wouldn't there be an even greater problem?" Maya said.

"Maya, I am older than you. Why are you treating me like that?" Sabrina is feeling angry.

Maya looked impatient. "So what will you do?"

"I'll go to her and ask her," Sabrina said.

Three years ago, Sabrina herself didn't even know who the man she was with was. But Anna took some photos of her. What really happened?

Maya looked at the photo for a moment. "Why do I feel that the man in the photo is so familiar? Who is he?"

"Who do you think?" Sabrina felt her head dizzy. She herself did not know who the man was.

The man fell asleep on the pillow, showing only the back of his head and a bit of his side face.

Maya looked at Sabrina with her mouth agape and reacted immediately. "You don't know who you slept with? Are you crazy?"

"I was drunk and couldn't see his face clearly. But I heard him say his name. His last name is Atmajaya, uhh… right. Atmajaya…"

Maya looked suspicious, "His last name is Atmajaya? Are you saying this man could be one of my uncles or my cousin?"

"Yes, between Brother Arka, Brother Aksa, or Mason. But I don't know who he was either." Sabrina lowered her head in shame.

Maya zoomed in and out on the photo but still couldn't recognize it.

"The Atmajaya family has very strong genes so that the faces of all the members are similar at a glance. It's not easy to recognize this man just from the back," Maya looked at the photo carefully, but found no special features.

"When you saw this picture for the first time, who did you think it was based on your instincts?" Sabrina asked.

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