Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 890 - Her Dream Has Been Realized

Jenny almost jumped in joy when she found out that Tiara was pregnant.

"Tiara, if your daughter is a girl, set her up with my son. If it's a boy, your son and mine can play together like brothers," Jenny said with great enthusiasm.


"What should I do now? If I had a child, it would be difficult for my body to return to the way it used to be even if my injuries were healed. It's hard to lose weight as we get older," Tiara said, looking depressed.

"Do you want to abort the child?" Jenny looked at her best friend in surprise.

"I… I don't know," Tiara held her head, not knowing what to decide.

"Rudi's family has accepted you. I think you better marry him now. Even if you don't give birth to this child, your injury will still take a long time to heal. It won't make that much difference since you can't go back on stage. It's better to keep it while you recover from your injuries," Jenny urged her to not give up on her child.

"After Doctor Tirta found out that I was pregnant, he changed my recovery plan. He arranged some prescription drugs because there are some that can make me recover faster, but are dangerous for the baby and can cause me to miscarry. If I stop taking the medicine, I will recover much longer. I will also get fatter and I will not be able to return to the stage," said Tiara.

Jenny sat beside her and looked at Tiara gently. "Do you love Rudi?"

"Yes," Tiara nodded.

"But you don't love him enough to stop dancing for Rudi, do you?" Jenny asked.

Tiara didn't say anything. She felt confused when she found out that she was pregnant.

She didn't know what to do now.

She wants to marry Rudi and build a family with him. But not now…

"Tiara, you better tell Rudi all your worries. This child is not only yours, but also his. You can't decide everything alone. Don't let this problem ruin your relationship. I believe Rudi loves you so much and he will understand you," said Jenny.

"Okay, I'll talk to him later," Tiara replied.

But unfortunately, Tiara never told Rudi her feelings and thoughts. Even until 50 days after their wedding, she never once talked to him about it. Rudi finally took the initiative to talk to her first.

After dinner, he hugged Tiara and invited her to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Tiara, I want to talk about our child," Rudi said as he gave a glass of milk to her.

Tiara took it and took a slow sip. "What is it? I'm listening."

"Do you want this child or not? If you don't want it, you should have an abortion before you reach three months of pregnancy. It will be safer for you and your health. I wonder, do you want to have your pregnancy checked, or to abort it?" Rudi asked calmly.

Tiara looked at him with wide eyes, not expecting that the man would give her the freedom to decide.

"I don't know what to do. If my leg heals, I can go back to dancing. But if I have this child, my body won't be able to go back to how it used to be and I won't be able to perform again. I'm afraid I'll regret it. However, I can't give up this child either. While I'm recovering, everything will be fine. But once I recover and can dance again, I probably won't have time for this child."

Tiara expressed all her anxiety to Rudi.

"If I can make sure that you give birth safely and it doesn't affect your shape, will you be able to give birth to this child without any worries?" Rudi asked.

"Can I?" Tiara looked at him expectantly.

"I've spoken to a nutritionist to regulate your diet. I also arranged for a personal trainer so that you can continue to exercise while you are pregnant," Rudi said while taking out a paper.

Tiara then saw a very detailed diet and exercise plan. When she saw the name of the personal trainer that Rudi chose, she immediately knew it because the person was very famous.

"Rudi, I don't know what to say. Thank you!" Tiara said while crying.

"If you are willing to keep this child, you must accept my proposal. This child can't live without his father." Rudi took out a ring box from behind the sofa, as if he was doing magic.

Tiara laughs seeing him. "Is there only a ring? No flowers?"

"Of course there are flowers," Jenny came with a bouquet of red roses. "Hurry up, the flowers are here. I picked them in the garden by myself…"

"Jenny, you already know all this? And you hide it from me?" Tiara said with bloodshot eyes.

Jenny laughed and approached her friend with a happy face. Harris and Nadine also came to witness this proposal.

Rudi took the bouquet of flowers from Jenny's hand and knelt down to propose to Tiara with the ring box in his hand. With a bright smile and tears in her eyes, Tiara accepted the proposal with great joy.

A few months later, Tiara gave birth to a son. Although the child was born prematurely, earlier than the scheduled time, he was born quite heavy and very healthy.

Half a month after giving birth, Tiara began to train and exercise.

It didn't take long, it only took one month and her weight had dropped quite a lot. She still hasn't reached her target weight, but she is still trying to get back to normal.

Jenny often comes to exercise with Tiara. They both exercise together and support each other to get slimmer.

But Jenny couldn't join Tiara because it was very tough. It was so tough that Tiara could lose a lot of weight in a short time. Meanwhile, Jenny's weight is still more or less the same as before.

Luckily, Jonathan didn't care about it and just wished Jenny to be healthy.

"Tiara, I heard that a ballet company from abroad would like to invite you. What would you do? How about Rudi?" Jenny looked at Tiara worriedly.

"Even though I stopped dancing for a while, I actually still haven't given up. I knew that I would not be able to recover quickly without Rudi's support and help. If I were forced to choose, I would choose him," said Tiara.

"Are you sure you won't regret it? You are not 30 years old yet. With your skills, even at the age of 35, you can still be a good dancer," said Jenny.

Tiara lowered her head. She thought back to Rudi who always stood beside her. She thought about her son who still needed her. And Tiara was not willing to leave them just for her career.

Initially, Tiara was hesitant to have children because she was worried that her career would be affected. But after her child was born, she could feel her bond with her child.

Seeing her son's face, Tiara couldn't bear to leave him alone.

"I've thought it through. Don't let Rudi know about this," she said calmly.

Tiara has signed a three-year contract with the man's current company and that contract has expired. Now, she is not tied to any company.

However, she did not expect that a ballet company from abroad would look for her and invite her to return to the stage.

Still, she had no intention of accepting it.

She loves Rudi and their son!

It was Rudi who helped her when she was helpless, when she lost her way and lost hope to achieve her dreams.

Rudi gave her the choice and let her do whatever she wanted. He didn't even force her to get married.

Dancing is indeed Tiara's dream. But she had been a white swan once and her dream had been fulfilled.

Now, she just wants to be a good wife to Rudi and a good mother to their son.

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