"This is too cruel for her. Is there no other way? What did Doctor Tirta say? There must be a way to find the best doctor, right? Aiden, you must help Nadine to keep her child!" Anya said.

"Anya, calm down. I will find a way. Trust me, I will definitely find a way out," Aiden tried to comfort her.


Anya took a deep breath to calm her mood.

"I trust you. No matter what you do, you must help Nadine to keep her child. Give Harris a long vacation. I will ask someone from the school to help later."

"I'll call the doctor right away," Aiden hung up the phone and immediately called one of the doctors.

In the past, Bima brought doctors from abroad when Anya was pregnant because Anya's condition was also weak when she was pregnant. This time, Aiden asked the doctor for help again and the doctor agreed, then promised to keep the secret.

It is better to hide this matter for a while because he does not want to give hope to the Atmajaya Family, especially to Bima.

If this child can't be saved, everyone will feel sad.

But if there's still a hope, the Atmajaya Family would surely understand why this matter was temporarily hidden.

Jenny's wedding preparations were still in progress and it turned out to be more complicated than most of them imagined.

But no matter how difficult it is, the people in the Atmajaya Family are willing to prepare it with pleasure and sincerity.

Nadine did not tell the Atmajaya family about her pregnancy problems.

Anya has also experienced the same situation as her, although not as extreme as Nadine is currently feeling. Besides, she's currently pregnant. Therefore, she prepared all the food she was currently eating and two more servings for Nadine before she sent it to the hospital.

Hana went to the hospital to visit Nadine once, but she was worried that she would make Nadine feel guilty. Therefore, she did not visit her again.

Nadine is someone who keeps all her problems to herself in her heart. She felt that her condition and her pregnancy was her fault.

Seeing Hana pay so much attention to her, she was worried that she'd only disappoint the old woman. She was worried that she would break Hana's heart and hope.

And it's all her fault.

Hana couldn't visit Nadine. But every day she made food for her daughter-in-law and sent it to the hospital.

Nadine still feels a little burdened by Hana's kindness, but at the same time, she feels very touched.

No one knew about Nadine's pregnancy and nobody disturbed her rest.

Anya is also pregnant and cannot help with Jenny's wedding preparations. It's the same with Nadine who spends her time resting.

Harris also takes a break from work and accompanies Nadine at the hospital every day.

Maria worries about her daughter when she hears that Nadine is sick. But when she found out that Hana was taking care of Nadine, she felt much calmer.

She could focus on preparing for Jenny's wedding.

By the time Jenny and Jonathan returned from overseas, Nadine was already going through a dangerous period in her pregnancy. But she still needs total bed rest to maintain her pregnancy.

When she found out that Nadine was pregnant, Jenny felt so happy and rushed to the hospital even though she still hadn't come home. She immediately departed from the airport.

Tara stopped Jenny at the bedroom door.

"Don't be noisy. Nadine needs a lot of rest." As a sister-in-law, Tara does a very good job of looking after her younger sisters.

Jenny took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down but to no avail. She was too excited.

"I'm too excited. Sis Tara, my sister has been married for more than two years and finally got pregnant too. This is very good news. How can I calm down?" Jenny said with a smile on her face. Her body couldn't stop moving, showing how excited she was today. If she could, maybe she would be jumping up and down like a child.

Nadine could hear her sister's voice from outside. That cheerful voice filled with joy made her smile and say, "Is Jenny home? Come in."

"Sister Tara, may I come in? I promise I won't be noisy," Jenny looked at Tara pleadingly.

"Calm down!" Tara repeatedly urged Jenny not to get too excited before letting her in.

After Jenny came in and saw Nadine lying weakly in the hospital bed, she became much calmer than before

"Sis…. Can't you sit down?" Jenny asked with concern.

"I need total bed rest for a while. I'm sure I'll get stronger later," Nadine said with a smile.

"Brother Harris, you have to be nice to my sister. You have to take very good care of her. It's not easy to get this child," Jenny said with bloodshot eyes.

"I will take good care of her. I made her suffer like this," Harris also felt depressed about Nadine's current state. If pregnancy made her this way, it might be better for them not to have children.

He couldn't bear to let Nadine suffer like this.

Nadine just smiled and reached out her hand to caress Jenny's cheek. "I am fine. Soon you will be married, so don't cry. You're a big girl."

"I love you, sister! After giving birth to this child, there is no need to get pregnant again. One child is enough," Jenny said.

"I also hope this child will be healthy and strong," Nadine nodded in agreement.

"I will also pray for the health and safety of this child," Jenny said excitedly. "Sis, I'm happy for you. But I don't want to see you suffer like this."

Her voice was hoarse. She really loves her sister.

"I haven't told mom and grandpa, I'm afraid they'll be worried. And judging by my current condition, I'm becoming more and more worried," Nadine said.

"Grandpa and Mother really care about you. This is good news. You should have told them," Jenny immediately called the Atmajaya Family's house.

When he found out that Nadine was pregnant, Bima immediately invited Marsha to visit him together.

Maria is busy preparing for the wedding. When she heard that Nadine was pregnant, she immediately put all her work aside and rushed to the hospital.

"Jenny, you must be tired. Go home and rest," Nadine said with concern.

Jenny nodded. "I will invite Tiara here tomorrow. By the way, Tiara is with Rudi now. Do you all know?"

"I've heard of it," Nadine replied.

"Jenny, you have to bring Tiara to come tomorrow. I want to ask you something," Harris said seriously.

"Okay, I'll be going home first," Jenny turned and saw Jonathan carrying a large bouquet of flowers and a basket of fruit into the room.

Jonathan then said a little hesitantly, "We came straight from the airport so we didn't have much time to buy souvenirs. I just went to buy it."

Jenny came to him and helped him to pick up the fruit basket. When she saw where Jonathan had bought it, she smiled with satisfaction. "The fruit here is very fresh. I was confused when I couldn't find you and you suddenly disappeared. Turns out you went to buy it."

"The fruit at the hospital is not good. We couldn't have come empty-handed," Jonathan stroked Jenny's head with a smile.

Jenny placed her fruit basket on the table and took a vase to put the flowers in. After that, she went along with Jonathan.

The next morning, Jenny invites Tiara to visit Nadine at the hospital.

When Harris saw Tiara, he immediately asked about the Tanuharja Family.

"Tiara, why are you together with Rudi?" Harris asked.

"Because I like him," Tiara replied calmly.

"Rudi saved you from Leo. Are you really with him because you like him? Not because of the Tanuharja Family?" Harris asked.

"Brother, Rudi is very good to me. My uncle and aunt almost divorced because of me. Everything is done now and all is fine," Tiara didn't want to say anything further.

"As far as I know, the Aditya Family arranged a match for Rudi. If you keep in touch with him, you will get nothing," Harris said firmly, "Leave him."

"If I leave him, who can protect me? Because of Rudi, my uncle didn't dare to do anything to me. And because of him, my aunt can still be Mrs. Tanuharja. I won't leave him and I can't leave him," Tiara replied. 

She is a very rational person and she knows what she needs.

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