"She is nothing to you, so it's my right to chase after her. If she doesn't want to, I won't force her," Leo's eyes were fixed on Tiara as if he couldn't take his attention away from her beautiful body.

Harris didn't say much and decided not to get involved in the matter.


Leo said he would go after Tiara, but if the girl didn't want to, he wouldn't force her.

That means, as long as Tiara refuses, everything will be fine. If Tiara accepts him, it will be between them and Harris has no right to interfere.

On the way home, he first escorted Leo to his car and then returned to look for Tiara.

"Tiara, Leo seems to be interested in you. He said he knew your uncle," Harris said, warning Tiara. He did all this only because Tiara was someone precious in his mother's eyes so he felt he had to treat her well.

"A lot of guys are attracted to me and he doesn't seem as bad as the others. Brother, don't worry. I would not like a man like him. It's night already, so hurry home. Don't let Sister Nadine wait for you," Tiara said with a smile and waved her hand, as if the problem Harris was talking about was a small matter.

Of course working in a bar makes Tiara the target of many men. That's why she was used to this kind of treatment. 

"I'm just worried that Leo won't give up so easily. He is quite a difficult person. Not to mention that he knows your uncle. If something happens, remember to tell me," Harris said before leaving.


What Tiara did not expect was that she got a call from her aunt while she was still sleeping at noon. Her aunt said that her uncle came home and invited her to eat together.

Even though Tiara wanted to go back to sleep, she forced herself to get out of bed and put light make-up on her face. After that, she went back to her aunt's house to eat together.

When her uncle saw Tiara enter the house, he immediately smiled and said, "Tiara, come quickly and say hello to Leo."

When she saw Leo's face, Tiara recalled the warning from Harris yesterday. He said that Leo was a tough guy and didn't give up easily. Even more troublesome, he knew her uncle.

It seemed that Tiara had underestimated Harris' warning.

Tiara planned to refuse to meet him if Leo asked her to go out with him. But it turns out that Leo didn't use that method. He immediately looked for Tiara's uncle and decided to take a shortcut to get her.

Tiara tried to hold back her anger and took one step forward with a smile. "Master Leo, what a coincidence that we meet here."

"Surya, your daughter is very beautiful," Leo said to Tiara's uncle, but the compliment made Tiara even more uncomfortable.

"Tiara is not only beautiful, but also very intelligent. My son suffered a huge loss when I asked him to run our family bar. He could only invite his friends and waste our money. Luckily, I was smart enough and gave the bar to Tiara. After she took care of it, the bar was running well again and made quite a profit," Surya looked at Tiara with a satisfied look.

Tiara just stood there awkwardly, not wanting to take another step forward and approach them. But she couldn't leave either, so she ended up only looking at her aunt with a sigh.

Rosa looked embarrassed, but she couldn't do anything. Leo suddenly came to their house and she could only ask Tiara to come.

"Tiara, let's eat," Rosa walked over to her and took her hand, inviting Tiara to sit in front of Leo at the dining table.

Leo smiled as he nodded thanking Rosa.

Tiara was shocked and felt uncomfortable. She felt confused and felt betrayed by her own aunt.

During the meal, Surya and Rosa noticed that Leo was constantly staring at Tiara and wouldn't take his eyes off her.

Tiara felt like she was stripped naked under those gazes. She felt like she was sitting on a needle, unable to eat in peace. That gaze made her feel very uncomfortable and wanted to get out of there immediately.

Just as she was feeling confused, her cell phone suddenly rang. She immediately used that as an excuse to leave. "Excuse me. I'll pick up this call first."

Leo kept staring at her until Tiara disappeared from his sight. Then he averted his gaze.

Surya poured wine into Leo's glass again, which was getting less and less full. "Let's have another drink."

"Surya, if I can marry Tiara, we can discuss cooperation," Leo didn't mean to beat around the bush and immediately said his wish.

Rosa made a displeased face and took her husband's hand, worried that he would immediately agree without telling their niece.

"Tiara is not my biological daughter. Actually, she is my wife's niece. So I can't say much about marriage and…"

"I want Tiara. You can give an answer once you think about it." Leo raised his glass and drank it casually.

Meanwhile, Tiara felt relieved, the call from Jenny was like a savior to her.

She went back into the house with a slightly panicked look, even if it was just a pretense. "Auntie, there is something urgent and I have to go right now…" Tiara looked at Rosa, asking her for help to escape from there.

"Alright then, just go!" Rosa nodded and agreed.

"Master Leo, I apologize that I have sudden urgent business. Please eat and enjoy the drink," Tiara said, after which she turned her attention to her uncle. "Uncle, I'll go first."

She didn't take long to escape from her aunt's house. As soon as she left the house, she immediately hailed a taxi and left with a sigh of relief.

Tiara immediately called Jenny. "Jenny, you are my best friend. I really love you. You called me at the perfect time! Do you know that my uncle wanted to marry me off to a disgusting old man whose wife just died?"

Jenny frowned when she heard the story from her best friend. "Didn't you say your uncle and aunt treated you like their real daughter?" She was also surprised to hear this.

"When there was no profit involved, they would treat me like their real daughter. But if they can sell me and get money, they will use me as a medium of exchange." Tiara could also see her aunt and uncle's intentions in one glance.

"If the problem gets bigger, you have to leave your family. You can always look for me!" Jenny said. "It's up to you whether you want to go to Srijaya Group or Atmajaya Group."

"Jenny, thank you! You are indeed my best friend," Tiara felt her eyes heat up.

"Try to talk to your uncle and aunt later. If this is the old man's plan, but your uncle and aunt don't agree, you can rest easy. But if they agree to it, you must leave as soon as possible," Jenny said over the phone.

"Okay," Tiara nodded. "In the meantime, don't tell your brother-in-law and his mother. I don't want them to worry."

The Atmajaya family is busy preparing for Jenny's wedding. Anya decided to contribute to the wedding by making perfume as a wedding souvenir. She designed the packaging by herself and the perfume bottles had already been ordered.

On Friday night, the Atmajaya Family was gathering for dinner together. When Raisa heard that she was getting married, she immediately left for Indonesia.

"Jenny, your mother and sister will help you prepare for the wedding. Raisa will also help you. Anya has already prepared her souvenirs, so let her rest now," said Bima with a smile.

"Rest? What's wrong auntie, are you sick?" Jenny asked anxiously.

Anya felt a little embarrassed and looked at Aiden without saying anything.

"Anya! Are you pregnant?" Raisa looked at her in surprise.

"It's still not three months, so we can't announce it. It's still too early. Now, we all have to take good care of it. Let her rest and take care of herself. Don't bother her unless there's something that needs her permission," said Bima.

"Congratulations, uncle, aunt!" Jenny smiled happily.

"Congratulations, Anya!" Raisa is also happy.

"Raisa, you should also have children soon," after saying that, Bima glanced at Nadine. Just as he was about to say something, he remembered Aiden's words and decided to restrain himself.

If he can't get a grandchild from his granddaughter, he still has a son-in-law!

"Father, don't worry. Ivan and I have already talked about it. After Jenny's marriage ends, we will immediately prepare to have children. Perhaps I can give you some good news before the new year," Raisa said.

"Good, good," said Bima, nodding happily.

During dinner, Anya couldn't eat at all. Every time she wants to eat, she always throws up, unlike her previous pregnancy.

She even felt nauseous when she drank water.

Maria immediately asked the maid to make porridge for her, so that Anya could eat a little. "Eat this porridge. You're exactly the same as when I was pregnant with Jenny. When I was pregnant with Nico, I didn't feel anything at all. But when I was pregnant with Jenny, I always threw up every time I smelled the food. It looks like you are pregnant with a girl," Maria said with a smile.

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