Watching Nadine cook so carefully, Hana laughed. "Nadine, there's no need to be so careful. The maids had already washed it many times. Home cooking will feel warmer. If the food is too luxurious, it will make Tiara feel depressed."

Nadine immediately realized. "You are right. I didn't think this far," she looked at the luxurious cutlery that had been laid out on the table, the ones they rarely used. Finally, Nadine put it back.


"The theme for this dinner is warm family. Don't be too fancy. The guests will feel uncomfortable later," Nadine said, ordering her maids to clean up all the luxurious decorations that had been on display.

Hana looked at her with a smile and nodded in satisfaction.

She loved her daughter-in-law very much. Nadine is a smart and obedient woman. Apart from not being able to conceive, she has almost no flaws.

Hannah is also a woman. She could understand Nadine's condition and she had also prepared herself. If indeed Nadine can't have children and can't give her grandchildren, she won't force her.

Who says a family has to have children?

As long as husband and wife can live happily and peacefully, their life will be beautiful.

Nadine returned to the kitchen after finishing setting the table. Then, she started making fruit salad.

"When washing something, remember to use warm water instead of cold water. When I was young, I didn't know about it so I regret only finding out after all this time. When I was your age, I used to stay up late to draw and finish my work and when I'm angry, I like to drink cold water to cool my heart. I always wear short skirts and high heels. Now, whenever the weather is a little cold, I feel my knees hurt and my body is cold," said Hana with a smile.

Nadine was surprised to hear that. An inexplicable feeling arose in her heart.

Even though Hana was talking about herself, Nadine was smart enough to know that she was teaching her how to take care of her body and health.

She smiled and said softly, "I know. Thank you for reminding me."

"My leg hurts now and I can't stand up anymore. You should rest too. After making the fruit salad, head out for a break. Don't be too tired," Hana was worried that Nadine would think too much so she decided to leave, saying that her tired legs couldn't hold out any longer.

"Mom, are you okay?" Nadine saw Hana was really in pain. Maybe Hana wasn't warning her, but it really hurt.

"It's okay, dear. My feet really hurt. I suffered because of my stupidity back then. That's why I keep reminding your aunt to take care of her health. Remember to always wear warm clothes," said Hana.

"Let me help you to sit on the sofa." Nadine asked the waitress to prepare her fruit salad and helped Hana to walk to the sofa.

Her thoughts drifted as she sat down. She thought about Tiara and her mother who had saved Hana and Harris from death. She really thanked them, sincerely from the bottom of her heart. If they hadn't saved Harris and Hana, would she have been able to meet Harris?

Actually, there was a problem that kept bothering her mind. Harris is a good man, but it's a shame that her body isn't strong enough to give him children….

"Nadine, what are you thinking? If you're tired, just rest. I can do it all by myself. You shouldn't get sick," Hana saw Nadine's unfocused expression and thought that her daughter-in-law was too tired.

Seeing Hana who was very concerned about her and worried that she was too tired, Nadine felt a warm feeling in her heart.

She smiled faintly. "It's okay, mom, I'm not tired. I have to prepare everything for our guests."

"I feel more relieved to have you help me," Hana said as she nodded and looked at Nadine affectionately. She had considered her like her own daughter, not just a daughter-in-law.

Nadine smiled shyly and felt so happy to hear the praise from her mother-in-law. "Mother, let me get some oil and massage you. The last time I sprained my ankle, the oil made me heal faster."

"Let me just smear my feet with oil. I'm afraid our guests will come soon. And actually, I'm hungry," said Hana with a laugh.

She knows that mothers and in-laws are very different. In front of the mother, a child can be honest, but in front of the in-laws, they still have to maintain their attitude. Hana wants to get closer to Nadine, she wants their relationship not to be limited to in-laws and daughter-in-law, but mother and daughter.

That's all she wanted…

"We just had a little lunch at noon. I saw the chicken soup was almost done. How about I make you some chicken noodles? I can make good noodles," said Nadine.

"Sure," Hana nodded.

She is usually very busy and Nadine has her own job too. Even though she was tired, Hana didn't want to tell her daughter-in-law to do the housework.

But today, she saw Nadine really working hard to help her. She wanted to do more so Hana decided to let her.

After their marriage, Nadine and Harris always share a meal with Aiden. Since it was only the two of them, they were too lazy to cook by themselves.

"Wait a moment. You can taste my cooking later." Nadine got up and went back into the kitchen.

It didn't take long for two bowls of fragrant noodles to be served on the table.

"Tonight we will have dinner, so I don't cook too much. Let me accompany you to eat," Nadine took Hana's hand gently and helped her walk to the dining table.

Hana then patted the back of Nadine's hand. "You really care."

In that bowl, the noodles that Nadine served looked very attractive, especially because there were vegetables that adorned it. In addition, the aroma is so fragrant that it makes their appetite increase even more.

Hana ate the noodles very happily. "You are good at cooking too."

"That's because you taught me."

"Not. It's because you are a smart and fast learner!"

After eating, the two of them went back to their work.

When Jenny and Tiara arrived, Harris still hadn't finished work. As soon as they arrived at the house, they saw Hana teaching Nadine how to cook.

"Boil these prawns in boiling water. After the color is reddish, remove it quickly, don't leave it for too long. After that…" Hana taught everything one by one while showing Nadine an example.

Nadine nodded and watched her mother-in-law very carefully. Everyone knows that Hana's cooking is delicious. That's why Nadine wants to learn more.

"I'm so jealous. Sister has a mother-in-law who can do many things!" Jenny said, leaning against the kitchen door.

"Jenny, you've come! Do you also want to help with cooking? Or try this dish? Is this not sweet enough?" Hannah said with a smile.

"I think it looks good! If it's too sweet, it will make me fat. I have to go on a diet!" Jenny answered.

"Did Tiara say when she would come?" Nadine asked.

"She came with me! Ms. Hana, may I have two bowls please? I'll get Tiara to taste it!" Jenny is very greedy. Just tasting food was not enough for her. She also asked for a bowl and did not forget her friend.

Hana couldn't hide her excitement. "Nadine, please get them two bowls. I will go out first and meet Tiara."

"Okay mom. Be careful not to walk too fast. Your leg will hurt again later," Nadine thought about Hana's leg which was still sore.

Hana rushed out of the kitchen and saw Tiara wearing the white dress she had just bought. She looked beautiful and tall like a fairy, no longer the small and skinny country girl she had in mind when they were in the village.

"Are you Tiara?" Hannah looked at her happily.

"Auntie, I haven't seen you in a long time. You haven't changed at all, still as beautiful as ever." Tiara stepped forward and smiled.

"Tiara, you're good at talking," Hana said with a laugh. "I'm old and my hair is all gray. It's not like I'm getting prettier! Your mother would've been very happy to see you," Hana stepped forward and held Tiara's hand. "How are you? Where do you live now?"

"I'm fine, Auntie. After my mother died, my aunt took care of me. Now I live with my aunt's family. My uncle and aunt don't have any daughters, so I'm the only daughter in their family," Tiara explained briefly about her family situation.

"Back then, I was joking with your mother, saying that when you grow up, you will be my daughter-in-law. But I can't find you. In the blink of an eye, you're an adult and Harris already has the woman he loves. Tiara, you can't be my daughter-in-law. But do you want to be my daughter?" Hana looked at her with a warm smile.

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