"Bima, do you know why I respected my daughter's request not to be with you?" Marsha smiled faintly.

"Why?" asked Bhima.


"You are too stubborn. You want everything to go according to your decision so my daughter thought that I will be restrained by you. You decide and break your son and your grandchildren's marriages as you wish. You decide what's best for them. Will you also dictate my life later?" Marsha looked at Bima carefully after saying that.

Bima was really surprised when he heard that. And after he overcame his surprise, he lowered his head. He was completely silent and didn't say a word.

In the past, he asked his assistant to contact Marsha's daughter. He wanted to bribe her so that she'd agree with their relationship.

But opposed their relationship more after that. She even threatened to cut off her relationship with Marsha as mother and child if Marsha persisted to be with Bima.

Marsha doesn't want to lose her daughter so she decides to end her relationship with Bima and become friends.

During this time, Bima thought that Marsha refused to have a relationship with him because her daughter always opposed their relationship.

He thought Marsha rejected him because of his daughter, but it turned out that she had another reason.

"If I don't arrange Jenny's wedding, is it still possible for us to be together?" Bima suddenly asked.

"Impossible. Now I'm after her," Marsha didn't answer, Tirta did.

"Tirta, don't do that to your own friend," Bima complained angrily.

Tirta replied, "Marsha doesn't want you and her daughter doesn't agree with your relationship either. But her daughter is not against mine."

"Marsha, is that true? I want to hear it directly from you," Bima couldn't believe it.

"I think it's better for the three of us to be friends," Marsha replied gracefully.

Bima looks so annoyed after hearing Tirta's challenge, but Marsha is too calm. Tirta became a little disappointed when he saw her.

This love triangle is Jenny's great plan. She was the one who arranged all of this. She felt that she had to find someone who could make her grandfather aware of what he'd been doing to her.

At that moment, the house phone rang. The butler picked up the phone and gave it to Bima.

After answering the call, the expression on Bima's face completely changed.

"Bima, what happened?" from her expression, Marsha knew something was wrong with her.

Bima looked at Marsha and answered, "Looks like Sherry doesn't have anything to do with Jonathan."

"How come?" Marsha asked patiently.

"I searched for evidence of Jonathan and Sherry's relationship, hoping that Jenny would give up. My assistant went to the television station where Sherry worked and immediately asked the chief in charge. Sherry lost her position as news anchor and became hostile since then. That's why she pushed Jenny off the stairs," said Bima.

Tirta laughed. "I think Jonathan is a good guy. In such a dangerous situation, he saved Jenny using his own body."

"Had it been Jenny, her injuries would have been worse than Jonathan's. That man risked his life to protect her. What else are you afraid of?" Marsha also helps.

"I… I'll think about it again." In the end, Bima still didn't want to give up so easily.

Jenny had been barred from leaving the house since her birthday party. She was not even allowed to go to Atmajaya Group.

Bima also locked himself at home. For three days straight, he tried to think about this matter. But he still hasn't found the answer.

Jenny borrows her mother's cell phone to call Marsha. "Grandma Marsha, this is Jenny. It's been three days, but my grandfather still hasn't found the answer. Would you like to come and visit our house?"

"I'll come this afternoon. Tell your mother to prepare some nice tea for me," Marsha said with a laugh.

"Is it not possible for you to return together with my grandfather? Grandpa is tough, but he can change," Jenny pleaded. "He's so used to being harsh like this. But he is gentle only to you. Are you not touched at all?"

"I'm old and I'm used to being alone. I don't want to have what you young people strive for," Marsha said with a little laugh. "Your own mother is still very young. Why didn't she remarry?"

"My mom hasn't met the right person yet, but you have!" Jenny said. "Come to the house. I'll prepare some good tea for you. My aunt is also a tea lover and she collected many with unique flavors."

Marsha laughed. "Good. I will come and accompany your grandfather for tea,"

Jenny was overjoyed to hear that. "Thank you, Grandma. I will prepare various snacks as well for the two of you."

After the call ended, Jenny looked at her mother. "Mother, Grandma Marsha will come to the house this afternoon. Is there any hope for Jonathan and I?"

"Jonathan sacrificed himself to save you. I am very grateful to him for that."

"But Jonathan hasn't contacted me for three days after he proposed to me. Does he not want me anymore? Or maybe he got angry and decided to leave?" Jenny said, biting her lip. "Maybe he was really hurt because of Grandpa that day."

Maria thought for a moment and said, "I will lend you my cell phone. You can see what he's doing on his social media."

"Actually, after grandpa confiscated my phone, I can still open social media from my tablet. I've uploaded a lot of photos, but Jonathan doesn't comment at all. Or maybe he didn't see it," Jenny said sadly.

She actually had other ways to contact Jonathan. She could have contacted Rudi and asked for his help in finding him. But it doesn't seem fair to Rudi.

"How about you take a picture of your ring?" Maria looked at her daughter's hand. "Take a pic while eating and show your ring! Then post it on social media to remind Jonathan."

"Should I take the initiative first?" Jenny said.

"Yes," Maria nodded.

Jenny listened to her mother's words and posted the photo. She did not expect to immediately get an answer from Jonathan

Jonathan: The ring is beautiful!

Jenny was delighted to hear from him, even if it was only a short text. She immediately replied.

Jenny : A handsome man gave it to me. Of course the ring is beautiful too!

As soon as the reply was sent, Jonathan immediately video-call her.

Jenny accepted the call in no time, not caring even when her mother was still there. On the other side of the screen, Jonathan is seen still lying on a hospital bed.

"Hey, what's up?" Jenny asked with a smile.

"There is a handsome man chasing you. What should I do?" Jonathan asked on purpose.

"You'll be my backup," Jenny said, playing dumb.

Jonathan chuckled. "You didn't contact me for three days, but you always posted photos on social media. I thought you followed your grandfather's decision and rejected my proposal, and maybe want to return the ring I gave you."

Jenny was surprised to hear that. She didn't expect Jonathan to think that way. "I thought you were hurt and angry after grandpa scolded you in front of the guests on my birthday and that you regretted proposing to me and decided to ignore me."

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