"So you will try to separate them first, but if you can't, you will help them. Am I right?" Anya asked.

"It's already late. You guys go home. Hurry up and pick up Arka and Aksa. I'm worried because Nico is the one looking after them," Indah loves her twin grandsons so much. She was afraid that something had happened at Nico's house. What if her grandsons got hurt? To her, Nico was unreliable.


Anya and Aiden left her house and went to pick up their two little heroes at Nico's house.

As they almost reached their destination, they saw Aksa jump from the second floor's window.

"Ahhh!" Anya was shocked to death. She ran fast, hoping to catch her son, but was still a step slower.

Aksa didn't fall to the ground, but onto a giant air cushion below. But he couldn't control himself. He bounced, fell, and rolled on the ground.

From upstairs, Arka shouted loudly. "Aksa step aside. I want to jump too!"

Aksa felt so dizzy that he could not stand alone. That's why Arka couldn't come down.

"Nico, what are you doing?" Aiden shouted angrily.

"Uncle, don't worry. I watched over them. I've also tried it before, there won't be any danger," Nico replied.

Tara had just returned home and saw Anya and Aiden standing in the garden of her house. "Anya, you've come?"

"Tara, please check on Aksa right now. He just jumped out of the second floor's window," Anya said frantically.

When she heard this, Tara immediately threw her bag on the ground, "Where is he?"

"On the air cushion," Nico pointed at the air cushion under the window.

"Let me see," Tara immediately climbed onto the air cushion and examined Aksa.

When Aksa jumped earlier, Anya and Aiden both ran to catch him. But their distance was too far so they couldn't reach him in time.

Now, they could only let Aksa on top of the air cushion without daring to move him. They are afraid that it will harm him.

Tara examined Aksa very carefully and breathed a sigh of relief. "It is okay. He just got dizzy from jumping from a high place."

Meanwhile, Arka was still at the second floor's window. Upon hearing that Aksa felt dizzy, Arka immediately stepped back and closed the window.

Nico couldn't say anything to defend himself. He didn't dare to raise his head and could only lower his head in fear.

Ten minutes later Aksa finally woke up and threw up.

"Nico, you're an adult right? Look what you were doing. You allowed a child to jump out of a window that high," Tara said angrily.

"Brother Nico also tried it and nothing happened. That's why we wanted to try it too!" Arka tried to defend Nico.

"He's a lot heavier than you and can land on those pads by controlling his body. But look at Aksa, he kept bouncing then rolled on the ground, unable to stand on his own. Is it still the same?" Aiden asked with a serious face.

"I have a VIP patient so I came home late. I didn't expect this to happen when I got home. We bought the pads for the slide from the children's room to the park. I didn't think he would use it first so Arka and Aksa could jump out of the window," Tara felt so angry when she said that.

That night, Aiden was really angry at his nephew. A grown man with a child-like brain.

Tara wasn't home and Nico was a total idiot. But what made Anya and Aiden even more angry was that there were no maids or anyone to stop Nico. Or at least, the maids could call Aiden or Anya.

Anya also felt angry and immediately reprimanded the butler. "You can work here because Sister Maria wants you to take care of Nico and his children. But do you think that my children are not the children of the Atmajaya Family too?"

Aiden didn't bother to rebuke the maid, but Anya couldn't help herself.

"Madam, we already told him that this was too dangerous. But Mr Nico wouldn't listen to us. We couldn't do anything about it," the butler said.

"If he wouldn't listen to you, couldn't you call me? Don't you know mine or Aiden's phone number? Couldn't you go to my house to call me? You could call anyone to stop Nico. But what did you do?" Anya asked.

"Madam, forgive us. We didn't think about it. Now Young Master Aksa is awake. Please forgive us," the maid pleaded.

The expression on Anya's face was cold. This matter was about her children and she couldn't easily accept it. "And does that mean you are innocent? You are the butler of this house and you know how Nico is. You are responsible for taking care of this family. Be it Nico's children, or any other children who come to this place. It is your responsibility to take care of them and protect them from harm."

"I'll be more careful next time. Mrs Maria herself sent me to this house. Plus, Young Master Arka and Young Master Aksa are very naughty. They don't want to listen to me. I've tried to persuade them before…"

"Go. You're fired," Anya interrupted him.

"Madam…" the butler was surprised.

"I know that she personally sent you here but I'll talk to her. If she had known what had happened today, she would have made the same decision. Just because they were naughty, you decided to ignore them? What happens to them in this house is your responsibility. I know my two sons are naughty, but they are still small. They still don't know which one is harmful and which isn't," Anya stood up straight and with a stern look. After that, she told Tara to give the butler the last salary and sent him away.

Nico didn't dare say a word. The butler was the one who had taken care of him long ago, but he couldn't defend himself.

"Nico!" After the butler left, Anya turned her attention to Nico.

Nico stepped forward, approaching her with fear.

"Auntie, I know I was wrong. Don't throw me out. If I leave here, my children won't have a father anymore," Nico immediately apologized to Anya.

"The butler's fired. He is not doing his job properly. What's your fault?" Anya's voice sounded very cold.

"I… I should have made sure this play was safe before letting the kids try it out," Nico said.

"If you want to build a slide for your children, you should hire professionals to make sure that it's safe to use. Don't harm your children. I really want to kick you out, but this is your house and I can't do it." Anya took a deep breath. "Aiden, let's go home."

"If Aksa is hungry tonight, give him some porridge first. Try to keep an eye on him. If not, then he's fine. If anything feels uncomfortable, take him to the hospital immediately." 

Before Anya and Aiden went home, Tara checked Aksa once more. After making sure nothing was wrong, she let the four of them go.

After they all went home, Tara immediately scolded Nico.

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