"Stop. We're behind you," Aiden said in a deep voice after taking over Anya's cell phone. After that, he immediately hung up the call.

Jonathan then quickly looked for a safe place to pull over.


Jenny looks nervous as their car stops. "What did my uncle say?"

"He's behind us. We'd better wait for them first," Jonathan said calmly.

Jenny was really scared to hear that. "Uncle, let me go down alone. You just go."

Jonathan reached out and grabbed her hand tightly. "Do you want me to leave you? How could I do that?"

"But if my uncle finds out we're together, he won't let you go!" Jenny was more worried about Jonathan than she was for herself.

The Atmajaya family is quite strict when it comes to her. Whether in Indonesia or abroad, there must be family members to watch over people she's in contact with. They don't want Jenny's to overstep the boundary they set for her.

This time, she made the entire Atmajaya Family members think that she was staying at Diana's house. But the truth was she lied and spent the night with Jonathan.

Aiden pulled his car in front of Jonathan's to block his way. Actually, Jonathan didn't intend to run away, but Aiden was just on guard. If the man really wanted to leave, he would be in trouble.

"Get off," with a gloomy face, Aiden walked over to the passenger seat and opened it.

Jenny could see her uncle's scary face from her seat. Her hand was still holding a box containing the fried chicken she bought earlier. Even though she was afraid, she tried to lighten the mood. "Uncle, do you want some chicken?"

"I hope you can still laugh when you meet your grandfather and mother later!" Aiden grabbed her hand and asked her to get out of the car, but Jenny didn't want to.

Aiden felt so angry when he saw it. He picked up the chicken box that Jenny was holding and dropped it on the ground. "Hurry down! We're going home!"

"Aiden, don't be so rude. Don't scare Jenny," Anya walked over to him and grabbed Aiden's hand.

Jonathan immediately approached and stood in front of Aiden. "Aiden, it's not Jenny's fault."

Aiden stepped back and let Jenny go. But a second later, he hit Jonathan in the face.

"Uncle Jonathan!" Jenny screamed and was about to get out of the car. But Jonathan's back was blocking the door so she couldn't get out.

Aiden didn't wait for Jonathan's reaction. He hit him again, this time in the stomach. Jonathan immediately fell to the ground.

"Brother!" Anya was too shocked to react, she did not dare to help him. She knew this was all Jonathan's fault.

Aiden was furious that Jonathan didn't take Jenny home last night. That's why Anya could not help Jonathan.

Jenny couldn't open the door beside her so she jumped into the driver's seat and got out of there. She tried to help Jonathan, but Aiden immediately caught her hand.

"Let's go home now!" Aiden's eyes look really scary.

Jenny tried to rebel. She turned back and looked at Jonathan worriedly. "Uncle Jonathan… Uncle Jonathan…"

Jonathan struggled to his feet. Even though he was in pain, he still stood up straight. Then looked at Aiden. "Aiden, I will ask for Jenny's hand from your family. I will marry her."

"Do you think my family will accept it after you guys crossed the line? Jonathan, I thought you were a responsible man. But you really let me down." Aiden didn't want to talk to Jonathan anymore. He immediately dragged Jenny to his car.

"I don't want to go! I will not leave Uncle Jonathan. Let me go!" Jenny continued to struggle.

Anya approached her and tried to persuade her. "Jenny, listen to us. You'd better go home first."

"Jenny, I'm going to the Atmajaya Family this afternoon. Now go home with your uncle first, " said Jonathan.

Jenny's eyes reddened as she looked at Jonathan. "You have to come. Promise me."

"I promise I'll come," Jonathan said.

Anya held Jenny's hand gently. "Let's go home first."

Jenny finally followed Anya into the car, leaving Aiden and Jonathan alone. "I said I was going to marry Jenny. Even if you kill me, I will still marry her."

"This problem will be closed. Jenny stayed at Anya's mother's house last night and you didn't see her." Aiden decides to hide all this from his family, for the good of them both. 

"Whether you can persuade my dad and her mother or not is your business. Jonathan, Jenny likes you and I'm not going to get in the way of your relationship. But you crossed the line yesterday." After saying that, Aiden turned and left.

Jonathan then shouted. "Two years ago, I forced her to leave so she could get more experience out there. But now I want to take responsibility for her. I want to protect her and give her happiness."

Aiden didn't answer. He entered his car and left from there.

On the way home, Jenny told him everything that happened last night.

"Uncle Jonathan didn't do anything to me last night. He didn't take advantage when I was drunk. This morning, I took the initiative to approach him. Don't blame him," Jenny said tearfully.

"Jenny, you are a woman. You should be able to protect yourself, do you understand? Your uncle has no ill intentions. He only cares about you and wants to protect you. You and Jonathan are still not engaged or married. Even your current relationship is still unclear and does not get the blessing of the family. This is not the time to go any further. The first step you're supposed to take is to seek approval from the family," Anya took a tissue and gently wiped Jenny's tears.

"Auntie, it took me two years to approach him. I struggled to persuade him until he accepted me. I don't want to miss this opportunity and I want to be his. At first, Grandpa promised me that as long as I finished my schooling, he would not go against my decision. But what did he do?" Jenny said. "If, by returning to the Atmajaya Family I can't live freely like this, it's better if I don't come back."

"Do you think you are the most righteous here? As a woman, you can't even protect yourself. Do you think Jonathan is really the best for you?" Aiden yelled.

"I can't choose who I fall in love with. I am a grown up and I want to be with the man I love. Why can't I do it?" Jenny snapped back.

"I don't think the Atmajaya Family should know what happened last night," Anya looked at her husband carefully. Seeing the man not answering, she continued, "Last night, Brother Jonathan was indeed guilty. You already beat him. As long as he wants to take responsibility and Jenny likes him, it would be better if we support their relationship."

"Whatever!" Aiden said in an uneasy tone. He was not angry at Anya, but at Jonathan and Jenny. However, since he was so angry, he accidentally took it out on his wife.

Aiden felt that Jonathan still had a chance if he tried to persuade the Atmajaya Family with his tenacity. However, Jonathan and Jenny decide to go the wrong path.

"Uncle Jonathan said if you don't approve of our relationship, we'll elope. No matter what you do, you can't stop me," Jenny said.

"You're too naive. Do you know that?" Aiden sneered.

Anya just smiled sadly. "Aiden, they're in love."

"Stupid!" Aiden took a deep breath. "After coming home, you have to pretend nothing happened last night. Don't say anything, do you understand?"

"What if grandpa and mom ask?" Jenny asked.

"Say that you went back to my mother's house. She will help to hide this problem. The bodyguards at her house are working for your uncle and they will obey his words. Don't worry, they won't know," said Anya.

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