Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 808 - A Good Wife And Mother

"Divorce him, take my two children and go. I don't want to be with him anymore," Tara snorted coldly.

"You won't be able to bring them with you. If you want a divorce from Nico, the Atmajaya Family will not let you bring the children. Apart from Nico, no one will care about you," said Anya.


"Are you also not going to care for me?" Tara looked at her in disbelief.

"So far, you have been eating and drinking at my house. My husband and I have supported you, your husband and your children. What else can I do?" Anya asked on purpose.

Tara laughed. "You are my aunt. Of course you have to look after and take care of your niece and nephew!"

"You don't have parents to take care of you two so Aiden and I always take care of you. So what if you split up? I won't be able to do much about it. Don't let yourself say you're going to divorce Nico and hurt his heart. Just let me know what you need," Anya said with a smile.

"I didn't tell him. But I'm afraid he's waiting for me to say the word," Tara said disappointedly.

"Don't you still know what kind of person Nico is? If he didn't really like you, would he wait for you for two years? With his family's support now, without doing anything, you can live comfortably with him. What kind of woman wouldn't want to be with him? Why did he have to wait two years for you?" Anya said.

Tara doesn't deny it. Even though he wasn't married to her, Nico still had so many options.

But if Tara hadn't married Nico, she probably wouldn't have been able to find a man more suited than Nico.

Tara loves money, and Nico has a lot of it.

She wants a husband with a handsome face, and Nico has not only a handsome face but also an attractive appearance.

Tara can't do housework, and Nico has many servants and doesn't demand Tara to do housework.

Actually, after marrying Nico, Tara's life was very comfortable. She didn't have to worry about anything.

Until she found herself pregnant and would become a mother. 

The distance between them began to widen and Tara felt that Nico wasn't helping her.

"I know Nico loves me and he is the best man for me. I love him too and it's not easy for me to say I'm going to divorce him. I allowed him to be an actor and do movies so he could gain experience, so that he could be as mature and good as Aiden," said Tara.

"Tara, how could Nico become like Aiden in such a short time? Nico is not Aiden and he will never be Aiden. Did you love him when you married him?" Anya asked.

"I married him because I liked his character. With Nico beside me, I feel comfortable and at ease. But I don't like children and I don't know how to interact with them. That's why I asked Nico to take care of them. I want him to be a father figure and a good example to…"

"Stop, stop. You don't like children. You support Nico to do movies so that he grows up, becomes a good father. Then how about you?" Anya doesn't understand Tara's way of thinking.

"Children are dirty and smelly. If they don't eat, they can only cry and waste their parent's time and energy. It's really troublesome. I didn't want to have children, but everyone told me to have them. I'm fine with carrying those kids, but after giving birth, let Nico take care of them!" Tara said.

"Are you not the mother of those children? Why don't you want to do anything and hope that your children will immediately be born as grown ups? You told Nico to be a good father, but how about you? Can you be a good mother?"

Tara is stunned when Anya asks her.

Anya is right. Can she be a good mother?

"I… Anyway, I don't care. I don't want to have children. I've given birth to them and let people who love children and care about them take care of them. And again, Nico has let me down. I let him pursue his dream so that he could return to being a role model for his kids. But instead, he was looking for other women out there."

"I feel that it's not just Nico who needs a lot of experience. But you too. He learned to be a good father, so you should also learn to be a good mother," Anya returned the main topic to the parenting issue between Nico and Tara, not the affair.

"I'm busy working. Can't I just find a caregiver to look after my children?" Tara asked.

"What if those kids love their caregiver more than you? You were pregnant for 9 months, then gave birth to them with difficulty. How come you let them love someone else?" Anya said deliberately.

"You are right. I risked my life giving birth to them. But Nico cheated on me. He has another woman. What should I do?"

"Nico didn't have an affair, he didn't do anything. But that doesn't mean there won't be other women chasing him. It goes the same for Aiden. There are so many women who like him, but Aiden doesn't do anything. If you keep being tough on Nico, isn't that the same as pushing him into another woman's arms? What if Nico really ran away? Doesn't that mean you have to take care of your two children alone? Do you want that?" Anya asked.

Although Tara was displeased, she knew that what Anya said was true.

She knew that Nico wasn't doing anything, but when she heard that a woman was trying to get close to him, Tara felt uncomfortable.

"What do you think I should do? I'll follow your advice," Tara said at last.

"Isn't the woman who approached Nico from the set? Come with him. Wherever he goes filming, you will follow him along with your children. You can bring bodyguards, nurses and maids to help you," said Anya.

"What about my job?" Tara thought about her clinic which had so many branches.

"How much money did you get from your clinic? How much money did Nico get from the Atmajaya Family? How many shares and assets does he own? What does your money mean? You just need lots of exercise, get back into shape and relax. Without doing anything, just with Nico by your side, the money will flow to you by itself," said Anya.

Tara fell silent and then nodded. She was surprised by Anya's words. "That makes a lot of sense. Then, what should I do if a woman seduces my husband?"

"It's only natural that many women like Nico because he has everything. He has a handsome face, attractive appearance and a rich family. But that doesn't mean Nico likes them too, right? If you leave him, it means you are stupid. After all, nobody wants to have a relationship with someone who takes them for granted," Anya said, expressing her opinion from a woman's point of view.

"I know Nico is innocent. He loves me so much that even though I'm mad at him, he still thinks about buying me food." After calming herself down, Tara's mind became clearer. She felt that Nico has been very good to her.

"Then why are you dissatisfied with him? Why do you keep being tough when he's so nice to you? Tara, how do you think I am in Aiden's eyes?" Anya asked.

"You are a good wife and mother," Tara said.

"You are also good in Nico's eyes, just as I am in Aiden's eyes. If husband and wife love each other, how could any woman out there have a chance to break their marriage apart?" Anya said with a smile.

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