"Now can you tell us what happened?" Aiden asked, raising his eyebrows while looking at his niece.

"There was a woman at Uncle Jonathan's house. It turns out that he already has a girlfriend. And that he never thought of me as a woman. I like him, but he never saw me as I am.." Jenny said in a low voice.


Aiden felt ridiculous and said, "You call him uncle, of course he thinks of you as his niece. Then what's the problem? It's only natural that he has a girlfriend."

Anya nudged her husband's hand and looked at him sharply.

"You are all the same. You guys feel that I don't fit in with him. But I love him. Together with him, I feel calm and comfortable. Grandpa said, as long as I finished my studies, he wouldn't say anything against me anymore. But as soon as I left, Uncle Jonathan got another woman. He can't wait for me to finish my studies and marry him," the more she told him, the more tears streamed down Jenny's face.

Anya asked for a new towel and rubbed Jenny's face again, comforting her. "Jenny, you are beautiful, kind and intelligent. Any man who can get you is very lucky. If there's a guy who doesn't like you, it means he's the loser!"

"Auntie…" Jenny grabbed Anya's hand and cried even harder.

"Falling in love with someone who doesn't love you is like chasing your own shadow. Do you understand? What you want will never come true," Aiden didn't want to disappoint Jenny. He didn't want to keep her with false hopes.

Jenny's cries grew louder. Her tears flowed like a flood that hit the city and nothing could stop it.

Anya's heart ached to see her sad.

"If you keep crying, I will cry too," Anya said with bloodshot eyes.

"Auntie, why doesn't he like me? What's my fault?" Jenny asked.

Aiden let out a long breath helplessly. "You have no faults. But you are not the woman he wants."

Jenny had never imagined that Jonathan would end up the most important man in her life.

The man who was once a nobody, captivated her heart and had her held him dearly.

His sharp yet gentle gaze...

She didn't even know when she fell in love with him.

Perhaps the reason was because Jonathan was so patient with her and supported her when she was heartbroken.

She thought that the man also had the same feelings as her, but since he was worried that the Atmajaya Family would not accept him, Jonathan never approached her.

In the end, Jenny decided to obey her family and went abroad.

She thought that when she came back after finishing her studies, Jonathan would still be waiting for her.

And that they could live happily ever after.

But she didn't expect that Jonathan already had a girlfriend.

Jenny felt helpless. She didn't know what lacked from herself. She didn't know why Jonathan chose Sherry over her.

On Christmas Day, Jonathan told her, "Jenny, I hope you can study diligently and return to being a better person."

Even Alisa supported her.

Jenny was overly confident that the two of them would be waiting for her.

But as soon as she left, another figure had replaced her to hold the hand she longed for, the hand that should have intertwined with hers...

"Listen to your uncle's advice. Forget him," Aiden said calmly.

"You should be able to understand your own feelings," Anya whispered.

"Why does the person I like, never like me?" Jenny felt hurt and frustrated.

"Jenny, you should know that some people simply can't wait. They immediately give up and don't try when they know they can't do it. Just because you want them, doesn't mean you can get to be with them. And just because you like them doesn't mean they're the best for you." Aiden reached out and stroked Jenny's head. There was no other way but to persuade her to give up.

Jenny shook her head repeatedly. "Uncle, I can't live without him. Can you help me?"

"What should I do? Forcing him to marry you? Forcing him to choose you? Do I need to throw him away?" Aiden's face turned cold.

Anya patted Jenny on the shoulder gently. "If you keep doing this, we will keep him away from you. But remember, what's wrong with what Brother Jonathan did? You like him, but he doesn't return your feelings. Is it wrong?"

"No…" Jenny whispered. After crying loudly, she felt a little more relieved and calm.

If her family was really going to kick Jonathan out, it wouldn't be fair for the man and Alisa as well.

Jonathan always treated her well. He just couldn't love her and it wasn't his fault.

"Uncle, I don't regret falling in love with him and I can't give up. Tomorrow, help me meet him at Grandma Diana's house. I will end everything once for all. How about you accompany me? I can't face him alone," Jenny said tearfully.

Aiden looked at his niece and nodded. "Now go to sleep. There's no need to think about anything. Let me arrange everything. So don't cry anymore. If you keep crying, your eyes will be swollen tomorrow. Even if you want to end your relationship, you must still look beautiful so that no one can underestimate you."

Jenny nodded weakly and returned to her room to rest.

Aiden walked over to Anya and sat beside her. He pulled his wife into his arms and said, "Sorry, I bothered you today."

Anya laughed a little hearing that. "We are husband and wife. Your niece is also my niece. Earlier when I picked her up, Jenny was crying in Rudi's arms. And a lot of people saw them."

"A lot of people saw them?" Aiden's eyebrows rose.

"To make her happy, Rudi set off fireworks and made an officer come to him. The neighbors who heard the commotion came to defend Jenny, thinking that she was crying because she couldn't light the fireworks," Anya laughed when she told the story.

"Master, everything is ready." At that moment, one of Aiden's bodyguards came to report.

"Okay, you can rest," said Aiden. After that, he looked towards Anya. "Is the person you set up reliable?"

"Of course. Nico personally introduced him. He is number one in the nightclub. Handsome and has extraordinary stamina," said Anya.

"Are you jealous?" Aiden's big hands slipped behind Anya's back and wrapped around her waist. "Your husband is also handsome and has great stamina. Do you want to give it a try?"

"Can I refuse?" Anya laughed.

"You can't!" Aiden then carried her upstairs.

As soon as they entered their room, their lips immediately met. The temperature in the room slowly grew warmer as they kissed each other. They could feel that their love was multiplying.

Anya lay on the bed with her head on Aiden's shoulder. "Your man used sunglasses to trick Jessica. And she had absolutely no idea that she was being deceived."

"If Jessica wasn't so greedy, and didn't want something that wasn't hers, we wouldn't have done this to her," Aiden said.

"My husband is mine. No one can take him from me!" Anya slightly stood up to kiss Aiden's lips. 

And after that, they hugged each other tightly.

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