Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 788 - Looking At My Old Self

"So, for Jenny not to come near Jonathan again, you want to send her to study abroad?" Anya had no idea that the Atmajaya Family was planning to send Jenny away from Indonesia, to separate her from Jonathan.

"Sis Maria didn't agree at first. But for Jenny's sake, she finally accepted it," Aiden said calmly.


Anya felt sorry for Maria. She has just been reunited with her biological daughter after years being apart. But it looks like they are going to separate again now.

"When are you going to send her overseas?" Anya asked.

"After Christmas. Brother Ivan is going abroad to take care of a branch company and he will take Jenny with him. As long as he's around, we can rest easy. Jenny will be fine," Aiden said.

"You had it all planned. Now, as long as dad can win the game, Jenny must obey his words. But none of you asked what she really wanted," Anya also loves Jenny. She felt that it was unfair for Jenny to be treated like this.

Seeing Anya slightly emotional, Aiden looked at her with concern. "Anya, what's wrong with you?"

"Do you remember what you did before I went to France?" Anya smiled blandly. "With the excuse of thinking what's best for me, you forced me to divorce you and abort my pregnancy. But back then, no one asked me what I wanted…" her voice sounded a little choked when talking about the past. 

"Why don't you ask her what she wants and what she feels is best for herself? Why do you have to decide everything for her? What right do you have to decide who she should love and not? You know that sister Maria had just found her daughter, but now you want to separate them again…"

With a loud sound, the plate that Maria was holding fell to the floor. Her eyes reddened as she lowered her head and picked up the broken pieces. Feelings of guilt over those days came back to haunt her. No matter how much time passed, the wound would never heal.

And Anya doesn't want anyone else to get hurt, just like she was before.

"Madam, let me clean it," one of the maids immediately approached Maria.

"Sis…" Anya approached her and gently held her hand.

"Anya, I…"

"Don't let the pain I've felt happen to Jenny again. How about we listen to what she wants first? Brother Jonathan is also very understanding. He will definitely want to work with us," Anya said gently.

"You lost! You must admit your defeat!" Bima said happily.

"I admit my defeat. For Jonathan's sake, I will go abroad and study well to grow up. One day, I will be someone who can help him," Jenny said firmly.

When Bima heard her words, a frown appeared on his forehead. Jenny agrees to go overseas, but that doesn't mean she will just forget her feelings.

Jenny then turned and looked at Aiden. "Uncle, I know you're working with grandpa. You want to send me overseas and keep me away from Jonathan so he can find another woman."

"Who said that? I want you to fall in love with another man. It's possible that you'll find one with blonde hair and blue eyes. Who knows, you'll come home with a mixed kid next year," Aiden wasn't someone who used to joke around. It was strange to hear him say that.

Jenny felt angry when she heard it. "I will still be married to Jonathan! Just wait. I will finish school early!"

Aiden reached out his hand and stroked her head. "Why do you sound like you're going to war? Just relax, you'll definitely come back."

"You guys eat," after losing the game, Jenny felt her mood deteriorate. Then she decided to go to her room.

But Bima had already made up his mind. Aiden and Ivan also felt the same way. They thought sending Jenny abroad for two years would be the best decision.

After eating, Harris accompanied Bima to play chess, while the others sat on the sofa and chatted.

"Why do you two want Jenny to study abroad?" Raisa asked.

"Yeah, what's the real reason?" said Anya.

Aiden and Ivan's gazes met, as if telling each other to answer the question.

Finally, it was Tara who spoke up. "They wanted Jenny to understand her feelings for Jonathan. They wanted her to know if this love she was feeling was temporary, or really true love. But only time will tell."

"Is that true?" Anya looked at the two men in front of her.

Ivan and Aiden nodded simultaneously.

"Jenny is still young. There is no need to rush into marriage. Let her study first. Ivan and I will accompany her. That way, nothing will happen to her," Raisa said.

Meanwhile, inside a room on the second floor, Maria was talking to Jenny.

"Jenny, if you don't want to go, let me talk to your grandfather," Maria said softly.

"No need, mom. I know they all think that I'll just make things difficult for Jonathan if I marry him. If Grandpa considers that studying abroad for two years would help me, I will go. I will go and prove myself," said Jenny. "Mom, can I have my phone back?"

Maria laughed and took Jenny's cell phone out of her pocket. "Once you've made up your mind, I won't say anything more."

"Okay," after getting the phone, Jenny immediately turned it on. But there wasn't a single message or call from Jonathan.

She disappeared for a week. Doesn't Jonathan miss her?

Seeing the sadness in her daughter's eyes, Maria asked. "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing. I wanted to stay at Grandma Diana's house for a few days. Can I?" Jenny asked.

"Aren't you going to bother her? You always go there. What if you trouble her?" Maria felt so jealous. Jenny is her daughter, but she does not want to live with her.

Instead, Jenny spent most of her time staying at Diana's house and helping her in the garden.

"It's very comfortable there. I don't like it when I have to meet grandpa at home," Jenny muttered. "Otherwise, I'll be staying with my mom and dad for a few days."

Maria then stroked her head gently. Of course this matter would make Jenny feel annoyed with Bima. "You can go wherever you want. If you want to stay at Diana's house, that's okay too. It's closer to your uncle's over there."

"I'll come with uncle later," Jenny felt relieved that she was finally out of the house after a week. Without waiting long, she immediately packed all her belongings.

That night, Jenny went with Aiden and Anya to Diana's house.

When she found out that Jenny was coming, Diana didn't go to bed as early as usual. She waited for Jenny's arrival while watching TV in the living room.

Upon arrival, Diana could see that Jenny was looking a little sad. The girl just greeted her briefly and went straight into her usual room.

Anya took her mother's hand and whispered, "The Atmajaya family does not agree with Jenny and Brother Jonathan's relationship. They wanted to send her away overseas. She'll be gone after Christmas and maybe she'll stay there until that day."

Diana nodded. "I understand. Don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Mother, I've always troubled you. You're the best indeed. Jenny always runs here whenever there is a problem," Anya leaned her head on Diana's shoulder and cuddled up to her mother.

Diana stroked her daughter's head gently, feeling very pleased with Anya's indulgence. But her mouth could not help but tease, "You've already got two children but still acting spoiled like this. Come home quickly. Arka and Aksa must have been waiting."

"Aiden put them to sleep," Anya held her mother's hand tighter and then she said in a low voice, "I felt uncomfortable when I saw what happened to Jenny. I feel like I saw my old self…"

Diana then stroked Anya's head gently. She knew that what the Atmajaya Family did in the past would forever remain in her daughter's heart.

Indeed, Anya had forgiven them, but only time could heal her wound. Seeing the situation repeating itself for Jenny, Anya felt like her old wound reopened.

"The situation was different with you back then. Jenny is too young and doesn't understand the meaning of love. Jonathan is also busy taking care of his work and Alisa. He doesn't have time to think about marriage right now," Diana said, comforting her daughter.

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