"Harris, how many times have I told you? He is your boss at work, but outside of it, he is your uncle. You get used to listening to his orders all the time. How could you let him go on his wedding day?" Nadine felt so angry. 

"Now, what should I do?"


"Don't worry. I've arranged everything," Harris said.

Meanwhile, the weather was sunny at the estate where Anya currently was. She was wearing a traditional costume. Arka and Aksa also wore traditional ones, walking around the garden while looking at the new sight they had never seen before.

Aiden was also wearing a traditional costume, holding a camera while filming behind Anya and their children.

"Sir, the time is coming soon," a staff member said.

Aiden stopped recording and immediately ordered all the staff to get ready. "Get ready for the live broadcast."

When Anya suggested that they had a wedding at the estate, Aiden refused. He could imagine the shock of the thousand guests who came to the hotel when they realized that Anya and Aiden weren't there.

Not to mention that many people came especially for him because his fame far exceeded Ivan's.

But it couldn't be helped, right? Who told him to be his wife's slave?

If Anya said she wanted to go to the garden and have a wedding there, Aiden would immediately arrange so that they could escape without anyone knowing.

At first, he wanted to refuse it. But when his wife looked at him with an innocent and hopeful look, Aiden couldn't resist at all. Finally, he agreed to run away with their two sons.

Even though Raisa didn't want to stand side by side with Anya, it didn't mean she didn't want to have a party with her. She was just afraid of being compared to Anya and people saying that she wasn't beautiful, kind and beautiful enough to stand beside Ivan.

But after knowing Anya had gone to the garden, Raisa felt a little disappointed.

After all, her relationship with Anya had gotten much better recently. There was no more enmity or bad feelings between them.

The time has come and the wedding party can no longer wait for Anya and Aiden. The song played, Raisa and Ivan then walked into the hall side by side.

Today, Raisa became the most beautiful bride at this party.

The MC introduced the bride and groom, then told their love story since they were little.

Loud applause filled the room and everyone rejoiced in Raisa and Ivan's blessed day.

"Uncle, when you got married first, was the party this big?" Jenny suddenly asked while standing next to Jonathan.

"I… Alisa's mother and I are classmates. We only had a small wedding, it wasn't as big as this," Jonathan said with a dreamy look.

"Forgive me. I don't know," Jenny said regretfully.

Jonathan patted her on the shoulder gently. "It's okay. One day, when Alisa gets married, I will throw a magnificent wedding party for her."

"Uncle, how old is she now? How come you've thought about her wedding?" Jenny laughed.

"Maybe Alisa's marriage is still long, unlike you. Today, it seems that your grandfather and mother introduced you to many men. Is there anyone you like? I think that one handsome guy likes you and he looks pretty good," Jonathan looked at the man not far from them.

"Do you know him?" Jenny asked in a low voice.

  "It seems I know him. He is Rudi, the CEO of Aditya Group, right?" Jonathan said in a low voice.

"Yeah, you're right. Three years ago, Agnes underwent plastic surgery until she became depressed because of that man," Jenny whispered.

"So he's Agnes' ex-lover? How could he…" Jonathan was shocked.

Jenny looked at the man with disdain. "He left Agnes because he liked another woman. But now when he heard that the Atmajaya Family wanted to find a son-in-law, he wanted to be one of the candidates. Truly shameless."

Jonathan's face slightly changed after hearing that. "What did your grandfather say?"

"Grandfather said the man was probably too young and couldn't think straight at that time. It's only natural that he made a mistake. Of all the men out there today, my grandfather liked him the most. Instead of him, I'd rather marry Martin," Jenny said irritably.

"I?" Suddenly, Martin overheard Jenny and Jonathan's conversation.

"The Aditya Family is very well known abroad and their business in Indonesia is also getting better recently. From a family background, your family and theirs are very compatible. Rudi also has extraordinary abilities and appearance. I think he is the right choice," Jonathan said.

Hearing his words, Jenny felt angry. "If you feel he is the right choice, why don't you just marry him? I don't like him!"

After that, Jenny left him with an annoyed face.

"What's wrong? Is that man Jenny's potential match?" Martin asked curiously.

"Martin, pretending to be innocent in front of Jenny might work. But there's no need to pretend like that in front of me," Jonathan said with a smile.

Martin laughed too. "Jonathan, I was just kidding."

"But I admire you. It's not easy to work with the Atmajaya Family, let alone recruit Nico to be an actor. If you can get Jenny, you are very lucky. But I want to remind you that Jenny is very innocent. If you don't like her, please don't hurt her," after saying that, Jonathan moved to another place.

Martin stood where he was and shook his head repeatedly. The one he liked wasn't Jenny, but Raisa.

It's true, using Jenny can make him achieve success through the Atmajaya Family. But that means he will become in-laws with Raisa. Won't it be very painful for someone whose heart had just been broken?

He can still make money in other ways, not by making his life difficult.

However, Martin didn't expect Jonathan to be so protective of Jenny.

He looked at the stage, seeing Raisa exchange rings with Ivan and kiss each other. 

'As long as you can get your happiness, that's enough for me!' Martin said in his heart.

He was really happy for Raisa and Ivan's marriage. What's more, Martin had known the two of them since childhood. He was sure that Ivan would treat Raisa very well.

Ivan and Raisa came down from the stage to their wedding table and the MC immediately introduced the second couple of the day, Anya and Aiden.

"Anya and Aiden aren't here, but they also have their wedding on the same day. Let's look at the big screen!" The MC said loudly.

When the large screen lit up, a camera from the drone showed a sea of ​​beautiful flowers.

"This is a garden owned by the Pratama Group. When disaster strikes, Aiden and Anya were the ones who protected and saved this garden from destruction. Therefore, they decided to hold their wedding there," the MC explained again.

"The view is so beautiful."

"Outdoor weddings are also great, aren't they? Especially in the middle of a sea of ​​flowers like this."

"I also want to have a wedding like that!"

"If many guests come, the flowers will be trampled over. It's better to show them this way."

Suddenly, Nico and Tara appeared on camera.

"Hello all. I'm Nico and I'm the one who will make this wedding official," Nico said as soon as he appeared on camera.

Tara could not attend the big wedding party held by the Atmajaya Family as she was currently pregnant. That's why she decided to go with Anya to the garden and watch the wedding on a live broadcast.

"When did my brother go there?" Nadine looked at Nico on the big screen with envy.

But she couldn't say that she wanted to go to the garden because Ivan and Raisa's wedding at the hotel was equally important.

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