"I'm sorry. Jenny is still too young, so things turned out like this," Anya said sadly.

"I should be the one apologizing. I'm much older than her that she calls me uncle. But I understand what I have to do," Jonathan stopped in front of Anya's house.


"Would you like to come in for a moment?" Anya asked.

"I have an appointment with a client. I'll take Alisa to play with Arka and Aksa next time," Jonathan's smile remained soft.

Just like the first time Anya met him, Jonathan was always understanding and thought of others before himself. He will not let others feel uncomfortable around him.

After Jonathan left, Anya couldn't help but take a deep breath. She didn't know if she was doing the right thing. But she knew that Jonathan and Jenny's relationship was hopeless and wished they wouldn't make any mistake in the first place.

On the way home, Jonathan gets a call from Jenny. "Uncle, I gave Jenny a test and she got 100 marks last Sunday. But I don't want the bonus. How about you accompany me shopping and take me to dinner?"

Jonathan couldn't see her, but he could imagine the proud look on her face.

"Jenny, I'm really sorry, but my company has been very busy lately. I don't have time. How about I book a restaurant for you and you can invite your friends to eat together. I'll pay for it later," Jonathan said.

"I want to eat with you. You are the teacher of my life!" Jenny said with a frown on her face. She was not happy to be rejected by Jonathan.

Jonathan laughed. "Teacher of your life? Haha… Nice nickname though,"

"Uncle, how old are you?" Jenny asked over the phone.

"Why? You want to find me a partner again?" Jonathan teased half-jokingly.

"I'm just curious. How old are you, uncle?" Jenny asked again.

"This year, I'm 30," Jonathan said with a sneer, as if throwing sarcasm against himself.

"Uncle Aiden is older than you. By the way, my birthday is coming soon. Are you going to give me a present?" Jenny asked.

"When is your birthday?" Jonathan replied.

"August 25," Jenny answered.

Jonathan smiled. "I see. I will prepare a present that can make you happy."

Jenny's birthday came in the blink of an eye. They held an event at Diana's house, again.

Diana didn't mind it. She only lived alone with Anya before. She liked being with people so she welcomed them all warmly.

Plus, Maria and Hana were in charge of the arrangements. She didn't have to do anything other than provide flowers from her garden and lent them the space.

Although Jenny is still very childish and mischievous, she can also be responsible when she is serious.

This holiday, Alisa and Jenny became closer. They study together, sleep together. On holidays, they would go to the garden to help Diana or play.

Together with Alisa, Jenny can forget about Raka. Actually, what she feels for Raka can't be called true love.

In addition, Jenny can also teach Alisa very well and the little girl learns quickly too.

That night,  her room was filled with the gifts she received. But the only thing she was curious about— a gift from Jonathan.

After cutting the cake, she quietly went upstairs into her room to look for Jonathan's gift while everyone was eating.

Alisa wants to help her, but since there are too many gifts there, she can't find which one her father's gift is. "I found it. The one with the biggest pink ribbon!" The little girl said, shouting happily.

Jenny immediately removed the ribbon and opened the box. She saw a sparkling rabbit. It wasn't a real one but a piggy bank in the shape of an animal.

Jenny burst out laughing. Did Jonathan seriously send her this to teach her to save?

"Your father is too old-fashioned. He bought me a piggy bank. These days, we pay for everything using virtual money. Does he think I have a mountain of coins to save here?" Jenny said with a laugh.

"But the bunny is very cute. It wears a flower crown on its head. Can this rabbit break?" Alisa touched the flower above the rabbit's head.

Jenny realized that the rabbit had a unique shape. It seems that this is not an item purchased from ordinary malls. It must be ordered specifically.

"I don't know, can it break?" She said as she picked up the rabbit. Then, she saw the logo at the bottom of the box which made her eyes widen.

"Sis, someone has gone upstairs!" Alisa peeked outside the door and ran to stop Anya from going upstairs.

Jenny immediately put the rabbit back in its box and pretended to be calm as she returned downstairs.

From the logo she saw, Jenny realized that the rabbit was made of gold. The logo belongs to a very famous jewelry store. Jonathan gave her a rabbit made of pure gold!

That night, after all the guests left, Jenny asked Diana to help weigh the rabbit. It turned out that it weighed 500 grams, which meant it cost around 450 million rupiah.

"Alisa, your papa must be crazy!" Jenny was speechless.

"Papa gave a piggy bank for you, right? What's the problem?" Alisa asked in confusion.

"This is no ordinary piggy bank. In short, this piggy bank is worth much more than the money I'm going to put in it," said Jenny.

"I don't understand," Alisa couldn't digest what Jenny was saying.

Jenny then took a deep breath. "Let's sleep. It's late already," she said, then invited Alisa to enter the room.

After Alisa fell asleep, Jenny immediately called Jonathan.

"Uncle, are you crazy to give me a piggy bank made of pure gold? It's too expensive!" Jenny usually asks for pocket money from her brother Nico. She also asked her mother for money to invest in Anya's school.

But they were all her family, related to her by blood.

Meanwhile, Jonathan is not her family. She did not dare to accept such an expensive gift from her friend.

"Alisa was born without her mother. Think of it as a thank you gift for accompanying and educating her. I don't know how to express my feelings. The gift is my thanks for you," Jonathan said.

"Uncle, you are too kind. Actually, I stayed in this house during the holidays because I wanted to forget Raka. I said I would teach Alisa, but she was the one who healed me. How much does this rabbit cost? I'll pay for it!" Jenny said.

Jonathan laughed "Do you remember the last time you introduced me to Mr. Lius? He has agreed to cooperate with my company and the cooperation is quite big. I wanted to give you a bonus, but I don't think it's enough. So, I wanted to give you a special gift on your birthday."

When she heard this, Jenny immediately felt calm. "I was just introducing him to you. It's thanks to your own ability that you landed a deal with him. It's not because of me, but I'll accept this rabbit if you say so. The bunny is very pretty, especially the flower crown on her head!"

"I hope you like it. It's late, go to sleep. Good night!" Jonathan then hung up the call. 

Jenny didn't realize that Alisa had appeared from behind her. The little girl then asked. "Sis, do you like my papa?"

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