"Mother, if you find someone right for you one day..."

"I am quite satisfied having three children in my life. I am very happy now. Men out there can't be relied on. I'm too old to live in drama. What if it turns out that the guy I think of as nice is a player? I just can't bear to compete with younger girls," Maria laughed. "Why do I have to find a partner?"


"That... Makes sense too," Nico couldn't argue with his mother.

"No, don't mind me. I'm fine and I'm happy enough. I can still paint when I'm free. If I have created enough works, I want to hold an exhibition. What's the point of looking for a man? I've been busy drawing and taking care of my family. I don't have time for men," Maria said nonchalantly.

She is comfortable with her life now. Why should she bother to find love?

Hearing his mother's words, Nico laughed. "I just want you to be happy. If you are comfortable with your current life, that's okay. I will always support you!"

"I'm lucky to have you, Nadine and Jenny. I've been very lucky to have this family. Take good care of Tara. If there is something you are confused about, just ask your uncle. Being a father is different from your previous life. Your children will see you as an example and role model. They will act and speak like you," said Maria.

"I understand," after Nico hung up, he sent a text in the group chat that he agreed to pay for the meal. He also asked Hana to help arrange a special diet for Tara. All costs will be borne by him.

Hearing the news, Anya felt very happy. The Atmajaya family will be even bigger.

Anya: "Tara, don't be shy. Pregnancy is good news. Why are you hiding it from us?"

Tara: "I didn't hide it. I also just found out after checking it. (*shy*)"

Nadine: "Congratulations to brother and sister-in-law! I'll be an aunt soon!"

Jenny: "Congratulations to brother and sister-in-law!"

Harris: "Congratulations!"

Aiden: "Since Tara is pregnant, all fees are free, but it only applies for her only. If Nico is mean to you or makes you angry, just tell me."

Tara: "Thank you, Uncle! (*smile*)"

Nico: "Uncle, I'm your nephew. Why are you bullying me like this!"

Aiden: "Looks like I have to teach you prenatal education!"

Nico: "Why do I have a bad feeling? I don't want to be taught by you, uncle!"

That evening, Anya invited Raka and Della, as well as Jonathan and Jenny to have dinner at her house.

Raisa and Ivan also came together after coming home from work.

That night, Tara became the center of everyone's attention and she felt very embarrassed for the first time.

Nico was very happy. He continued to grin widely as if he could not close his mouth. Thinking that he was going to become a father changed his attitude.

After dinner, Jenny sat by the pool playing with the water. Jonathan approached her, carrying a glass of juice.

"Uncle, why isn't Alisa coming?" Jenny took the glass and took a sip.

"I can't look after Alisa while working, so I put her into a boarding school. If you want to meet her, she will go to Anya's mother's house during the holidays," said Jonathan.

Alisa loved Diana's garden and Diana also loved the little girl. The last time Ivan proposed to Raisa in the park, the little girl had made an appointment with Diana and wanted to spend her vacation in the garden.

"Poor her. Her dad is too busy with work. Without a mother, she surely feels lonely," said Jenny.

Jonathan can't do anything about it. Fortunately, his little daughter is very understanding and could understand his condition.

"What grade is Alisa now?" Jenny asked.

"She will enter first grade this year," Jonathan answered.

"But she is still not six years old, right? Can she go straight to elementary school?" Jenny asked, turning to Jonathan.

"As long as she can pass the entrance test, she can enter early. During the holidays, I will find a teacher for her," Jonathan said calmly.

"Uncle, how about me? My uncle and brothers live in this area and I also want to live here. I heard there was an empty room at Grandma Diana's house. I could stay there during Alisa's vacation and be her teacher. I'll give you a cheap price! 10 million per month!" Jenny looked very serious, as if she wasn't playing around.

It's not that Jonathan doesn't want to spend money on her, but that he feels that Jenny can't be relied on!

"Is it too expensive? I can give you a discount! 8 million then!" Jenny saw the doubt on Jonathan's face and immediately decided to lower the cost!

Jonathan laughed. "Stay with Alisa at least one hour per day, and I will pay 200 thousand per hour. We'll also arrange a test for her once a week. If the results are good, I will give you a bonus of 1 million for each test. On the other hand, if the results are bad, I'll have to cut your pay!"

"Let me think for a moment. If I teach Alisa for an hour and a half every day, I will get 300 thousand. One month, it will be…"

"9 million," Jonathan said quietly.

"Four weeks... If the test is four times a month, I'll get four million! That means that I will get 13 million in total. Am I right?" Jenny asked again, making sure her count wasn't wrong.

Jonathan frowned when he saw Jenny. In terms of math and calculations, Jenny seemed doubtful. Meanwhile, he wants his daughter to also learn other subjects such as Indonesian and English.

With Jenny's ability, can he really teach Alisa?

"But Alisa's test results must be good in all subjects, I want her to score above 90. Mathematics, Indonesian and English. So if all the results are good, I'll give you 3 million times four, 12 million. Plus 9 million, the total is 21 million," Jonathan explained patiently.

"Wow! That's a lot! Uncle, please accept me! I will teach Alisa well!" Jenny's eyes were filled with hope, making Jonathan confused. He doesn't have the heart to refuse her, but he also can't entrust Alisa to Jenny.

Is Jenny really confident that she can make Alisa score above 90 in all her lessons each week?

"Auntie, look over there. What is it?" Nico said to Anya and pointed towards the pool.

"Jonathan and Jenny are chatting. What's the problem?" Anya asked.

"Jonathan doesn't plan to make Jenny the stepmother of his child, right?" Even though Nico doesn't like Jenny, that girl is still his younger sister.

He won't let anyone hurt her!

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