Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 729 - Still The Biggest Fighting Of The Century

Aiden saw his two sons fighting with each other, as if to show who was greater. He can hear Anya's voice in the video. And sometimes, he could see his wife's smooth hands trying to separate the two bad boys.

When Aiden saw the video posted by Anya, his lips turned into a faint smile.


When she is depressed, Anya is a little sensitive, even towards Arka and Aksa. But now she found Arka and Aksa's fight interesting.

"Uncle, what are you looking at? Why are you laughing?" When Jenny walked into the room, she saw Aiden smiling.

"Why did you come here?" The smile on Aiden's face disappeared and he immediately looked cold.

"Uncle, I heard that the Atmajaya Group will work together with the Mahendra Group to develop an eco-tourism city. Is this project short on people? I want to…"

"No," Aiden didn't wait for Jenny to finish speaking and immediately stopped what she wanted to say.

"Uncle, I'm not done talking!" Jenny said irritably.

"Raka doesn't like you and he will never like you," said Aiden bluntly.

"You don't want to help me even though you know I like Raka. But you arranged him with Della instead. I hate you, uncle!" Jenny said.

"You have known Raka long before he was close to Della. With help from Nico, you can go out to dinner with him. But Raka only thinks of you as Nico's younger sister. Being with someone who doesn't love you can't make you happy. Without love, your marriage will not end well. We all want you to be happy. Do you understand?" Aiden said calmly.

"My happiness is only in Raka. Even if he doesn't like me, as long as I can be with him, I'll be happy," Jenny almost cried when she said that.

Aiden took a deep breath. He got up and tapped Jenny on the shoulder. "You are still young. Forget about Raka, and you will feel like your life is renewed. Only by letting go of your old love, can you open your heart to someone who really loves you."

"A lot of men are after me, but I don't like them. I just like Raka. If I could choose, I would choose the person I love, not the one who loves me," Jenny cried and said, "Uncle, why is it so hard to find the person I love and love me back?"

"It's hard to find. But once you can forget the past and are not trapped in it, you will be able to find someone who really loves you and you, love him back," Aiden tried to comfort his niece.

"Sir, Mr. Jonathan is coming!" At that moment, Aiden's secretary came and knocked on the door.

"Do you have an appointment with Jonathan Srijaya?" Jenny immediately dried her tears.

"Yes, we have something to talk about. You…"

"He owes me a debt, he said he wanted to buy me a meal. I'll wait for him here." Jenny walked over to the sofa and sat there.

Aiden opened his office's door and greeted Jonathan.

After Jonathan entered, he saw Jenny sitting on the sofa and immediately smiled. "Is Jenny here?"

"Hello, Uncle Jonathan!" Jenny waved her hand.

Jonathan immediately coughed at the call and he looked a little confused. "There's no need to be overly polite like that. I feel old with you calling me uncle."

"You are my aunt's cousin. So I have to call you uncle," Jenny said with a smile. "Uncle, you owe me food!"

"I'll buy you dinner. But can you stop calling me uncle and make me feel old?" Jonathan said on purpose.

"But I'm in a bad mood today," Jenny leaned back on the sofa and took a deep breath as she stared at the crystal chandelier above her head.

"What's wrong with her?" Jonathan asked Aiden in a low voice.

"Raka will get married soon," said Aiden.

"Aiden, I heard that Raka is getting married. His mom is a well known evil. What about Della's fate, being the daughter-in-law of the Mahendra family?" Jonathan said on purpose. He said it loud enough for Jenny to hear it, but still pretended he was just talking to Aiden.

Aiden glanced over at the sofa and saw Jenny pretending not to care, but was actually eavesdropping. "I've also heard that his mom is very cruel. Della does not have a mother who can defend her. Looks like she will suffer in that marriage,"

"Raisa is also still not married. That means Della will have an evil mother-in-law and a naughty sister-in-law. Looks like there will be a fight within the Mahendra Family," Jonathan and Aiden signed the contract while chatting. Jenny felt calmer when she heard this.

After talking about work, Aiden let Jonathan take Jenny away for dinner.

They walked towards the elevator together. Jonathan looked at his watch and it was still four in the afternoon. "Jenny, looks like it's too early for dinner. Let's go somewhere first."

"Where?" Jenny asked curiously.

"You'll find out later," Jonathan deliberately refused to tell her.

Once they arrived there, Jenny found out that Jonathan took her to a playground.

"I'm not a kid. Why did you bring me to this place?" Jenny was about to leave.

"Whenever Alisa is sad, I will invite her to play over to this place and her mood will improve," Jonathan bought them one-way tickets and invited her to come in.

Since it was a normal day and late in the afternoon, there weren't that many people there.

Jenny sat in the carousel and circled around, but her mood didn't improve.

Jonathan bought a mickey mouse headband and put it on her head. After that, she also bought colorful confectionery.

"Please smile," Jonathan teased her. Jenny smiled reluctantly as she waved the confectionery in her hand.

Jonathan took several photos in a row and then showed them to Jenny.

"Wow, am I that pretty? Uncle, you are good at taking pictures! Take another photo of me. I want to post it on my social media and blog," Jenny's mood immediately improved when she saw her beautiful photos.

They walked around the playground, bought lots of things and used various accessories to take photos in various places.

In the evening, they had dinner at the restaurant inside the playground while watching the fireworks.

Jonathan was so used to taking photos for his daughter that he didn't mind taking photos of Jenny today.

"Jenny..." Suddenly, two beautiful girls came and greeted Jenny.

"Huh? It's you two…! It is such a coincidence. Are you playing here too?" Jenny greeted them with a smile.

"This..." the girls' eyes were fixed on Jonathan.

"This is my uncle, Jonathan Srijaya," said Jenny.

"Jonathan? I think I've heard his name before," one of the girls whispered.

"Isn't that the name of the CEO of Srijaya Group? Looks like his name is Jonathan," said the other girl.

Jenny looked at them and guessed what they were thinking. "My uncle is still single!"

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