"Aiden, you have to take good care of my cousin," said Agnes as she continued to stare at Aiden.

Anya could tell from her eyes that Agnes put her eyes on Aiden. It wouldn't be exaggerating to say that Agnes fell in love at first sight with him.


"Aiden is very good to me. No need to worry," Anya replied with a polite smile. She stepped forward and blocked Agnes' line of sight, slightly hiding Aiden's body behind her even if her tiny body could not cover him entirely.

Aiden was comforted by Anya's behavior. He tried to hold back his smile and looked calm. But in his heart, he was really happy.

Anya showed him that he was hers alone and no one could snatch her husband from her.

"I only have one sister now. Of course I wish you happiness. We all come from the same family. I, as your cousin, will always support you," Agnes said sweetly.

Others might feel touched by those words, but somehow Anya felt that they were only spoken on the lips, not sincere from the heart. She looked at her mother and saw her blink her eyes and nodded her head.

"Thank you, Agnes. My family and I will always support you," Anya said, giving back a sweet smile.

"I'm glad you two have a good relationship. Anya, Aiden you guys come back. We will go home," Galih took Indah's hand into the elevator and Agnes followed them.

After the elevator doors closed, Aiden and Anya turned and walked back to the VVIP room.

"Isn't this the first time you've met Agnes? Now you can also pretend as sisters with her," Aiden teased.

"Agnes is a dancer. She was used to being on stage and pretending. Of course she is better than me. When she wanted to play sisters with me, my mother asked me to join her game," Anya laughed at herself. 

"Since Keara told Natali to shoot me, I don't trust her at all."

Keara was her own sister and Natali was someone who had called her big sister for 20 years. 

But the two of them wanted to take her life!

Anya was not so stupid as to believe that her cousin loved her right away. Plus, everyone could see that Agnes liked Aiden.

Aiden then put his arm around his wife's shoulder gently.

He didn't know what to say. His little wife was getting older. But the cost for this maturity was too great. 

Anya had to go through various things to get to this point.

In the hotel's lobby, Agnes took Indah's hand and helped her to get into the car. Galih sat in the front passenger seat while the driver took them home.

Indah patted Anges' hand gently and said, "Agnes, I have an apartment close to your school. If you're busy later, you can move there."

"I want to live with my uncle and aunt," Agnes leaned on Indah's shoulder. "Auntie, you are not happy that I came home, are you?"

"Of course I'm happy. Auntie is just afraid that you will be too tired if you have to commute too far," Indah said, pretending to be anxious.

"That's true. Thank you, Auntie. When my school is open, I'll borrow your apartment," said Agnes.

With that, she insisted that she wanted to live with Galih and Indah before the school opened.

Aiden, Nico and Nadine also lived in the same area.

Indah had no idea what Agnes was up to.

But after all, Agnes was Galih's niece. Indah would try to help her as much as she could.

But if Agnes wanted Aiden, Indah would never agree.

How could she defend her niece more than her own daughter? 

"Agnes, you must respect your life and yourself in the future," Galih said with hidden intent.

Indah thought that maybe her husband was talking about Agnes getting a second chance to recover after her failed surgery. 

"Your uncle is right. My health wasn't good enough before so I didn't really have the time to share my experience with you. But I didn't expect you to have plastic surgery. Next time, don't do that again. You are naturally beautiful."

"With you and uncle here, I don't have to worry about anything anymore. I won't do anything stupid again. Uncle and aunt also don't need to find a mate for me. I don't want to get married," Anges said openly.

"You are still young. You have a long way to go," Indah replied with a smile.

"You don't want to get married now or you don't want to be in love forever?" Galih said.

"Uncle, I still can't forget my past," Agnes answered.

Galih's face looked a little gloomy. "You better focus on your school first. With your career and popularity, you can get any guy you want. Don't give up just because of your past."

"Agnes, I also support your career. A woman must be independent and not relying on others," said Indah.

"I'm not as lucky as Anya to have met a man like Aiden. So I want to put all my energy into this dance school," Agnes said with a smile.

Indah stared at her in silence, not sure what Agnes meant to say.

But Indah knew that she admired Aiden.

Suddenly, Indah's cell phone rang. She got a message from her daughter.

Anya: "Mom, I've persuaded Aiden to come with me. We'll go with the kids too."

Indah was very surprised when she heard that Aiden was willing to leave the Atmajaya Group and join Anya out of town.

Indah: "If Aiden leaves, what about the Atmajaya Group?"

Seeing Indah busy with her cellphone, Agnes tried to peek. But Indah was alert and immediately prevented Agnes from seeing the contents of the message.

Anya: "Nico and Ivan will take care of the company. Father also agreed."

Indah let out a sigh of relief after hearing the news.

Indah: "I can rest easy if Aiden accompanies you. I'll stay in town and watch over Agnes."

After seeing Indah's message, Anya felt a little strange.

Anya: "Mom, what happened?"

After thinking for a moment, Indah answered.

Indah: "Agnes has changed a lot. She was not like her old self, it's as if there are two different people inside her."

Anya had heard stories about Agnes and all the experiences she went through. She felt that it was normal if Agnes changed after going through many struggles in the past.

But that didn't mean Anya could trust her easily.

Her deceased sister tried to kill her just for love once. What would Agnes do when she's only her cousin?

Who could tell what Agnes was up to?

Anya was no longer the innocent and simple woman she used to be. She didn't want to think badly about other people, but so many things had happened to her before that Anya had learned to be careful.

She immediately sent a message to her mother.

Anya: "You also have to be careful, mom. I'm going to see you tomorrow."

Aiden saw Anya busy texting under the table and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Anya did not answer but immediately handed her cellphone to Aiden.

Aiden saw the contents of the message on the screen and understood it. "I can arrange for someone to look after your mother," he said.

"I have an assistant, but it might be better to have someone else stay. If possible, a woman," Anya whispered.

Aiden nodded and then gestured for Harris to look at his cell phone.

Harris took out his cell phone and saw the message Aiden sent.

Aiden: "Investigate Indah's assistant and arrange a female bodyguard for her. Find someone trusted and is not easily bribed with money."

Anya saw the contents of the message and learned that Aiden wanted to investigate her mother's assistant. She immediately asked, "What's wrong? Why do you want to investigate my mother's assistant?"

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