"Father, can you at least tell me where Anya is now? I promise I won't disturb her. I just want to see her from afar," Aiden asked.

"When she gets used to living in a new place and her condition is stable, I will ask the doctor's permission. If the doctor allows it, I will bring you to Anya. Aiden, Anya is my daughter. I will never hurt her, don't worry!" Galih said calmly.


"Of course I believe in you. But I can't rest easy if I can't…"

"I understand your feelings for Anya. Maybe Anya can't understand you, but as a man, I absolutely can. However, Anya experienced many problems and difficulties this year. You do love her, but love alone is not enough. She wants to earn your trust," Galih exhaled a deep breath.

"Forgive me. I couldn't take care of her properly," Aiden apologized sincerely.

"As a man, I can understand you and your good intentions. I can understand that you really love Anya. But sometimes, you have to have one thing or another. Nico is not a kid anymore. If he continues to take cover under your wings, he will never grow up to be independent. When the time comes to let go, you must learn to let go. You are used to being in control of everything so you don't realize that you are missing something. You are not only the CEO of Atmajaya Group, you're also Anya's husband and the father of Arka and Aksa. That's all I can say to you. Think about it carefully."

After he finished his talk, Galih hung up the phone.

One week later, Aiden came home from abroad and found a letter that Anya had left at home.

Aiden carried the letter into his study and took the contents out of the envelope.

From the paper, there was a faint fragrance that could be smelled. It was similar to flowers, the scent that Anya loved.

Aiden opened the letter and saw the familiar beautiful handwriting that it made his eyes feel hot. 

He really missed his wife.

Dear husband,

I'm sorry I have to convey all this by letter.

I'll be going for a while.

I left because I didn't want to fight you. I left because I didn't want to be apart from you.

You must be very angry because I had planned to leave you for a long time.

I had been preparing for my departure for a long time, but you were completely unaware. I know you've got something on your mind.

During the few weeks on the island, I also wanted to be happy with you. I tried to make myself laugh and happy, but my heart couldn't lie.

I feel sad, I feel depressed.

I know I'm sick, and that's why I don't want to demand too much of you. I can't ask you to choose between me and your job.

Aiden, know that I don't want to separate from you and leave you.

I don't know what happened to me, or what's wrong with me. I really love you and our kids, but I can't control myself.

I don't want to hurt the people I love.

You asked me not to make decisions when I was sick like this, because now I can't understand what I really want.

After thinking about it, I decided to withdraw myself for a while. I needed a new place to be alone and organize my thoughts.

I'm afraid that if I don't go, I'll be even sadder. 

I'm afraid I will hate you, and even hate myself more.

Trust me, I will recover soon and come back to your side.

If at that time you still loved me and I still loved you, we could live happily!

After reading the letter, Aiden closed his eyes with a pained expression.

He was not a good husband for Anya. She had planned all this for a long time, but the man didn't know about it.

Anya pretended to laugh and be happy, but Aiden mistook it for his wife's development. He had no idea how depressed Anya was every time she tried to put up a smile on her face.

Aiden didn't want to hand over his company to Ivan and couldn't trust Nico either. Even though he didn't go to work, he still had to take care of even the smallest problems from home.

He did not want to hand over his company to Ivan for fear that his brother would betray him.

He did not dare to hand over the company to Nico for fear that his nephew would mess up everything.

The entire Atmajaya Group was under his control so Aiden had to bear too much compared to his ability. He was too busy to care for his wife.

Anya was sick. But Aiden thought that taking a few weeks' vacation on the island would make her recover and come back healthy again. But he did not know that Anya was even more depressed.

Aiden felt so sorry.

He repeatedly thought about Galih's words and realized that he had forgotten who he was besides the CEO of Atmajaya Group— Anya's husband and the father of Arka and Aksa.

He was a good CEO, but he failed as a husband and father.

"Anya, I'm really sorry. No matter how long it takes, I'll always wait for you," Aiden muttered while stroking Anya's beautiful handwriting.

Pratama Group had a spice garden just outside the city. Every morning, Anya would visit the site wearing a wide hat.

The weather was good, the flowers were blooming and the sun warmed up the whole area. Anya felt that her surroundings felt so bright and soothing.

Every day, she kept herself busy and forgot all her troubles. While these were busy times on the farm, some spices required artificial pollination.

As the daughter of Galih and Indah Pratama, Anya felt a responsibility to help take care of her family's garden and produce high quality products.

As she wanted to start a new life, Anya cut her long hair up to her shoulders.

She looked much fresher and younger with her new hair. With a simple dress and a garden hat, she looked like a country girl.

Indah took a photo of her when she was busy working and sent it to her husband. Galih then forwarded the photo to Aiden.

When Aiden received the photo, he had just finished the operation and returned to his room.

After the anesthetic disappeared, Aiden felt excruciating pain in his knee. But after seeing Anya's photo, the pain disappeared, replaced by a sense of intense longing.

Anya looked thin and had tanned skin from being in the sun too much. Her hair looked short, reaching only to her shoulders. Aiden hardly recognized his wife in the photo.

The smile on her face remained pure, a smile that emanated from her heart. Aiden could see the old Anya, the girl he loved, seemed to have returned.

Aiden touched Anya's face from the screen and caressed her. No matter where Anya was, as long as she was healthy and happy, he could feel calm.

"Sir..." Harris pushed Aiden's door and saw him looking at his cellphone's screen with a smile on his face.

"When can I be discharged from the hospital?" Aiden asked, putting down his cell phone.

"In one week. If there's no trouble with the follow-up, you can go home immediately. After returning home, you should still rest for half a month before returning to walking. Also, you have to wear knee protectors in these few months," said Harris.

Aiden then took a deep breath. Fortunately, what he had was not osteosarcoma, but just knee synovitis. However, he still needed time to recover.

"Tell Nico that I have to rest for a month and get him to take care of company matters," Aiden said in his deep voice.

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