"Anya, what do you want to do?" Jessica looked panicked.

"Anya, don't...!" Della shouted.


"Jessica, you said you were a good person. But why do you try to provoke others? You know very well about my condition, you know I am depressed, have multiple personality tendencies, but you still got into my nerves. Do you want to die?" Anya grinned looking at her. 

"But you are right... Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'll kill you."

After that, Anya swung the crutch she was holding at Jessica.

Jessica repeatedly shouted. She took his bag and ran to the door of Della's room. But when she pulled open the door, she realized that it couldn't be opened.

Anya didn't come alone, she came with her bodyguard.

And the guards had received orders from Aiden.

If Anya was bullied, they must immediately protect her, no matter what.

If Anya wanted to bully others, they would help Anya and beat up those who wanted to beat her.

Today, Anya came in wearing her tracksuits and a pair of white sneakers.

In contrast, Jessica was wearing a skirt and high heels. What could she do against Anya?

So when she saw Anya approaching her with the crutches, her first reaction was to immediately run away. But she did not think that the door to the room was locked from the outside.

"Anya, you hurt me on purpose!" Jessica was trembling with fear.

"Right. I hurt you on purpose," Anya smiled and hit Jessica hard on the shoulder. "This blow is for my kids who almost got hurt when the lights went out in the hospital!"

"Ahhh!" Jessica shouted as the crutches hammered her joint. Her shoulder ached terribly.

After that, Anya lifted the crutch she was holding again. She bashed Jessica's other shoulder violently then lifted the crutches again.

"This is in response to the fire that broke out in the hospital. My children weren't the only ones there, there were also many other innocent babies! You should have died in that fire instead!" 

She swung it the third time right on Jessica's face. Anya then looked at Jessica who was curled up on the floor. Tears rolled down her face until her makeup had worn off. "Do you know why I hit you in the face? Because you are shameless! You know Aiden is my husband, but you still want him. You told Yura to find trouble with me and spread those embarrassing photos. Do you think Aiden will leave me and divorce me?"

Jessica finally found an opportunity to grab the crutches that Anya brought. "You said I was shameless? How about you? Didn't you also snatch Aiden from Natali?!"

"Natali loved Raka from the start. She didn't want a blind man like Aiden at that moment."

When Anya said this, she seemed to have realized something and said sarcastically, "If you really liked Aiden, where were you when Keara left? After he was injured and blinded, where were you? Where were you when Natali didn't want him? Now that he's back again you want him because he is perfect? What a sick joke."

Jessica was speechless. Anya then shouted at her guards. "Please, get this crazy woman out! I have no appetite if she's around!"

The bodyguard immediately opened the door and dragged the injured Jessica out very fast.

When Jessica wanted to shout back, the guard immediately closed her mouth.

Anya took the crutches she was holding to the bathroom, cleaning them before returning them by Della's bedside.

"Della, are you afraid of me?" Anya asked with a small smile on her face.

Della laughed and clapped her hands. "You did great. I'm also tired of listening to what she said before. I was also satisfied when I saw her getting beaten to a pulp. But is that alright?"

"What are you afraid of? I'm not mentally well. Didn't she say I was depressed and crazy? Let me show her my madness," Anya said indifferently.

"Whenever I was bullied, my adoptive mother always told me to be quiet. She doesn't want the Mawardi family company to be affected because of me. From then on, I tried not to cause trouble with other people. Seeing you just now makes me so jealous. When can I do the same thing as you?" Della looked very jealous.

"I've asked Aiden for a divorce, but he didn't agree. He is the same as your mother. Even though he didn't tell me to shut up and hold everything back, he has to think about the Atmajaya Family and the Atmajaya Group so he can't do anything."

Anya then took a deep breath. "Since last week, I always feel annoyed and angry. I feel more satisfied after beating Jessica today, but it looks like Aiden will be in trouble because of what I did."

"What if Jessica reports it to the police?" Della was worried too.

"Let the police arrest me. I don't care. Let's eat now, I haven't had breakfast yet," Anya looked relaxed as if nothing had happened.

However, Della couldn't be that calm. She took her cellphone and immediately sent a message to Raka.

Della: "Raka, Anya just beat Jessica in my hospital room. Please help me solve this problem."

Raka was in the middle of a meeting when he received the message. He immediately contacted Aiden, but it turned out that the man had already taken care of everything.

When Anya closed the door and beat Jessica, his bodyguard had contacted him.

Aiden then rushed to the hospital and found Anya and Della had finished breakfast. They were sitting on the sofa together with blankets wrapped around themselves, talking.

Baked sweet potato and orange juice were already on the table in front of them.

The two of them looked very comfortable, didn't look like they just beat up someone else. Anya really didn't care and wasn't worried at all.

"Are you hurt?" Aiden asked anxiously.

"Jessica is injured. I bashed her three times. One on the right shoulder, one on the left and one on the face. Will the police come and arrest me?" Anya's eyes looked calm as she looked behind Aiden. She didn't see anyone there other than the man. "Or are you going to drag me to turn me in to the police yourself?"

"If Jessica is badly injured, Uncle Eka will really get angry. You're too reckless," said Aiden.

Anya smiled bitterly when she heard this. At times like this, Aiden still thought of Jessica and the Hermawan Group.

"No police will arrest me, nor will I turn myself in. I will not apologize to that woman or to Hermawan Group," Anya leaned back on the sofa, laid her head and ignored Aiden.

"Della..." When she heard that Anya beat someone in Della's room, Raka was afraid something would happen to Della.

"I am here. I'm fine," said Della with a smile.

Raka walked towards the sofa and approached her. Anya started to feel uncomfortable when so many people were there. So she got up from the sofa and said, "Raka has come. I'll go home first."

"Let me take you home," Aiden looked anxiously at his wife.

Anya smiled at her husband but the smile on her face was cold. "You must have a lot of other work that you have to finish, especially with the Hermawan Group. Don't waste your time on me. I came here alone so I can also go home alone," she said with a dismissive look.

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