When she saw Aiden and Anya get out of the car, Hana rushed over to them, "Mr. Aiden, Mr. Bima came to visit you." She said, giving information before Aiden and Anya entered the house.

Aiden frowned and his expression looked like he was displeased. His expression didn't look like that of an excited child when his father visited. Shouldn't one be pleased with the arrival of his family?


"What does he want this time?" Aiden muttered irritably.

Hana looked a little hesitant when she said, "There is a lot of news about you and your wife on the internet..." In the end she stopped before she could finish her sentence. She was sure Aiden knew what she meant.

Hana's words made Anya feel uneasy. She didn't know how the relationship between Aiden and his father really was, but it looked like they weren't on good terms.

What should she say to Aiden's father? What should she be like in front of her father-in-law?

Aiden could feel Anya's restlessness. He took one of Anya's hands and led her, inviting her to come into the house.

"After saying hello, go straight to the room. No need to mince words for long." Aiden said.

"Hmm..." Anya nodded to his words. Right now, perhaps the best choice was to take Aiden's word. She had to try to be calm, greet Aiden's father and go to the room as quickly as possible.

They immediately walked into the house and saw Bima Atmajaya sitting on the sofa in the living room holding a teacup. Bima had a face similar to Aiden. He was tall and strong. His face was determined and wise. Even though he was no longer young, he still exuded the good looks and maturity of a man.

Seeing Aiden's arrival, Bima immediately threw the teacup he was holding onto the ground violently, making the expensive cup immediately shattered into pieces. "Why are you just coming home now?" He shouted.

"Hmm… I've come home. Now go!" said Aiden coldly, trying to get past Bima. However, Bima immediately blocked him. He wanted to talk to Aiden so he wouldn't let his son just ignore him.

Bima could see the figure of a woman hiding behind Aiden's back. He glanced at her sarcastically and asked, "You opened the Ferris wheel early just to date this woman?"

Hana immediately tried to intervene. Maybe Bima was acting like this because he didn't know Anya yet. Bima didn't know that Aiden and Anya were married, "Madame, this is Mr. Bima, Mr. Aiden's father, one of your in-laws."

Anya bit her lip restlessly and strengthened her courage. She stepped beside Aiden and greeted Bima, "Good evening, father." She stood beside Aiden so that her body and face were no longer covered by Aiden's tall body.

When he saw Anya's face, Bima almost fell backwards. Fortunately, Harris who was nearby immediately helped hold his body swiftly, "Mr. Bima, are you all right?"

"Wh- ... Keara!" Bima shouted a strange name while pointing at Anya. His face looked very surprised as if he saw a ghost.


Anya immediately turned around and looked around her. No one else around there. Who was Keara? Who did Aiden's father actually call?

Mrs. Hana immediately tried to explain calmly, "Mr. Bima, this is Anya, Mr. Aiden's wife."

Hana's words were like cold water that immediately brought Bima to his senses. He had been mistaken. He straightened up again while still looking at Anya. After that, his gaze turned to Aiden, "When were you getting married? Why don't I know at all?" Bima shouted angrily.

"Did you also tell me when you were looking for a new woman?" Aiden coldly snorted.

"You didn't tell me about this big problem. Do you think your father is dead?" Bima shouted loudly. Then, his gaze turned to Anya. His eyes bulged as he stared at Anya's face with displeasure, "You canceled the engagement to Natali Tedjasukmana for this woman?"

"The woman you appointed is Anya, your daughter-in-law." Aiden immediately corrected Bima's way of calling Anya.

"I will never let this woman set foot in the Atmajaya family. Hurry up and end your relationship with this woman. If you are married, hurry and take care of your divorce." Bima ordered coldly as he continued to stare at Anya sharply.

Anya, who was standing next to Aiden, couldn't do anything under her father-in-law's sharp gaze. She brought her body closer to Aiden, trying to hide from Bima.

Aiden looked at Bima's face without the slightest closeness as if they were both strangers.

"This is my private matter. Do not interfere!"

"You... You insolent child!" Bima shouted furiously. The man's face was flushed red, trying to hold back his overwhelming emotions.

However, Aiden did not care about Bima's anger at all. He just snorted, feeling ridiculous about his father's sudden attention to him like a real old man. His father seemed to have forgotten what he had done to him.

"What can I expect from you? Didn't you make me like this?" Said Aiden sharply. These words make Bima speechless.

Anya's eyes widened when she heard this. Aiden had an accident that left his legs paralyzed and his eyes blind due to his father's fault? No wonder this father and son had a bad relationship. It turned out that there really was a hidden secret behind their relationship.

"You are my son. How could I try to harm you? I will never do that. That accident wasn't what I wanted!" Bima tried to explain.

However, Aiden just greeted him with a sneer and said, "The biggest mistake in my life was being your son. I have no choice of parents, but I have the right to decide how I live my own life. If you like Natali Tedjasukmana, then you should marry her. Why should I?"

"You disobedient child! You defied my orders on purpose. Do you know why I told you to marry Natali Tedjasukmana? Why can't you see the whole situation? What do you think this woman has? And she's very similar…" Bima stopped talking when he saw Anya's face.

'Very similar?'

Anya could only stare at Bima in surprise. Very similar to whom? Was it with the Keara that Bima had mentioned by name?

Who exactly was Keara?

"I'm married to Anya. No matter what you say, Anya is my wife. I don't like you, you don't like me either, we don't like each other. You better get out of this house right away!" Aiden expelled him coldly. It was as if he had absolutely no blood relationship with Bima and did not respect him at all, so Aiden had the heart to kick him out cruelly.

Anya could only bow her head behind Aiden's back and stand silently. She could feel Aiden's mood getting worse and felt Bima's dissatisfaction with her. She didn't know what to do at times like this.

Inwardly, she could only mutter in confusion. Who exactly was Keara? Why was Bima so surprised when he saw her? Her brain seemed to be spinning hard, but no answer came up.

She even remembered a novel she had read. The story of a man who married a woman who looked like his dead wife. His wife suddenly died of a serious illness, but the husband could not forget her, so he looked for another woman who had a similar face to his wife.

That story should only exist in a novel. But it seemed, Anya was Keara's replacement in Aiden's eyes.

Anya was sure that Keara, the woman Bima mentioned, was Aiden's ex-lover. And Anya had a face that was very similar to Keara, which made Bima so shocked that he almost fell. Aiden wanted to marry her because she had a face so similar to Keara.

Anya's lips looked pale at the thought of that.

Hana stepped forward, trying to calm Bima down. Since Hana had been working in that house for decades, of course Bima trusted Hana.

"Lord Bima, Mr. Aiden is probably so tired that he is in a very bad mood. Let him rest for a while. After that you can come back to see him and solve this problem calmly."

Bima was still very upset. He pointed at Anya and said, "Solve the problem with this woman as soon as possible. Even if you don't want to marry Natali Tedjasukmana, you must not have anything to do with this woman."

After that, Bima left the room, stomping his feet angrily.

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