"Not an ex, but their relationship is quite close. In the last two years, Jessica has taken over her father's company and closely with the Atmajaya Group. Auntie, you must be careful. Even if you guys are married, all women won't just give up on getting my uncle. Do you understand?" 

Nadine couldn't stop her mouth anymore. The more words that came out of her mouth, Anya's face looked increasingly grim.


The more she heard from Nadine, the more Anya's eyes grew darker.

"I understand. I know my husband is Aiden Atmajaya so I am destined to have many enemies. But if anyone dares to snatch my husband at my child's birthday party, I will not spare them," Anya's smile looked elegant and calm. She was not bothered by Jessica's presence.

Aiden loved her so much. She was the mother of his two children. It didn't matter even if Hermawan Group cooperated with Aiden, if Jessica dared to steal her husband, she would fight her in front of everyone.

Anya and Aiden took their twins to the stage to blow out the candles and cut the cake. After that, they took a photo together and then he returned Arka and Aksa to the room to rest.

Aiden took great care of his two sons. He didn't let anyone touch Arka and Aksa. The guests could only see them from a large screen or from photos only.

The man stood tall in the middle. His handsome face looked at Anya gently as he stood a little behind her, hugging her waist. His other hand grasped Anya's, then they cut the cake on the stage together.

Anya smiled, occasionally looking at Aiden. "Aiden, I want to drink your favorite wine tonight."

"Why do you suddenly want to drink wine?" Aiden asked.

"Today is Arka and Aksa's day. I want to drink wine to celebrate. Isn't that okay?" Anya asked calmly.

Aiden kissed her cheek gently. "I want to open the wine on Valentine's Day with you. But if you want it now, we can open it tonight."

Anya nodded in satisfaction.

Aiden looked absolutely amazing. Even though he didn't speak and just stood on the stage, his presence was like a king on his throne.

As he and Anya stood side by side, everyone understood why Aiden loved the woman beside him so much.

Anya also had the same aura as Aiden— an extraordinary one. But the difference was, Anya's aura looked like an angel descending from the sky, looking beautiful and pure.

The two of them were a perfect match. Plus, their little family was blessed with twins. Everyone was jealous of their extraordinary life.

Jessica was standing in the crowd, looking at the two of them while they were cutting the cake together. Her heart was filled with jealousy when she saw Aiden treat Anya so gently.

Anya could feel the sharp gaze from the crowd. She lifted her head and looked forward, finding Jessica right in front of her.

Jessica immediately nodded at Anya with a smile on her face. Anya returned the smile and looked away.

The old her might feel jealous when she saw a woman said to be close to Aiden. But now Anya felt nothing.

She trusted Aiden a lot and she knew he didn't care about any woman other than his wife.

After cutting the cake, Anya went to her children's room. Arka and Aksa had just finished eating and they were sleepy.

"Anya, how about I go home with Arka and Aksa first?" Hana said, "Arka and Aksa are full. Their diapers have also been changed. Now they can sleep well," she added.

Anya looked at her two sons with great affection. "Alright then. They need to rest early. Be careful on the road, Mrs. Hana."

Arka and Aksa were brought home tightly secured and protected by Aiden's bodyguards. The car was escorted from the front and rear at the same time, in order to maintain the safety of both of them.

Tara accompanied Anya until the car disappeared from sight. After that, they took a short walk in the hotel garden on the first floor.

"Anya, we didn't want to tell you because we were afraid you would be worried before. Do you already know that Jessica is your rival?" Tara asked.

"Nadine already told me. Are you worried? Are you worried about me or Aiden?" Anya asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm worried about you. I know you don't like social events like this, but Aiden needs a companion when he meets others. Even if you don't like it, at least you can stand next to him and smile. Look at the guests. They all have their own companion. Only Aiden is seen alone." Tara didn't hide anything from her friend. She only wanted what's best for Anya.

Anya looked towards the party hall behind her. As Tara said, all businessmen present would bring their partners, be it his wife, lover, future partner or secretary.

They were all surrounded by beautiful young women no matter how old they were.

"Are you telling me to accompany Aiden so that everyone will know that he is mine? Then why aren't you next to Nico? Look at him chatting with those beautiful women," Anya looked at Nico who was not far from them.

She didn't know what Nico said to the flocks of beautiful women around him, but everyone laughed.

"Nico!" Tara immediately felt angry. "I let my guard down just a little bit and he's immediately surrounded by many women. I will kick all of them in the face! I swear it!"

Anya laughed when she saw Tara stomping her foot into the room.

Even though Nico was surrounded by many beautiful women, the only woman in his heart was Tara.

As soon as Tara left, someone came to Anya.

Two years ago, Aiden never asked her to go attend social events like parties with him, so Anya didn't know many people.

After returning to Indonesia, she was busy preparing for the perfume competition and Iris' new perfume releases. After that, she spent all her time at home taking care of her pregnancy so she rarely knew any of the guests present.

"Anya, congratulations on the birth of your children. They are very cute."

"Thank you," Anya replied politely.

"You are very lucky. You not only get Aiden, you can also give birth to twins."

"I heard your rival is dead. How did you do that?" At that moment, suddenly a familiar voice rang out.

Anya turned and looked at the source of the voice. Wasn't that Yura?

Yura was Natali's best friend. On Natali's engagement day, Yura helped her best friend to kidnap Anya and order people to rape her. Luckily, Aiden came on time and saved her.

Shouldn't Yura be in prison? Had her term ended?

Anya had a bad feeling. Even though this park was not far from the hall, Anya felt the situation was unfavorable for her. Yura took several people with her, while she was alone. She had to get back inside immediately if she didn't want anything to happen to her.

She turned and was about to leave, but Yura immediately stepped on her dress and stopped her.

Some of them immediately surrounded Anya with wine glasses. If viewed from a distance, everyone must have thought that they were congratulating Anya.

Nothing looked strange to them.

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