"Let her stay at Nico's house with me," Raka said, helping Della decide her choice.

Della couldn't decide on her own, so she finally chose to follow Raka wherever he went. In this place, Raka was the only person she knew. Living with her brother would make her feel so awkward.


Maybe it would be better if she chose to live with someone she knew.

The rain outside was getting heavier, everyone finally left the terrace and returned to the living room. Della's wound had been treated and they were ready to go home.

"Uncle, aunt, rest well. We're going home. Raka and Della will stay at my house tonight because the rain is too heavy." When he was about to go home, Nico immediately took an unopened bottle of champagne on the table. He also took the bottle of wine he had been drinking earlier, even though it only had a third left.

Tara saw her fiancé took two bottles but didn't bring any food. So, she immediately asked the maid to bring a lunch box and wrap the food on the table for her. She did it in front of everyone, completely unashamed.

"You guys are a true couple," Nadine shook her head at the behavior of her brother and sister-in-law. But despite complaining like that, she took the initiative to help Tara wrap the food. Nico and Raka would resume their party at his house. It's impossible if they didn't bring home some food.

Nico embraced Raka's shoulder and left first. However, Della did not follow them and chose to stay with Tara.

After seeing her brother and Raka disappear from her sight, Nadine immediately looked at her future sister-in-law. "Della, is Raka mean to you?" She asked, opening the conversation.

"Does he scold you often? Is he nagging you?" Tara asked, adding to Nadine's question.

"Do you like him?" Anya asked directly.

Della was confused when she got so many questions. She didn't know why this party had suddenly turned into a place of gossip. Not to mention that she was the subject of the gossip.

"You guys just chat. I'll go upstairs and see the children," Aiden heard Arka and Aksa's cries, and immediately went upstairs. He was not interested in hearing women's gossip. It was better for him to see his children and accompany them.

"Now that all the boys are gone, what's your answer? There's only us here," Nadine clapped her hands happily.

But not all men had left there. Harris was still there to accompany Nadine. And he was not just any man, but Della's own older brother.

Della looked at her brother awkwardly. Harris glanced back at his younger sister equally awkward. Indeed, talking about love was difficult for siblings to do, especially those who had just met after so many years.

"I am your brother. If you really like Raka, I can help you."

"Don't take it wrong. He only helped me. Raka doesn't like me," Della said while shaking her head weakly.

"Raka doesn't like you, but you like him, right?" Tara asked with a smile. She knew how a woman in love would've reacted and Della looked like one of them.

Della couldn't answer the question and glanced at Anya.

Anya smiled, understanding what was on Della's mind. "I already have a husband and two children. Besides, Aiden knows about my past with Raka and he doesn't mind it. Do you mind?"

Her past was very messy and Raka was involved in it. Fortunately, Aiden could accept her as she was.

"I don't mind," Della whispered in a low voice, but everyone could hear her.

"That means you really like him! Does Raka already know that you like him?" Nadine put the lunch box in front of her into a plastic bag and gave it to Della.

Della accepted it while answering every question that was thrown at her. But somehow the question became more and more difficult to answer. "I ... How could I possibly tell him..."

Tara recalled the two bottles of alcohol Nico had brought home and had an idea. "I have a way to find out whether Raka is interested in you or not."

Della looked anxiously at her. "What will you do?"

"Usually, people will tell the truth when they're drunk! Anya, give me another bottle of wine!" After asking for food, Tara still didn't hesitate to ask Anya for wine.

"Just take what you want. But don't take the wine on the top shelf, it's  Aiden's favorite wine," said Anya.

Even though Aiden didn't mind when Nico, Tara, or Nadine took whatever food or drink at his house or hitchhike every day, he didn't like it when someone took his favorite wine.

Even Nico, who liked to whine and begged for what he wanted, didn't dare to break this one rule.

Nadine looked at the wine bottle and felt familiar. "Why is that bottle familiar, huh? I seem to know it. Isn't that…" she wanted to ask, but Harris immediately stopped her.

"What's with that bottle? He said the wine is so expensive that he had to keep it. It was from Aiden's friend," said Anya.

Nadine wanted to open her mouth and tell Anya. But when she thought back about Anya's depression, she decided to shut her mouth. She didn't want to make Anya even sadder.

After that, Tara and Della immediately headed to Nico's house. Nadine and Harris also went home, leaving Anya so she could get some rest.

Anya immediately went up to her room and took a shower. Meanwhile, Hana told the servants to clean up Aiden's house.

When entering the room, Anya did not find Aiden. The man remained in their children's room, not returning until their two sons fell asleep.

Tonight, Anya was very happy. It's true, the more family she had with her, the happier and the more stable her mood would be.

She was so tired today, but it was paid off with the happiness she felt.

That night, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Aiden was not someone who liked crowds. He didn't like people's presence and preferred serenity. But he agreed to Anya's request to celebrate Christmas at his home together.

With a lively and pleasant atmosphere, he hoped that Anya's mood would improve.

Aiden just came out of the bathroom, but suddenly his cellphone rang. A message appeared on the screen, Harris sent it.

Harris: "Keara committed suicide in prison."

Buying a gun illegally and luring Natali to kill Anya were the heaviest charges for Keara. Maybe she couldn't bear the thought of spending her entire life in prison and decided to seek her freedom in some other way.

Previously, she had attempted to jump off a height when she was in the hospital. Aiden was not surprised when he heard the news of Keara's death this time.

On this Christmas day, Galih and Indah didn't actually go out on dates. They had promised to visit Keara in prison together.

But since they didn't want to hurt Anya's heart and didn't want to make her depression worse, they decided to hide it.

Aiden saw his sleeping wife while stroking his baby boys' fluffy hair. He doubted whether he should tell Anya about Keara's death.

Unable to decide on his own, Aiden finally called Anya's psychiatrist. He didn't want Anya to hear the conversation, so he went to his office and consulted by telephone.

"Can I tell her about this matter? She'd just found her long lost parents but the situation is different now. Her parents just lost their daughter, her half-sister. But I'm sure they also look forward to Anya's consolation and support."

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