Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 679 - Accompanying Him In Prison

"Oh, is that what you thought all along? No wonder you are cruel and want to hurt my daughter. I already know what brother and you are doing. I know everything. No need to pretend in front of me anymore. Since you are worried about my brother, I will send you to accompany him in prison. Jonathan, hurry up and call the police right now!"

"You insolent kid! If you dare to call the police..." Fany shouted to Jonathan.


"Mother, don't be like that!" Lisa couldn't bear to listen to her mother anymore. All the words that came out of Fany's mouth were vile.

Why was her mother like this now?

"What did I do wrong? They want to destroy this family. Are you stupid? How come you still want to defend them?" Fany said angrily.

"Mother, stop!" Lisa immediately closed her mother's mouth and apologized to Indah. "Auntie, I'm sorry. My mother loved my father so much that she was too emotional and couldn't control her words. Please don't be offended."

"No, your mother is right. I am just the illegitimate child of the Srijaya Family. When the Pratama Family wanted to unite with the Srijaya Family, at that time, Galih's father actually wanted me. But I have a lover whom I loved so that in the end it was Sister Lina who married Galih. Even though I tried to avoid my destiny, Sister Lina died in the end so I was forced to marry Galih to take care of Keara. Because I'm just an outsider brought into the family and so I have no right to refuse!"

Indah held her chest that felt tight because of all the pent up frustrations. "I keep silent when you oppress me for years. I try my best for this family, but you even try to kill my daughter. Do you think I want to be born an illegitimate child? Nobody can choose what kind of birth you want to be, just like Jonathan. I won't let Jonathan feel what I feel. He will become the head of a family who loves him, he will keep the Srijaya Family united and harmonious!" Indah said with a confident look. After that, he looked at Fany with a look full of hatred, "I see that you and my brother love each other a lot. Maybe it would be better if you spend your time in prison together with him!"

Jonathan immediately called Galih and gave the signal to let the police in. "Uncle, you can enter." 

Currently, Galih was waiting outside with the police.

Since this was a family matter, he didn't want to interfere and allowed Indah to vent all her anger first.

Indah didn't want Galih to see her bad side like this, so Galih decided to give her some time and waited in the car.

Fany felt so angry when she saw Jonathan actually calling the police. "Jonathan, do you really want to fight me?"

"He's not the same as you. He still has a conscience, he can tell right from wrong. Lisa, you are married and have your own family, you better not interfere with this problem," before Lisa could beg for her mother, Indah immediately stopped her.

Indah and Lisa's relationship was actually quite good. Indah loved her niece because Lisa was a kind-hearted girl, unlike her mother and father.

But if Lisa wanted to fight her, Indah had no other choice but to get rid of her.

"Indah, you also have your own family. The Srijaya family is no longer your concern. Why do you always interfere with this family matter?" Fany would not stop fighting just because Indah called the police.

"Jonathan..." Indah turned to her nephew.

"Do you think I want this family? Do you think I want your treasure? I don't want anything to do with this family. You didn't only kill my mother, you also killed my child's mother! I returned to this family to set the Srijaya Family back on the right path. And to make you realize that your time is over. Like you said, you really love daddy, right? Then, let me and aunt help you get back together with him."Jonathan walked to the front door, opened it and invited the police to enter.

Galih had submitted all the evidence to the police that Fany caused the fire in the orphanage and killed the innocent children. The person who wanted to kidnap Diana also admitted that Fany ordered him.

Finally, Fany was arrested on the premise of premeditated murder.

"Let me go! Don't you know who I am? I am Fany Srijaya, wife of the owner of Srijaya Group. You guys…"

"Threatening the police is also a crime. I suggest you better keep quiet," Indah snorted coldly when she saw her sister-in-law's disgusting behavior.

She had been holding back against her for decades. Finally, she could spit it all out.

"Indah, you bastard! Do you think you are great just because you can marry Galih? Your husband loves Diana! You can never be Diana! If I don't harm Diana, he will leave you and come back to that woman!" Before Fany left, she still had time to hurt Indah with her words.

"Mother…" Lisa chased after her mother in tears, but a cop immediately stopped her.

"Why are you crying? I'm still not dead! If it weren't for you, do you think I would be like this? You ran off with that bastard so I have to agree with Jonathan to let him back home. After Jonathan returned, the Srijaya Family became like this. Now, you still dare to cry. Stop crying! Hurry up and find a lawyer for me!" Fany shouted angrily at her daughter.

Lisa could only cry when she saw her mother being dragged away by the police.

Jonathan walked over to her and tapped Lisa on the shoulder. "Lisa, as long as you are here, the Srijaya Family will still be your home. No one intends to do this to your mother. But your mother… "he took a deep breath. What could he say to Lisa?

That all of this was her mother's fault?

"Lisa, please don't blame me," Indah took a deep breath and held her niece's hand gently.

"Auntie, why is our family messed up like this? Why?" Lisa was crying bitterly.

"Nobody wants their family to be messed up like this. I hope you and your brother can live in peace," Indah hugged Jonathan and Lisa at the same time. "I'm old and I can't always protect you. I hope you can protect each other and don't disappoint me again."

"How is Aunt Diana now? Can I visit her at the hospital?" Jonathan asked anxiously.

"Diana is still in ICU and in critical condition. No one forbids you to visit it. What Fany does has nothing to do with you. You are not responsible for what she did even though Fany is also a member of the Srijaya Family," Indah said calmly.

"Auntie, can I visit her too? I just heard that Anya is my cousin and Aunt Diana took care of her since childhood. She saved my cousin, but my mother hurt her. I want to…"

"Lisa, let me go there first. When things get better, I'll take you there," Jonathan said to his younger sister.

"I know you are all good children. You are not responsible for what your mother did, Lisa," Indah stroked Lisa's head gently.

Lisa nodded. Tear marks were still visible on her face. "Aunt, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Since I left, I haven't helped this family. My mom wanted to save my dad that she did extreme things like this. If only I had come home earlier and learned about the situation..."

"It's not your fault. Who would have thought your mother would do this? We'll go to the hospital first, you go home."

Indah then looked at the house where she grew up since childhood.

This house gave her so many memories, but they were mostly painful memories.

Today, she returned to this house with the police to arrest her own sister-in-law.

If her father was still alive, would he also blame her for not helping Toni and throwing his wife in prison instead?

'Father, I've tried my best to look after this family. But it's time for me to take care of my own family...' Indah whispered to herself.

When Indah and Jonathan arrived at the hospital, Diana's condition had improved. The doctor suggested that Diana stay in the ICU for one more night to monitor her condition further. When her condition improved, she could be transferred to a normal room.

In addition, because of her age, she might not be able to recover quickly.

Jonathan immediately approached Anya and said, "I'm sorry. Because I have been too busy lately, I didn't pay attention to my family. I didn't think…"

"I don't blame you. I just hope my mom will wake up," Anya leaned on Aiden's shoulder. She looked very tired.

Her energy had been drained because she kept crying and her heart was also tired from the restlessness.

But at least, her mother's condition was stable now. At least she could breathe a sigh of relief.

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