"Miss, I will take good care of our child. I'll send you the photos often," the man said in his messy Indonesian.

Upon seeing the man's joy, Keara became even more angry. Her heart was filled with anger, disappointment, sadness and bitterness.


After being pregnant for 7 months and risking her life in childbirth, the child she gave birth to was not Aiden's child. Not the child she wanted!

The father of her child even came to her and said that he would take good care of their child.

Keara really didn't care. To hell with that kid!

She did not care about the child because that child was not Aiden's daughter.

Throughout her life, Keara always considered herself as special. She had a beautiful face, great body, elegant demeanor and a rich family.

She felt she had everything.

But now, her pride was trampled because she had given birth to a child of a man she didn't know. And it hurt her more since it wasn't Aiden's.

"Keara, this man..." Galih tried to explain to her, but Keara immediately interrupted him.

"I don't want to know who that man is. Tell him to go away because I don't want to see him. All of you go!" Keara shouted hysterically.

Galih could only shake his head. "Look at your child for the last time. After all, she is still your daughter."

"NOT! She is not my daughter. I will kill her! I will kill her!" Keara ran towards the baby as if she'd lost her mind. She stretched out her hand, trying to strangle the girl like before.

Aiden immediately blocked her then grabbed his friend's hand and said, "Take that child with you. This woman is crazy."

The baby in the man's arms cried, as if she could tell that her mother didn't like her. She seemed to feel that her mother wanted to kill her.

This was the second time Keara had intended to kill her own baby girl.

Galih immediately stopped his daughter. "Keara, stop it. All of this is your own fault. No one forced you to bear that child, nobody forced you to give birth to her. That child is your flesh and blood. Why are you so heartless?"

"Flesh and blood? Am I not your flesh and blood? You love Anya, but you don't want me!" Keara suddenly ran to the window and opened it. "After you found Anya, don't you think of me anymore?"

"Keara, calm down. You are still young. Your life is still long. You still have hope," Galih approached her slowly as he continued to persuade her.

"Don't come close!" Keara shouted. "Don't come close! I want to meet Aiden!"

Doctors and nurses came from all directions, trying to persuade Keara not to do anything dangerous.

The wind outside was very strong, making Keara's hair a mess. The wind also made the hospital clothes she was wearing seem to fly. Her face was smiling, but she still looked frustrated.

"Keara, don't be stupid. If you come down, I promise I will give you anything. Come down," Galih panicked seeing her daughter like this. He didn't expect Keara to be completely so crushed just because of love.

"Aiden. I want to meet Aiden. Don't come near or I'll jump!" Keara shouted.

Aiden led his friend downstairs and escorted him to his car. When he left the hospital, he saw many people running towards the park.

"Hey look! Someone wants to jump!"

"I heard the woman is a prisoner. She will immediately leave the hospital and return to prison. Maybe she didn't want to go back to prison and chose to commit suicide."

"If she doesn't want to go to jail, she shouldn't have done bad things."

"Come on, let's see. If she's really that bad then she deserves to die. Why does she have to threaten people and want to jump off the building?"

Right at the same time, Aiden's cell phone suddenly rang. He saw Galih's name on the screen and could already guess who was about to jump from the building.

"Please take my friend to the airport," Aiden said to his bodyguard. After saying goodbye to his friend, he picked up Galih's call while walking back into the hospital.

"Aiden, hurry back. Keara wanted to kill herself. She just wants to meet you. Please help persuade her. Only you can save her!" Galih said frantically.

"I'll be right there," Aiden hung up and walked toward the elevator.

News about Keara immediately spread on the internet. There were even some media that broadcasted it live using drones.

When she saw the video circulating on the internet, Anya felt mixed feelings.

She hated Keara to death.

Keara killed her child just to be with Aiden. She also instigated Natali to kill her.

If Keara died like this, Anya wouldn't care.

But Anya also thought about her father. Her father loved Keara so much. Even though Keara had done some terrible things, he always helped his daughter.

How sad would Galih be if Keara died this way?

When Aiden was about to arrive at Keara's room, his cellphone rang again. This time, it was Anya who called him.

"I can't let her die in front of father. Otherwise, father may not be able to live in peace for the rest of his life. Keara is really evil and she had to atone for her sins. Let her regret all her actions in prison!" Anya said.

"Alright," Aiden hung up the phone.

Upon seeing Aiden's arrival, Keara's eyes shone with hope. She continued to stare at the man she loved.

"I heard you wanted to meet me?" Aiden approached her slowly.

"Don't come close!" Keara shouted. She also forbade Aiden to approach her.

"I used to admire you," said Aiden.

When she heard Aiden's words, Keara immediately froze in place.

Aiden continued walking when he saw Keara not responding. The woman looked at him with a smile. "Anya is really my replacement then. After hearing this, I can die without regrets."

After that, Keara closed her eyes and let go of her grip. Aiden immediately ran forward and caught her hand.

Keara's body hit the wall hard since Aiden managed to catch her hand.

"Let me go! I don't want to go back to prison!" Keara shouted.

"I promised Anya that I will not let you die!" Aiden pulled Keara's body up.

Keara felt so angry at Aiden's words. How could he say that?

How could Aiden save her just because Anya told him to?

She used her other hand to claw at the back of Aiden's hand, forcing him to let go. "You don't want to save me. You just want to let Anya throw me in jail."

At the same time, the window from the room below opened. A rescue team came out and pushed up Keara's legs.

"Let me go! I don't want to be saved. Let me die! Let me die!" Keara continued to kick, almost injuring the rescue team. But no matter how hard she struggled, the rescue team wouldn't abandon their job. They were here to save someone…

"Keara, it was true that I admired you. But now, I'm so disgusted at you. Do you intend to kill yourself after committing many crimes? How could I let you pay for all your mistakes at such a low price?" Aiden held Keara's hand tightly, not allowing her to escape and head for freedom.

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