"What do you want?" Aiden looked coldly at Keara's face, trying to protect Anya behind him.

"My mom really missed her. I just want Anya to meet her. Her health was not this bad to begin with. But ever since she got the news that her daughter had died, she had given up and had no intention of recovering. If she finds out that Anya is still alive, maybe she will survive." 


After saying that, Keara looked towards Anya. "Anya, even though you didn't grow up with your mother, her love for you has never changed. Can't you meet her?"

Her words made Anya's heart soften. Finally, she asked, "Where's Aunt Indah now?"

"Mother is still in hospital. Aiden knows her room," Keara replied.

Anya looked at Aiden and saw him nod. "I will meet her. You need to go now."

"We are sisters. Our parents wish that we can live in peace. I know the child in my womb makes you feel bad. But calm down, I will never interfere with your life," Keara said before she turned and left.

Her words made Anya feel that she was not like the usual Keara she knew.

She felt something was wrong with her.

"Miss Anya, please enter VIP room number 8." Right after Keara left, a nurse came to her.

VIP room number 8?

Anya felt doubtful when she heard this. She saw Keara just came out of the room.

"Don't worry. I will come with you," Aiden immediately realized Anya's worry.

Nadine also took her hand, trying to calm her down. Aiden then walked ahead, leading them to enter the room together.

The doctor saw them and immediately greeted them, "Only family members can enter."

"I just need a moment. I'll be out soon," Nadine walked to the hospital bed and pulled out a clean cloth from her bag. She opened the cloth and covered the bed with it.

When she was tidying the cloth, Nadine saw something strange in the bed. It looked like a small object was sticking out in the middle.

Nadine stretched out her hand and pressed the protruding center.

"Ahh!" She screamed in surprise. Her hand was scratched by something sharp and immediately bled.

"Bodyguard!" Aiden shouted. His guards outside immediately broke into the room and arrested the doctor and along with the nurse.

Anya felt sick seeing the blood flowing from Nadine's hand. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she laid on the bed.

Aiden stepped forward and lifted the bed then found a knife hidden under it.

"Sir, it's not me... I don't know either," the doctor said fearfully.

The VIP patient room was not meant for ordinary people to enter. How could there be a knife hidden under the bed?

The nurse was scared to see it too. She thought back and said, "After Miss Keara used the bed, I changed the base to a new one. When I checked it, there was nothing there."

Aiden immediately reported to the head of the hospital and took Nadine to treat her wounds. He also asked his guards to check the knife behind the bed.

Anya didn't dare to look at the wound on Nadine's hand. She cried and felt guilty because Nadine was injured.

When Nadine came out of the doctor's room after treating her hand, Anya immediately stepped forward and came to her. But she couldn't say anything.

Nadine had saved her…

"Auntie, don't worry. It's just a small cut," she said.

"Forgive me. It's all because of me. Keara wanted to hurt me, but you got injured instead," Anya cried while holding Nadine's hand.

Aiden embraced Anya's shoulder and kissed the top of her head gently. "Dont worry. Nadine is fine. You and our child are fine too."

"Why does Keara hate me so much that she wants me dead?" Anya was shaking violently because she was so angry.

"Stop it. The most important thing is nothing bad happened to you," Aiden tried to calm her down.

"I'm really scared. Luckily it wasn't you who got hurt, auntie. I shouldn't have told Mila the reason I didn't come today," Nadine immediately guessed that Mila had told Keara about Anya's examination schedule.

"Nadine, I'm sorry. I didn't expect this to happen," Anya said regretfully.

Aiden looked at Anya, but Anya did not dare to meet his gaze.

"You deliberately announced your check-up schedule, making Keara act like this, right?" Aiden's voice was deep and hoarse. Anya couldn't hear his anger in it, but his voice made it look as if he could snap anyone's neck any moment now.

"Keara has committed many crimes, but she got out of prison very quickly. I thought…"

"I told you I would handle it. What are you trying to do? You put our child in danger just to catch her. Keara is also pregnant. Do you think she will openly come to you with a knife in her hand?" Aiden asked.

"She did this. Even if there is no evidence, I know she must be the one who did it!" Anya yelled.

"Without evidence, what can you do? If something happened to Nadine, what can you say to Ms. Maria and Harris?" Aiden asked with a grim face.

"What do you mean?" Anya was shocked and raised her head in fear. "Is Nadine badly injured?"

"The wound is not deep, but there was blood on the knife. What do you think the knife will do to you?" Aiden looked very grim. If Keara dared to do this cruelty, of course she would not have put an ordinary knife to scratch Anya's skin.

It was not a simple knife, so apart from cleaning the wound and treating Nadine, Aiden immediately examined the object.

"Nadine..." Anya's tears flowed back. "I am sorry. I am sorry. I really do not know. I am sorry!"

"Don't worry, auntie. While treating my wound, the doctor told me about some possibilities. My wound is not that deep and the doctor has cleaned it very thoroughly. After that, he also gave me an injection. I'll be fine." Actually, Nadine also felt very scared. But seeing Anya crying like this, she couldn't bear it. She immediately consoled her and pretended to be strong.

"Keara is really crazy... She wanted to infect Anya with HIV AIDS through that knife," Aiden seemed to be trying to control his expression. But everyone there could see that he was furious.

"She will also become a mother. How could she do it while pregnant?" Nadine said angrily.

"It's my fault. I was the one who deliberately announced my check-up schedule to get Keara to attack me. I was sure Aiden would protect me. I thought I'd be fine. I was too ambitious and reckless to catch her," Anya said, crying. "All of this is my fault. I've hurt Nadine..."

She could not imagine if Nadine became infected with HIV AIDS because of her stupidity.

How could she explain everything to Maria and Nico?

How could she deal with Harris?

How would she face Bima?

"Auntie, I'll be fine. The wound was not deep and I was treated right away. If the wound is cleaned in time, there is a chance that I won't get infected. Don't think too much about it," Nadine held Anya's hand gently.

"You're the one who got hurt, but instead you comforted me. I'm really selfish. I shouldn't have put myself and the people around me in danger just because I wanted to catch Keara..." Anya turned and hugged Aiden with a little difficulty because of her already enlarged stomach. 

"Aiden, I'm sorry. I didn't expect Keara to be this cruel. I'm not her sister. How can I have such a cruel sister?" As she kept crying, Anya felt that her breath was getting shorter.

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