"So, Keara is really your sister? And you are Aunt Indah's missing child? Does that mean Aiden is impregnating you two, sisters of the same family? I'm really going to kill him…" Tara was really shocked to hear who Anya's real parents were.

Anya laughed seeing angry Tara. It was rare to see her dare to fight Aiden like this.


But for the sake of her best friend's happiness, Tara didn't mind having to fight a creepy and cold person like Aiden.

"Why are you blaming Aiden? Keara carried out artificial insemination without Aiden's permission," said Anya.

"Still, this is Aiden's fault. Even if he didn't do anything, it doesn't mean he's innocent," Tara complained.

"Sis, is my uncle guilty of being too handsome?" Nadine also laughed to see Tara nagging.

"It's not Aiden's fault that his face is too handsome. But he was guilty of using his good looks to make a woman crazy enough to want to bear his child at all costs. It's too late now. Aiden is guilty of this too," Tara said, blaming Aiden without thinking twice.

Hearing Tara's words, Anya felt that her friend got a point. Aiden was also guilty because he sometimes looked like he was giving a false hope to Keara, especially when he wanted to use her. Aiden might only want to use her, but Keara could have thought of something else.

Keara could have hoped for something else from Aiden.

Aiden didn't end his relationship right and made Keara keep wishing to be with him this way. "You're right. This is Aiden's fault for letting another woman conceive his child. He also contributed to this problem."

"Yes. Let him take care of his own child's problems. Why do you want to be a stepmother to someone else's child? You also have to take care of your own children. You're pregnant with twins after all."

The room suddenly became silent after Tara said it.

Anya immediately looked at Nadine who was still silent in her place.

"Nadine, I don't mean to offend you. I just… You know, I'm too outspoken," Tara immediately tried to explain.

"It takes a strong determination to become a stepmother. Mother is very good to me. She has lost her own daughter and still wants to raise someone else's child, what's more, I'm actually the child of her husband's affair. She must've been really heartbroken," Nadine said with a faint smile. "I will be devoted to my mother. But I also suggest you not to raise Keara's child, auntie."

"I'm sure Aiden can solve all of this on his own. He will never disappoint me. If he hurts me, I will leave with my children and never come back to him again," Anya said firmly.

"Auntie, your relationship with uncle got to this point after going through many difficult trials. If you separate again because of Keara's child, it means that her plan is successful. The reason Keara insisted on giving birth to that child was to make you uncomfortable and separate you from my uncle. If you guys separate, she will become a member of the Atmajaya Family along with her child. Are you going to let that happen?" Nadine said.

"I know what she wanted. My health is not good enough. It's not easy for me to have this child. Plus, I'm pregnant with twins. I think she will do something and make me miscarry." Anya stroked her stomach and said softly, "Baby, let's do our best to keep that evil woman away!"

Perhaps her children could hear what their mother said, so they responded with a kick.

Anya laughed when she felt it. "My children will be born healthy."

"Aren't you curious about the gender of your child? Are both girls? Or Boys? Or maybe one girl and one boy?" Nadine couldn't wait for the birth of her two cousins.

Twin cousins would be so cute!

"I have scheduled an examination with my doctor. We can find out their gender tomorrow," Anya said with a smile.

"Can I come with you? I also want to see them!" Nadine said excitedly.

Tara looked a little disappointed. "My clinic will be very busy tomorrow. Don't forget to tell me the results of the examination," she also wanted to accompany Anya, but she had her own responsibilities.

Soon, she would also have a family and she had to raise a lot of money for that.

"Tara, after you and Nico got married, do you guys want to have kids right away? If so, you have to remind Nico to stop drinking and smoking," said Anya.

"We've talked about it. He said that if he had to go out with a client, he couldn't refuse to drink. But he has quit smoking."

"Don't wait too long. When my children get older, no one will accompany your child to play," Anya teased.

"You have twins. They can play alone. Let my child play with Nadine's later," Tara said, winking at Nadine.

"Nadine, when will Harris propose to you?" Anya asked. She felt Harris would also immediately propose to Nadine. After all, Harris had been waiting for Nadine's return for years.

Nadine's cheeks immediately blushed. She glanced at the kitchen, wanting to see what Hana was doing. When she saw her future mother-in-law was busy, she raised her hand shyly.

"Wow! A ring! When did Harris propose to you?" Tara asked.

"I have it too," Anya raised her hand proudly.

"Why didn't I know that you were proposed? When did it happen?" Tara got up from the sofa.

"On the same day as you," Nadine chuckled.

"No wonder you kicked me out of Anya's house. It turns out you guys had other plans," Tara pursed her lips and said, "Anya, aren't you my friend? Why didn't you show Aiden's photo when he proposed to you?"

"I recorded everything," Nadine said, smiling. "Uncle is so romantic. He even sang for my aunt," She would never forget that night. Her cold uncle turned out to be very romantic in the presence of the right woman.

"Nadine, when did Harris propose to you?" Anya asked.

"On the way home. Harris carried me on his back and I asked him when he was going to see my mother and grandfather. When he heard that someone came and wanted to set me up with their child, he immediately proposed to me at home," Nadine said shyly.

"Is that all? Nothing else good happened?" Tara asked, deliberately raising her eyebrows over and over again.

Anya immediately tapped her on the shoulder. "Harris is not as naughty as Nico. He is an honest and innocent man."

"Don't worry, nothing happened. Previously, I had suggested to Harris to impregnate me in order to force my grandfather to accept our relationship. But he didn't want to. He said he wanted to get a sincere approval from my family, not by force. I'm really moved," Nadine said with a sparkling face.

"Harris is really great. He really respects you. Even if you live under one roof, he won't do anything you don't want him to do," Anya said in awe.

"Or maybe he's not feeling well? Not strong enough in bed? I guess it will be better to get him checked," Tara said seriously.

Nadine immediately looked panicked and asked, "How do you check it?"

Anya bursted into laughter at Nadine's innocence. "Of course with proper medical tools. What are you thinking!" She said.

Tara also immediately interrupted. "Your brain only has the dirty stuff, huh?"

Nadine laughed sheepishly. "No, you're wrong… You didn't explain it clearly."

Tara shook her head.

The three of them then spent their afternoon chatting and relaxing.

"Auntie, Mila submitted her resignation letter today," Nadine said softly.

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