"Anya, I love you too. Promise me you'll never leave me," Aiden said as he held Anya's face with both hands.

Since the incident that happened to them, Aiden often said things like this to her. He repeatedly asked Anya to promise him not to leave him.


Seeing Natali pointing her gun at Anya caused Aiden a trauma of his own.

He was afraid that Anya would leave him like two years ago.

He was afraid that Anya would leave him forever.

He was afraid of losing Anya.

When Natali aimed the gun to kill Anya, Aiden immediately protected her without the slightest hesitation. He didn't care if he had to get shot.

Aiden chewed Anya's lips gently. His eyes were slightly open, staring at his wife's very charming face.

Anya's face flushed as she looked at him with a dreamy gaze and her breathing became faster.

That night, Aiden showed his love for Anya in the most gentle way.

Like a gentle stream of breeze caressing one's skin, like a drizzle of raindrops landing on the ground, giving life to everything.

Anya felt incredibly happy in this life. Being able to feel how it was like to be loved by a sincere man like Aiden made her life feel so perfect.

That night, she slept with a smile on her face.

Seeing Anya asleep, Aiden covered her and then went to the bathroom. After leaving the bathroom, he checked the sales results from Iris via his cell phone.

Based on Harris' report, he knew that Anya released her homemade perfume from the competition at the same time as Keara.

This year, the sales records of the three perfume shops located in the Atmajaya Group mall were led by Keara's Parfume, followed by Amore, and then Iris in the lowest.

Amore's sales rate had decreased quite dramatically because of Imel's case and her arrest. But Diana's perfume sales were still going.

Iris had even worse sales. The new product they launched was very similar to Keara's, but it cost a lot more.

In the end, many customers chose to buy perfume from Keara's Parfume.

Aiden's eyes looked a little dim when he saw the sales results.

He didn't think that Keara would throw away her shame and did it. Apart from stealing Anya's perfume recipe and using it in the competition, she also launched the same perfume and stole all of Iris' customers for a cheaper price.

But Keara didn't know one thing.

Anya already knew everything!

Anya already knew that Mila had become Keara's accomplice. She knew that Mila had betrayed her and stole her perfume's recipe.

The next morning, Nico and Tara came for breakfast as usual, as did Nadine and Harris.

In the middle of breakfast, Nadine told them that someone came and wanted to match their child with the Atmajaya family. She hoped that by telling all this, Aiden would help her.

"I guess..." Before Nico could continue, Tara immediately closed his mouth and glared at him sharply. She knew Nico didn't like Harris as his sister's partner.

After she knew Nico and lived with him for quite a while, Tara could already guess what Nico was going to say. Her fiance would only say bad things.

Nico immediately changed his mind because of Tara's creepy gaze. He didn't want Tara to reject him and retract her decision to accept his proposal after he painstakingly tried his best for it.

Yesterday's proposal was like a roller coaster for Nico. He didn't want to lose Tara just because of his stupid mouth!

"I think you must do something soon, uncle. Nadine and I don't have a father. You are our guardian. We'll leave everything to you," said Nico at last.

"Leave it all to me? When I told you to marry Raisa, you refused," Aiden said coldly.

"Uncle, don't talk about the past. Raisa is my aunt now. After all, there's only Tara in my heart. I wouldn't want to be with any other woman than her." Nico didn't miss this opportunity to openly show his love for Tara.

Nadine shivered all over her body when she heard her brother's words. "Jeez," she muttered.

Tara covered her face shyly. She felt a little regretful that she had accepted this shameless man as her future husband.

Meanwhile, Anya just laughed at Nico's silly face.

"Nico and I, and Ivan too, have experienced how it's like to be trapped in an arranged marriage that we didn't want. But we are men. Meanwhile, Nadine is a girl. If her engagement fails  one day, everyone will talk about it. I will not let Nadine experience what I felt," said Aiden.

"Thank you, uncle," Nadine almost had tears in her eyes. Even though she had made a mistake that caused her uncle and aunt to separate, her uncle still loved her.

"Thank you, sir," Harris also did not forget to thank Aiden.

Nico snorted at that. "Harris, even though Nadine is stupid, she is a good girl. She will be a good wife and mother. If you dare to hurt her, I will not be the only one to beat you up. I'll bring uncle and uncle Ivan with me." 

Harris was not afraid of Nico's threat because he would never hurt Nadine. If he hurt Nadine, maybe he would be the first to kill himself.

He loved Nadine so much and had been waiting for her return for a long time.

He would spend his whole life showing his love for Nadine.

Nadine's cheeks flushed at that. She felt so happy.

She could be with the man she loved. Apart from that, she also had a very loving family.

Her childish and obnoxious brother threatened Harris and tried to protect her.

Apart from her brother, she also had two uncles who loved and cherished her wholeheartedly. Aiden was willing to defend her and bring happiness to her.

Plus, Maria still loved her sincerely even though she wasn't her biological daughter.

Indeed, Maria had found her own biological daughter Jenny. And Jenny herself also recognized Maria as her mother. But that didn't mean Jenny was willing to move into the Atmajaya family's house and live with Maria.

She had spent her entire life living with her adoptive parents. Since her parents couldn't have children, they spoiled Jenny a lot, making her a very lazy child.

She used to get everything just by raising her hand.

If she had to move to the Atmajaya Family house, what would her fate be?

Jenny didn't want to move there and faced Bima, who had a tough and firm face every day. She didn't want to live with Ivan, who was quiet and didn't talk much.

She was also afraid of Aiden who was always cold to her.

She felt uncomfortable having an older brother and was always at odds with Nico.

That's why Jenny didn't want to return to the Atmajaya Family.

Even though she was Maria's child, she had no feelings for people who had never lived with her, people who had never been in her life.

On the other hand, her mother and adoptive father spoiled her so much. She was the only child in her adoptive family and everyone pretty much loved her.

Meanwhile, Maria already had Nadine and Nico  in the Atmajaya Family. She was not short on children anymore.

That's why Jenny decided to stay at her family's house. But every now and then she would come to chat with Maria. Or just take a walk in the park with Bima so she could get extra pocket money.

If she had free time, she would annoy her brother and ask Nico to buy something for her.

Even though Jenny did not change her name, everyone still knew that Jenny was the child of the Atmajaya family. Not a single person dared to fight against her.

This kind of life was satisfying enough for Jenny.

"Finally, I can find the person to take care of Nadine. Now only Jenny is left. She liked Raka and repeatedly asked me to help her approach him. If I didn't want to help her, she would steal my money," Nico said irritably. "Uncle, please help me."

"Jenny didn't grow up in the Atmajaya family. We'd better not interfere in her personal affairs," Aiden did not want to add to his work.

What's the point of him taking care of someone else's problem when they're not even close to him?

"Uncle, it's not only Raka who doesn't like her. The whole Mahendra Family didn't like her either. Don't tell my grandfather and mother," Nico said, hinting that he had told a big secret.

At the same time, Anya had just come back from the bathroom. "I've met Jenny. I think she is very beautiful. Why doesn't the Mahendra family like her?" She asked.

Nico bursted out laughing at his aunt's question. "Even though you've known Raka for long, you still don't understand about..."

Before Nico could finish his sentence, he already realized his mistake. He accidentally brought up his aunt and Raka's past in front of his uncle!

Nico closed his mouth and glanced at his uncle. At this time, his uncle's face looked a little grim.

"Sorry uncle, I blurted out. Raka's mother doesn't like Jenny because she can't be controlled. She is a spoiled girl who can't do anything. Meanwhile, the Mahendra family wants to have an elegant daughter-in-law who can uphold their family's good name. If they wanted to marry into the Atmajaya family, they would definitely prefer Nadine," Nico said, not hiding anything.

"Raka is good, but not his mother," Anya shook her head repeatedly.

Aiden got up and helped Anya to pull her chair. He held Anya's hand as she was about to sit back down. After that, she brought a few more side dishes to Anya's plate so that his wife would eat a little more.

"Raisa is engaged to Ivan now. The Mahendra family no longer needs to match Raka with the Atmajaya family. Just imagine if Raka is also included in our family, what will our family tree look like?" Aiden said.

"I've told Jenny about it too, but you know how stupid that kid is," Nico felt dizzy because he had a younger sister like Jenny.

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