Imel had been in prison for quite a while. But she still didn't want to confess her crimes until now. Whenever the police attempted to interrogate her, she said that Heru was doing all this alone without her knowledge.

Ivan would come to visit her every day. He also tried to persuade his mother to admit what she had done. Perhaps by confessing her actions the punishment Imel would receive would be lightened.


Currently, Ivan couldn't do anything to help his mother because he also had to think about his father's feelings.

His mother had betrayed his father's feelings. How could he pick a side between them?

If his mother admitted all her actions and apologized sincerely to his father, maybe his father would forgive her out of respect for their relationship.

Then, his father would also think about his feelings as a son.

Even though his father was angry with his mother and didn't love her anymore, Ivan was still his son.

Moreover, since everyone considered him to be the illegitimate child of the Atmajaya family, Bima always tried to fulfill all of his wishes.

"Mother, how about you admit what you did? By admitting your actions and expressing your regret about it, maybe your sentence can be lightened," Ivan persuaded.

But his mother was too prideful. Even at a time like this, she did not want to meet Bima. She didn't want to admit what she had done, let alone apologize.

"Are you crazy?" Imel shouted.

"I can't help you. Only father can help you to ease your sentence," said Ivan.

"Ivan, isn't Aiden currently in a coma? Bima's condition is also not good. You only need to fight Nico to get the Atmajaya Group. I'm sure you can get rid of that stupid Nico easily!"

Ivan looked at his mother sadly.

Until when would his mother continue like this?

"Mother, why are you doing all this?" He whispered.

"I did all this for you. When are you going to stop people from insulting you as an illegitimate child? Until when will you let them call your mother a cheap woman?"

"I never wanted all of this..."

Ivan didn't want any of this. He just wanted to live in peace. He didn't care what people said.

Even though everyone called him an illegitimate child, a child born to an affair, or whatever, he didn't care at all.

It wasn't not the judgments of others that determined who he was, but his own behavior.

Just let those people insult him and belittle him. The most important thing for him was that everyone close to him knew that he was not such a lowly person.

Being able to live with his father and mother alone was a great gift for Ivan.

In addition, they were lavished with wealth, success and extraordinary status.

Why should he want more?

"Why are you so stupid? You want all those people to keep calling us names?" Imel shouted angrily.

"And what do people's judgments have to do with us? Their words don't affect our life, can they? Why should we listen to them?"

"How can I not listen to them? Whatever I did is meaningless. I'll remain a lowly and cheap woman in their eyes. If only I could get Atmajaya Group, who would dare insult me?"

Ivan stared at his mother in silence.

His mother was no longer the same person. He still remembered when Imel started her career with Diana.

Her mother and Diana were good friends who had worked together from scratch to achieve extraordinary success.

At that time, even though he did not have a father, Ivan felt that his world was complete.

He had a wonderful mother, a good life although his wealth was not that much.

To him, his mother was his idol, a single parent who could raise her son by herself and achieve success in her career.

However, that figure had gone now.

"Mother, you didn't do all this for me," Ivan whispered.

"What do you mean?" Imel looked at her son angrily.

"It's not like you said, you didn't do all this for me. You did all this only for yourself. You did it just because you want to get recognition from others and want to be considered a great person. You also did it because you wanted to have power and strength over people," Ivan continued in a low voice. "I'm fed up with all of this."

Imel fell silent at her son's words.

She could not deny that what Ivan had said was wrong. It might be true that she did all this for Ivan's sake in the beginning. She wanted to give Ivan a better life. She wanted to give him the last name he should have, the status that should belong to her son.

But on the way, Imel couldn't deny that she also wanted that status for herself. She also wanted to be Mrs. Atmajaya, to gain the power to trample the people who had insulted her.

If she were Mrs. Atmajaya, who would dare insult her?

She had veered from her main path and was concerned about her own feelings, without caring for how his son was feeling.

At this moment, hearing her son's words made Imel stunned.

Never once had she heard her son say such a thing to her. Her son, kind and gentle, suddenly said he was disgusted by her.

"What did you say to me, Ivan?"

"I'm fed up, Mother. I'm sick of all of this. I'm sick of your behavior…" Ivan said.

The woman froze in place, unable to reply to Ivan's words. Imel tried to convince herself that she had heard wrong. But in fact, her ears were still perfectly functioning.

She heard Ivan's words very clearly.

"I don't know how to persuade you anymore, mother. All this time, I always tried to close my eyes when I saw all your actions. I loved you so much that I pretended to be blind and deaf. But I also have a limit of patience," said Ivan. "You've only been thinking about yourself. Now, let me think of myself. It's better for us to live each other's life. I hope you are happy with your decision."

After saying that, Ivan got up and left.

He had tried to persuade his mother patiently, but to no avail. He hoped his mother could come to her senses and quickly return to the right path after learning how hard prison life was.

After Ivan left, Imel finally returned to reflect on all her actions and decided to admit everything.

More than ten years ago, the explosion that occurred in Amore had something to do with her. She did all that just to get Diana's perfume formula.

By getting rid of Diana and acquiring the perfume formula, she would become the sole owner of Amore.

The death of Bima's wife was indeed committed by Heru, but she was the one who ordered it. She wanted to get the position of Mrs. Atmajaya, so she had to get rid of the real Mrs. Atmajaya.

By obtaining the status as Mrs. Atmajaya, she would be even stronger and her influence would drastically increase.

Then what made Heru want to do all this for her?

It turned out that it wasn't as simple as Heru blindly loving her, Imel also lied to him, saying that Ivan was actually his son.

All this time, Heru had always thought of Ivan as his son.

Imel told Heru that Ivan was actually his son and not Bima's. She only used the name of the Atmajaya family to make her son live a prosperous life.

Heru did not object to Imel's plans because he thought he wouldn't be able to provide a decent life for Ivan himself.

On the other hand, the Atmajaya Family could give everything for their son.

That's why, for the sake of Ivan, whom he thought was his son, Heru was willing to do everything.

But the documents Aiden showed him at the time he got locked up had proven that Ivan was not his son. Ivan was indeed Bima's son and was a member of the Atmajaya family.

All this time, Imel had only lied to him…

Heru loved Imel and Ivan so much that he did everything to help both and betrayed the Atmajaya family.

After knowing that Imel lied to him, Heru finally decided to admit all his actions and said that Imel told him to do it.

Imel recalled all her life so far.

She had Diana, a friend and comrade in arms who started a career with her from scratch. But she didn't value their friendship as much as Diana did.

She prefered to get wealth and power.

She had Heru, someone who loved her with all his heart and was willing to do anything for her. But she took advantage of Heru instead.

She preferred a rich man like Bima over Heru who had nothing.

Then she had Bima, who always tried to give everything for her and help her, no matter what she did.

Even though Bima could not give his last name for her, he did not hesitate to fight against his family members to get in touch with Imel. He always pampered Imel and treated her very well.

But Imel wanted more.

She wanted more, without giving anything back to the people who loved her.

In the end, she had to lose everything.

And now, she had nothing.

Her son was even disappointed in her and left her.

After Imel confessed all of her actions, Ivan returned to visit his mother. This time, his mother did not ask him to take advantage of the chaos within the family and seize the Atmajaya Group.

Imel recalled her original purpose in doing all this, which was to make her son happy.

But along the way, she began to lose her way and think more about herself, rather than her love for her only son.

In the end, Imel only wished Ivan to live a happy life for the rest of his life...

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