Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 621 - Dreams Or Past Memories?

"Please. Someone please get me out of here!" Anya kept banging on the door while screaming. But not a single person heard her.

She was locked in a dark warehouse. The room looked worn and not used for a long time.


Nobody was around, nor passing outside.

The place was so dark and neglected.

She spent a night alone, locked in without food or drink.

After one night passed, the warehouse's door finally opened. She thought that it would be the day she could get out of there. However, as soon as she ran towards the door, someone immediately pushed her inside.

"How dare you try to run away! Do you want me to break your leg!" The person shouted.

"Please let me go. My family is very poor and has no money. Did you guys kidnap the wrong person?" Anya asked carefully.

"We don't need money," the man showed his face, making Anya terrified. After which, he turned around and ordered the people behind him to enter.

Anya saw two big men carrying a young man and threw him on the floor. Then, the warehouse's door was locked again.

Anya looked at the young man with fear. But he didn't move, unmoving from the place he was thrown into.

"Get up!" Anya shook his body once, but there was no reaction at all.

She felt even more panicked, afraid that the young man was dead. She stretched out her hand and pointed it towards the young man's nose. When she felt his breath, Anya let out a sigh of relief.

She didn't know why the young man was there. Just as she also didn't know why she was trapped there.

What did these people really want from her?

She had no money.

She came from an ordinary family.

Even if they asked for any ransom, they wouldn't get anything.

Anya looked back at the young man in front of her. His hands were tightly bound, unlike hers.

Then she took some boxes and put them on the floor. She tried to pull the young man's body so that he would not lie on the cold floor.

Up close, Anya could only see the young man's appearance clearly. His face was extraordinarily handsome.

Thick eyebrows, sharp and firm nose, also thin lips. Her mother said that men with thin lips had the most charming smile.

When Anya was staring at his face, the young man suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ahhh!" Anya fell backwards in fear. Then, she immediately took a few steps back from him.

Aiden looked at the girl in front of him and then looked around. After observing the surroundings, he calmed himself down.

"Who are you?" Aiden asked.

"I was also kidnapped by them. One day before you…" Anya looked at the closed door. "Do you know who they are?"

Aiden moved his body and realized that his hands were tied. He said in a deep voice, "Untie this rope."

Anya looked at Aiden suspiciously. They were locked in a warehouse together, without anyone else near. What if after the rope got untied, this young man did something horrible to her?

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in children." Aiden could guess what the girl in front of him was afraid of.

But he could see that the girl before him was very young.

He was not interested in small children…

"I am not a child…" Anya said nervously.

Aiden looked at her with a serious gaze. This girl was smart and alert, not trusting people carelessly.

"They tied me up because they wanted a ransom from my family. If you untie this rope, I'll get you out of here." Aiden tried to sit up with a little difficulty as his hands and feet were tied.

Anya's eyes widened when she saw Aiden manage to sit up even in that state. It looked like those people tied him up out of fear. This guy looked really strong.

"Who are you? Are you from a rich family?" Anya asked.

"My last name is Atmajaya. I just returned to Indonesia. If my family finds out I got kidnapped, they will definitely pay the ransom to save me. I'll take you out of here." Aiden looked at Anya from head to toe. He saw her wearing very simple clothes.

It seemed like this girl didn't come from a wealthy family.

"Is it true? Thank you. I don't know why these people kidnapped me. I don't have anything. My family isn't wealthy..." said Anya.

"They can sell you," Aiden said, looking at Anya.

When he looked closely, he felt that the girl in front of him was similar to Keara. As soon as he realized that, Aiden's face immediately became cold.

Was this girl from the Pratama Family?

These kidnappers looked like they were really good with their job. Apart from abducting a son from the Atmajaya Family, they also managed to get a daughter from the Pratama Family, another rich family in the city…

This was a big problem. The Pratama Family and the Atmajaya Family both lost their children…

However, this girl said that her family did not come from a wealthy family and that she had nothing. What really happened?

"You scare me even more," Anya hugged her knees in the corner of the room.

She had been there for one night. She really wanted to go home ...

"What's your name?" After seeing Anya's face, Aiden turned colder than before.

Anya felt scared when she saw his attitude. She was silent and did not dare to answer the question.

Aiden looked around again. Sitting up, he could see his surroundings more clearly now. He was looking for a way to escape from here.

Anya looked at him and said, "Don't bother looking. I've been trying many times. There are no windows and only one door, so it's impossible to escape. Is it true that someone from your family will pay the ransom and save you?" Anya could see that the man was wearing expensive clothes. His family must be very rich.

Could this guy really save her too?

Or would he leave her in this place alone?

Aiden didn't answer. His family would definitely save him!

"My name is Anya. What is your name?" Anya asked in a low voice.

"Aiden," he replied briefly and then looked at Anya again. "Quickly help me untie this bond."

"I can help you, but promise me that you won't do anything," Anya said nervously.

"Do you think I intend to do something in a place like this?" Aiden said impatiently. He really needed to get away.

That way, he could find a way out faster.

"Promise me first!" Anya demanded.

"I promise I will never do anything to you, Anya." After saying this irritably, Aiden urged Anya to untie the rope immediately.

After the rope was untied, Aiden continued to surround the warehouse looking for a way. But in the end, he could only believe Anya's words.

The warehouse had no windows. The walls were also so thick that it was impossible for them to break through.

They could only leave and enter through one door, there was no other way. In front of that door, someone was guarding them closely and kept them from running away.

Aiden leaned against the wall. He realized that he could not escape from that place.

Anya started screaming again, as she did yesterday. "Please. Is there anyone out there? Help! help!"

Aiden just stared at Anya, without helping her. The kidnappers weren't stupid. If screaming was useful, the kidnappers would have stuffed their mouths already.

The reason they didn't stuff their mouths was because the place was far from crowds and there were no people passing by.

Even if they screamed to their lungs, nobody would help them.

Anya screamed until her voice was hoarse. No one heard her, but she caught the guard's attention instead.

"This girl is really energetic. How about playing with us?" Two men on guard were seen entering the room carrying a taser as they slowly walked closer to Anya.

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