"Who don't you want to meet?" asked Anya, hearing Aiden on the phone.

"I don't want to meet anyone but you," Aiden immediately hung up the call.


Harris looked at his cellphone which had been disconnected and he felt sad because Aiden hated him now.

Aiden didn't want to see him. That would mean he wouldn't be able to join breakfast at Aiden's house either.

In the end, Nadine and Harris decide to join Diana for dinner over the next few days. Since Diana was living alone, she welcomed the two guests with pleasure.

She was also happy because Harris and Nadine were there to help her take care of the garden and help with her work.

Meanwhile, Anya was focused on preparing for the perfume competition she would participate in. She worked in her perfume room everyday. And when she felt tired, she would spend time with Aiden.

The day before the competition, Anya went to Iris to meet Esther and bring a sample of her homemade perfume.

Before closing the shop, Mila took the initiative to clean the office on the second floor when she realized that the forgotten perfume room had not been locked.

She looked around and made sure that no one was there. After that, she immediately went inside and found Anya's perfume sample along with the recipe.

The next day, Anya returned to Iris and went straight up to her office. She took a sample of the perfume and the recipe, then rushed to the place where the competition was being held.

This perfume competition was a golden opportunity so that Anya could strengthen her reputation in the perfume world.

After two years of studying and trying hard in a foreign land, would she be able to win this competition, competing against great parfumeurs from all over the world?

Diana and Esther arrived at the place early, while Aiden accompanied Anya. Even Tara purposely postponed her schedule today and canceled all her appointments to give her support for Anya.

Anya already knew the stages in this competition because she had participated in it before.

She had a very sensitive sense of smell so that in the first half, she was able to go fast and enter the second half, ahead of the others.

In the previous competition, Anya received a low score in the second half, which was the round that determined the value and quality of the spices.

At that time, although she recognized spices, her abilities were quite limited because she was not equipped with a formal education.

But the two years she spent studying made her change, unlike her old self.

Even though she still couldn't compete with Keara, she was still much better.

In the second half, Keara caught up with her and in the end, Anya entered the third round together with her.

Last time, Galih and Indah came together to support their only daughter. But this time, not a single person from the Pratama Family came to support Keara.

Anya looked down at the stage. She saw Diana and Esther looking at her. Aiden was also looking up at the stage with a 'My wife is here to win the match' look. Nico and Tara were seen sitting beside him waving a flag.

In contrast to the two people who were excited, Nadine and Harris watched this match very calmly.

Just like before, the third act was the perfume making round on the spot. This time, the theme of the perfume was love.

Anya smiled towards Aiden. 'Perfume about love'. Of course she would immediately look at her love, her husband…

Keara listened to the announcement about the theme of perfume that they had to build an idea right away.

"Uncle, the perfume is about love. Hurry up and give a sign for aunt!" Nico shouted excitedly.

"What sign?" Aiden also noticed that Anya was looking at him.

"Follow me!" Nico raised his hand and made a heart sign with his thumb and forefinger, as was usually done by Korean idols.

Aiden followed Nico and asked, "Isn't this a sign of money? If Anya wins this competition, will she get a lot of money?"

"Hah?" Nico immediately gaped. "What has love to do with money?"

"Thumb and forefinger like this, isn't this a sign to count money?" Aiden asked with a serious expression.

"Counting money?" Nico immediately bursted out laughing. "That's right, uncle. If you give money signs like this, auntie will be very happy!"

"You freak. Do you think I'm short on money?" Aiden immediately withdrew his hand.

"Just do it quickly! Show your love to auntie, uncle!" Nico took Aiden's hand.

But Aiden didn't obey him. Instead, he immediately rose to his feet and shouted loudly, "Anya, I love you!", expressing his love directly without the need to use gestures.

Nico immediately covered his face in embarrassment. His uncle had gone crazy.

He expressed his love openly in front of everyone.

Anya chuckled seeing Aiden's behavior. Never had she seen Aiden like this.

The current him didn't care about his image at all. The only one he cared about was her. He wanted Anya to listen to his love confession.

"Wow! Amazing!"

"I heard that Anya and Aiden separated because Anya wanted to study abroad two years ago."

"So Aiden waited for Anya for two years?"

"What a great love story they have."

"But I heard that Keara is pregnant with Aiden's child. Is the news wrong?"

"Anya and Keara are very similar. Is it possible that Aiden missed Anya so much that he slept with the wrong person?"

"I don't know. But I really support Anya and Aiden. They are very cute, confessing love in front of the crowd like this."

Today Raka did not come directly to support Anya, but he watched the broadcast live on TV.

As time went on, Diana felt even more nervous. She asked Esther anxiously, "Esther, can Anya win?"

Esther laughed and tapped Diana on the shoulder. "Don't worry. Trust your daughter,"

Diana looked at the stage and realized that her daughter looked very calm.

There was no worry in her eyes, nor the slightest doubt on Anya's face.

Anya looked so bright when she was being confident like that. She looked thousands of times prettier, so Aiden couldn't take his eyes off her.

The man looked closely at Anya, wanting to carve that beautiful face in his mind so that one day his eyes could no longer see, he would still have these memories for the rest of his life.

He would always remember how beautiful she looked in his memory.

Time flew so fast, the bell rang and marked the end of the third stage.

All participants were directed towards the waiting room. The judges were seen climbing the stairs one by one to see the perfume made by the participants.

That assessment took a very long time.

Nobody knew why it took a very long time for the judges to assess the results. The emcee had to urge them several times because their time was running out.

Meanwhile, the judges were still confused because the perfumes made by Anya and Keara were very similar.

In the end, they decided that Anya was the first winner of the competition. Meanwhile, Keara became the second winner and the third winner was a foreign parfumeur.

After two years of competition, Anya won the match again. Keara did get a better ranking than before. Two years ago, she only won third place and this time she won second place.

The host immediately interviewed Anya as the winner of this competition. "When I found out that today's theme was about love, I immediately thought about the person I love. I really like iris and bergamot. For me, when these two things are combined, I can feel love."

"According to the judges, the perfume you made is very similar to Miss Keara's. What do you think?" The emcee asked on purpose.

Anya turned her head and looked towards Keara. "I believe it was just a coincidence."

"But I don't believe her. I lost my formula and perfume samples before this competition. Today, someone suddenly made a perfume similar to mine. Looks like this is not a coincidence."

Unlike Anya who was trying to be humble about it, Keara immediately made Anya as a scapegoat and indirectly accused her of stealing her perfume's recipe.

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