"What are you talking about?" Aiden asked.

Anya knew Aiden was jealous because she chatted with Raka.


Raka just looked at Aiden with a smile. As long as he stayed single, Aiden would always think of him as a rival.

"Nothing, it's not that important. Why are you here?" Anya smiled awkwardly.

"I'm afraid someone will want what doesn't belong to him. I came to celebrate and give my blessings though," Aiden said, clearly threatening Raka.

"Raka, we'll go and greet the other guests," Anya immediately pulled Aiden's hand in the opposite direction.

"Did I say something wrong?" Aiden said without feeling guilty.

"Raka didn't mean anything. We just talked casually," Anya felt very embarrassed and uncomfortable with Raka.

"Really?" Aiden asked.

Anya glared at him in annoyance.

The man then smiled and stroked Anya's head gently. "I think he has a different intention."

Aiden trusted Anya, but he couldn't believe in Raka. At least not until Raka could find his own partner.

"Aiden, I'm not that popular. You're the only to ever acknowledge me. Other people don't care about me," Anya said, still frowning.

Aiden didn't say anything in reply. He didn't know how to explain to Anya that many men were eyeing her in this place alone.

"Uncle, auntie, let's take a picture!" Nadine waved at them happily.

Aiden's cold gaze fell on Imel. This was supposed to be a family photo, so why was Imel sitting next to Bima?

After greeting the guests, Maria also took some pictures. When she saw where Imel was, she immediately said, "We want to take a family photo."

"This is my son's engagement. How could the family photo exclude me?" Imel said angrily.

Her anger made Bima a little surprised.

In the past, Imel was gentle and very forgiving. He wondered why she got angry so easily now.

"Why did you make a fuss on your son's engagement day?" Bima said, warning her.

"I? Making a fuss? Bima, I've been with you for more than 30 years. I have given all my youth to you. Why are you doing this to me? Today is my son's engagement day. Why can't I take a family picture with my son and future daughter-in-law?" Imel said irritably.

"You…" Bima also felt even more annoyed when he saw Imel shout at him in front of everyone.

"Leave her," said Aiden.


"She's right. Her son is engaged. I can't take a picture with them," Aiden looked at the makeup artist and immediately ordered someone to fix the make-up on Imel's face. "Sis, let's wait for them to finish taking pictures first. It'll be our turn after that," Aiden said to Maria.

Imel was silent in her place. "Aren't you going to take a picture together?"

"We are not your family," Maria replied coldly.

Imel was speechless. She initially wanted to take advantage of Ivan's engagement to occupy the position as Mrs Atmajaya.

She even had to yell in public and humiliate herself to get a picture of the whole family.

But after Aiden agreed, only the four of them took a photo, without any other family members.

Finally, Imel sat down beside Bima reluctantly, meanwhile Ivan and Raisa stood behind them. Only the four of them were photographed in the same frame.

After they finished, Imel's chair was immediately removed.

Nico and Tara stood on Ivan's left, followed by Maria. Meanwhile, Aiden and Anya stood on Raisa's right side.

Raisa felt very uncomfortable when she saw Aiden standing beside her. She tugged at the hem of Ivan's shirt to get his attention and then whispered in his ear, "Brother, can we switch places?"

Ivan saw Raisa's discomfort while standing next to Aiden and immediately switched position.

Seeing Raisa standing beside him, Nico deliberately asked, "Didn't you like my uncle? It's a rare opportunity for you to stand next to him and take a photo with him. Why did you move?"

"I can't even breathe around him. The air is strangely pressuring. Looks like I'm still traumatized by him," Raisa patted her chest nervously.

When Aiden and Ivan stood side by side, they looked very conspicuous.

"Thank you," Ivan said in a low voice.

Without Aiden's approval, his mother wouldn't be able to get any family photos. Luckily, Aiden allowed it even though the picture only consisted of four people.

"I've caught Heru. He told me something very interesting. Do you know Heru's last name? It's Adhi…" His words hung in the air for a moment, but then Aiden said with an unpredictable look, "Ivan Adhiputra Atmajaya. You have a very interesting name indeed."

Adhiputra? Adhi's son?

Ivan was stunned to hear this. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling.

Even though their voices were very low, Anya Aiden could hear their conversation from Aiden's side.

When they were talking, Raisa was talking to Nico so she didn't pay attention.

Only Anya, Aiden and Ivan knew about this conversation.

Anya saw Ivan's face pale and pulled Aiden's hand. "Aiden, don't bring up this matter now."

Aiden turned and kissed the side of Anya's head gently. "So what? Imel dared to do that to the Atmajaya Family. I think Brother Ivan deserves to know the truth."

"Today is his engagement day. Let's talk another time," Anya whispered.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Aiden decided to obey Anya and no longer talk to Ivan.

The party lasted from noon to ten at night. After the guests left, Ivan invited Aiden to talk in the family room.

Bima had returned to his room to rest. Without him, Imel could only leave from there.

Irena and Rian were very unhappy because of the commotion that Imel caused earlier. Fortunately, Raka managed to calm them down.

They agreed to match Raisa and Ivan even though they actually felt ashamed of Ivan's identity as an illegitimate child. Plus, Imel still made a fuss and humiliated them once again on their children's engagement day.

But they tried to swallow up all the frustration. Aiden resigned from the Atmajaya Group and let Ivan lead it in the meantime. That alone had made the Mahendra family very satisfied.

Nico took Tara home early, while Nadine and Harris helped Maria to organize the event until it's finished.


On the living room sofa, Aiden and Ivan were seen chatting together. Raisa didn't dare approach them, but she also didn't know where else to go.

"Raisa, come sit down," Anya walked towards the sofa while carrying a plate of fruit.

"Anya, how dare you call me by name!" Raisa raised her head and snorted coldly.

Anya laughed seeing her. "Sister-in-law, do you want some fruit?"

Raisa nodded with satisfaction and then followed Anya towards the sofa.

Without Anya, she wouldn't dare to go to the sofa alone.

Aiden hated her to death. Ivan was already having a hard time to protect himself. How could Raisa ask him for help then?

If Anya was there, the situation would be different.

Aiden was very cruel, but he really cared about Anya. If she was there, at least Aiden would restrain himself more.

Raisa sat beside Ivan in silence.

"You must be tired today. Anya and I will come home soon." As soon as she approached them, Aiden immediately got up to leave.

"Can you help me to meet him?" Ivan asked.

"Why? Do you want to kill him?" Aiden's words sounded like a joke. But any joke that came out of his mouth sounded so creepy.

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