"Mother, I just came back. Why did you immediately kick me out?" Anya complained to her mother.

"Aiden has been waiting for you here for a long time. Go home! I don't want to be a mother who keeps bothering her child. As long as the two of you can live happily, I'm satisfied with everything." As she said this, Diana's eyes turned red.


Anya approached her and hugged her immediately. "Mother, you can stay with us."

"I'm more comfortable living here. Young people like you should have their own place for your little family. Besides, our house is close. If you miss me, you can always stop by," Diana patted Anya's shoulder gently. "Go home, it's already late."

That way, Anya finally obeyed her mother's words and returned to Aiden's house.

They got into the car to the front of the house and parked it first before Aiden took her hand and invited her to take a walk for a moment.

"Did you meet Aunt Indah earlier?" Aiden asked.

He heard from Hana that Anya met Indah this afternoon.

"Yes. Aunt Indah doesn't know anything and asked me to leave you. I told her everything in the end and she apologized to me. She apologized for Keara's actions that had hurt me and the Atmajaya Family. She said she would not try to defend Keara anymore," said Anya.

Aiden raised Anya's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently. "Did she ask you to donate her liver?"

"Did your bodyguard tell you?" Anya knew she wouldn't be able to hide it from Aiden.

Aiden's bodyguard escorted her to the hospital earlier. Of course he would report all of that to Aiden.

"If I don't agree, will you insist?" Aiden asked.

"What if..." Anya was silent, not continuing her words.


"What if Aunt Indah turns out to be my real mother?" Anya whispered.

When he heard that, Aiden smiled as he stroked Anya's head gently. "Why do you think like that?"

"Don't you think my face resembles Keara a lot? In the past, I thought I was the daughter of my mother and Uncle Galih. But now that I have returned to Indonesia, I know that my mother is not my real mother. Aunt Indah and Uncle Galih are also looking for their child. What if…"

"So, you took the initiative to find out if you really were their child?" Aiden guessed.

Anya nodded. "Do you know how it felt the first time I saw Uncle Galih and Bibi Indah on your father's birthday? I felt that they were good people. And I still feel the same up until today. Once they found out that their child was guilty, they no longer spoiled her and were willing to apologize to me. How can I let them suffer after all that? Even if Aunt Indah turns out not my real mother, I am still willing to donate my liver," said Anya.

"I think Uncle Galih will also do a DNA test after getting your blood sample," Aiden replied. "Actually, I also suspect that you are a child of the Pratama Family."

Anya frowned when she heard that.

She didn't know whether she had to be happy or sad.

Actually, having kind-hearted parents like Galih and Indah would be the greatest gift she could get. But then she also got a sister like Keara at the same time.

So, should she be happy or sad?

"I don't want to have a relationship with Keara. I just want to find my biological parents," Anya said in a low voice.

"Let's just wait for further news. As for the matter with the liver donation, do you know why Keara refused to do the surgery?" Aiden asked.

"The surgery will leave scars on her body. Keara doesn't want to look ugly, especially in front of you," Anya answered.

"I know that a person can recover and live a normal life again after donating a liver. But have you forgotten that it was considered a major surgery? What if there are complications? What if you suffer from infection or bleeding?" Aiden said seriously. "Do you think the surgery carries no risk at all?"

Anya was silent in her place. Tara only said that donating liver would not cause any side effects to the body.

But she never thought and asked about the surgery procedure.

"If there are complications, you have to stay in the hospital for treatment. And after that, you have to rest for months to recover your health again. Are you really sure that you want to donate your liver?" Aiden asked, asking Anya everything he didn't know but needed to know.

Anya became a little afraid at Aiden's explanation. "Are you saying all this because you don't agree?"

"I just hope you think of yourself first. It doesn't matter whether Aunt Indah is your mother or not, you have to consider your safety first. If indeed it's true that you are her child, do you know that Auntie Indah chose to take Keara and ordered her bodyguard to take you? Shouldn't this make Keara the person who needs to donate her liver the most?" Aiden said.

"What does it mean? Do you know something? Am I really Aunt Indah's child?" Anya stared wide-eyed at Aiden.

"Even though the DNA test hasn't been carried out, the clues I got did point to the Pratama Family. At that time, Auntie Indah took Keara away with her and ordered her bodyguard to take you. The bodyguard was seriously injured and died. You were stranded alone on the streets and taken away by a stray dog. It was your grandmother who saved you from that dog's mouth," Aiden decided to tell everything he knew to Anya.

"Isn't the child rescued from the stray dog ​​a child from the Pratama Family?" Anya had heard about Indah's dead child. Tara said that the child died from being bitten by a wild dog and her body had been burned to ashes.

"At that time, it was your grandmother who found you and exchanged the two. She saved you from the stray dog ​​and took you back to the hospital. And the ashes found by Aunt Indah were most likely your mother's real child," Aiden said carefully.

Anya felt her body tremble. Her hand tightened around Aiden's arm, helping herself to support her. Aiden's hands swiftly supported Anya and kept her from falling.

His hands were wrapped around Anya's waist gently.

"Does my mother already know?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should tell your mother the truth," said Aiden.

Anya's grandma never told this to Diana because she was afraid that Diana would not be able to accept everything. She had to die and took all these secrets to her grave.

For years, Anya was Diana's only hope for survival.

If Diana knew that Anya was not her child...

"Oh my poor mother," Anya cried bitterly. "She only has me. She does not have anyone, has no family and no career. There's only me for her."

"That's why you have to take care of your health for your mother. The best donor for Aunt Indah is Keara, not you. Her physical condition is far more capable of undergoing surgery than yours," Aiden was afraid that Anya would feel responsible as a child and forced herself to donate her liver.

"So, is it true that Aunty Indah is my mother?" Anya asked with reddened eyes.

Aiden nodded.

"But she preferred to leave me and take Keara away?"

Once again, Aiden nodded.

"Why? Why didn't she want me? I am her child, right?" Anya asked tearfully.

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