Nico grumbled seeing Nadine fled with Harris and entered their uncle's house first.

"This kid, I swear...! I did everything for you. You were born to the rich Atmajaya Family, but you chose to demote yourself and date…"


Before Nico could finish his sentence, Tara pinched him very hard.

"Ahhh! Why are you pinching me!" As soon as Nico finished screaming, he saw Hana come out of Aiden's house. 

"Do you still want to eat?" Tara said. "After eating Mrs. Hana's food for so many years, do you still hate them?"

"I don't hate them. But Nadine could have had a better partner," said Nico.

"Nico, who do you think is better for her? And tell me again, why do you want to get married?" Anya asked.

"I think Tara is the best. Nobody's better than her," Nico answered sweetly.

"How can you judge that Harris is not worthy of Nadine? You fail to see your uncle's goal in placing Nadine by Harris' side." Anya no longer paid attention to Nico and walked into the house.

"Why do you look at me like that? Nadine is my sister. Of course I want her to get the best partner. Am I wrong?" Nico said defensively.

"No, you're not wrong. But you also have to think about what Nadine needs and what she wants. If Nadine married a rich man she didn't love, she would never be happy. Then, what can you do? I think Harris is a good man and he really loves Nadine," Tara said calmly.

"I'm not sure if Nadine really likes him. Raisa said Nadine likes Raka. After Raka ended his engagement to Natali, I wanted to arrange a match between Nadine and Raka so that the Atmajaya family and Mahendra family…"

"Stop there. Did you forget about your uncle and Raisa's engagement? Raisa will be your aunt now. How can Nadine marry Raka?" Tara said.

"Ah! I forgot Raisa was going to be my aunt. How can I forget such an important thing? Then, do I have to call Raisa auntie from now? What about Raka? Should I call him uncle?" Nico felt even more confused. "Tara, we are clowned for real. Why is everything so complicated?"

"Not me, you're the clown here. I haven't married you so don't get me involved," Tara said quickly, then left Nico.

Nico laughed and chased Tara into the living room with his arm wrapped around the woman's shoulder.

Hana didn't know what they were talking about outside earlier. When she saw them coming, she immediately ordered the maids to serve the food.

As usual, she always prepared a variety of delicious food for them.

At the dinner table, Harris continued to watch Nadine. Every now and then, he got the food that Nadine wanted and gave her tissue when she needed it.

Anya looked at them happily. They both looked so cute together, unlike Tara and Nico. That one couple was so noisy.

Tara too looked at them in awe. SHe felt really annoyed when she saw that Nico only cared about himself.

"This is delicious. Eat it," Nico tasted the chicken porridge in his bowl and gave it to Tara.

Tara felt even more annoyed. "Why did you taste it first before giving it to me?"

"I tried it for you. I just want to give you the best," Nico said seriously.

"Thanks, but I don't want your saliva," Tara refused.

Nico didn't mind Tara's harsh words. He finished the porridge with pleasure. Meanwhile, Tara could only look at him as he finished all the porridge in his bowl.

"I'm not lying. This is really delicious!" Nico exclaimed.

"You are so childish, I swear," Tara grumbled.

Anya laughed seeing their behavior.

Before her were two completely different couples. 

Nico and Tara were very noisy as a couple. They were truly like children who couldn't stop making fun of each other.

Every day they were always arguing and making a fuss, not wanting to budge.

Meanwhile, Nadine and Harris looked very cute. They were very calm and romantic. Every now and then, they would get each other's favorite food while smiling.

The two couples before her were complete opposites.

Seeing the four of them made Anya miss Aiden. If only Aiden were here, she wouldn't be lonely like this.

Aiden would silently observe everything that was happening at the dining table.

Maybe he would smile slightly once in a while when he saw how ridiculously funny Nico and Tara were.

Maybe Aiden would occasionally hold her hand under the table, secretly showing his affection for Anya, unlike Tara and Nico, or Nadine and Harris.

"If only Aiden had come back, all of you would be finished for sure," Hana said.

"My uncle will arrive at noon and we will gather for dinner. Mrs. Hana, please make a good dinner," said Nico. "Last night, the servants at the Atmajaya Family house bought fresh fish."

Anya still remembered the time they had a barbecue at the Atmajaya Family house. Back then, they were also grilling fish, the kind that Aiden said was very expensive.

Tara kept grumbling to see Nico ignored her.

"Don't you want to eat the fish?" Nico asked. "You are pregnant right now. Whatever you want to eat, just say it and the Atmajaya Family will send it right away to you."

"How do you know I'm pregnant when I don't even know it myself? I really want to kill you!" Tara said angrily.

"Sis, are you really pregnant?" As soon as she heard her sister's words, Nadine immediately looked at Tara with joy.

"Nadine, call mom and say that Tara wants to eat fish. Ask if she can send it to uncle's house. Uncle hasn't had the chance to taste it either," Nico was so smart that he took advantage of Aiden's name at times like this.

"Just say you want to eat it, brother. Why do you have to use our uncle's name? Nadine said, looking scornfully at Nico.

Her brother was completely shameless.

"Your sister-in-law wanted it, but she's too embarrassed to say it," Nico stroked Tara's head gently.

Anya could only hold back her smile. Tara would literally explode with rage in a moment.

"Nico, I never said I wanted to eat fish. You want it yourself," said Tara.

"But I know you like it and I want to give it to you," Nico replied with a smile.

Tara was a food lover, just like Nico. No matter how expensive the food was, she would try to get it at any cost.

Nadine immediately moved quickly and called her mother. "Mother, brother said that the fish you cooked last night was very delicious. Uncle and I haven't tried it. If there's still some left, can you send the fish to my uncle's house so that Mrs. Hana can make it for dinner tonight?"

There was a short pause before Nadine finally nodded happily and ended the call.

She could get the fish very easily, even though the price was very expensive.

"What did she say?" Nico asked.

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