Tara immediately kicked Nico in the leg irritably. "Nico, be a little serious."

Nico straightened himself up and his face looked more serious. He was not a fool like everyone thought. Actually, he also knew everything, it's just that he was too lazy to explain it.


"The hotel belongs to the Pratama Family and Keara is in charge of the management. We know that Toni Srijaya likes Nadine and wants her to become Jonathan's wife so that he wants to use any means to achieve his goal. This gave us a lead that Keara is involved in this matter."

"Then? How did you get involved too?" Anya asked.

"Keara has something to do with Imel. After she was no longer Uncle Ivan's fiancée, she felt bad for Imel. Finally, she trapped me and Raisa too. They know that Raisa and I don't get along and we both don't like each other so the Atmajaya Family has to find another way to solve this problem. Once Raisa returned to Indonesia, her mother and Imel met up. Their goal is very clear. They used me to make sure that Uncle Ivan would marry Raisa and solve all this trouble for me," Nico said calmly.

Anya laughed seeing the tension in Nico's face.

It turned out that he could be serious like this too.

"If you already know, you and Harris can discuss it yourself. I don't think I need to interfere," Anya said, about to leave.

"Uncle is not here, you must replace him. Don't go, auntie. We need to hear your opinion and most importantly, your decision," Nico said, preventing Anya from leaving.

"You are all older than me, you understand everything better than I do. Harris alone will be able to handle it all. Nadine and Tara are also very smart. It seems that I'm the most useless person here since I can't help anything," Anya said, smiling awkwardly.

"No. We trust your suggestions and decisions." Nico winked at Harris and asked him to continue.

As soon as Anya sat back down, Tara immediately hugged her arm and didn't intend to let her go again.

"Now, it is certain that Miss Nadine and Jonathan were framed by Keara and Toni Srijaya. Jonathan already knew what happened. Meanwhile, what happened to Mr. Nico and Raisa was Keara and Imel's doing."

Anya nodded. "I don't think the Mahendra family will sacrifice their reputation just to marry Raisa to the Atmajaya family. If this was not an act initiated in the name of profit, then there's no reason to not consider Imel as the main suspect."

"The problem is, even though Raisa and Imel wanted to trap us, how did she know Raisa and I were there?" Nico said, confused.

"Yes. What if Nico couldn't come and Harris came instead at that time?" Tara asked.

"Their main goal is Nadine. But when Nico and Raisa were there together, Keara immediately took the opportunity to trap them," Anya bravely said her speculation.

It seemed that Keara's main goal was really just Nadine.

She didn't know Nico was coming. She also didn't know Raisa would be involved.

But for some reason, Nico and Raisa were suddenly seen together there. This made Keara realize that there was a great opportunity that she could take advantage of.

"Crazy! That woman is mad wicked. She doesn't even want to miss the opportunity to trap other people aside from her main goal," Nadine said coldly.

She used to think Keara was a good person. They were very close and Nadine already thought of Keara as her own sister.

But after knowing all this, she felt so stupid.

"What did Imel promise Keara so that she would do this for her?" Anya asked.

"Yeah, what does Keara want?" Nico asked on purpose.

"She wants to be uncle's wife. She said the child in her womb is my uncle's child," Nadine said.

"How could Imel promise to help Keara marry Aiden and become a member of the Atmajaya family? She can't even marry your grandfather," Tara said.

Nico laughed at her question. "Imel has something she can use to control Keara. Does that make sense?"

Harris' face immediately turned pale at that. "Keara was able to get pregnant because of the artificial insemination. Maybe Imel knows about it too."

"Keara really thinks she's pregnant with your uncle's child, huh? Does Aiden really have to marry her?" Nadine said with disgust.

She did not expect Keara to do such an extreme to get her uncle.

"If the child really belongs to Aiden, I think it will be difficult to explain when it is born," Tara said anxiously.

"My uncle is in no hurry. He said it was better to wait until the child is born," Nico said. He didn't know what Aiden was thinking, but he hoped that the child wasn't Aiden's.

Or at least, Aiden must have some other way to dodge the marriage.

"Nico, do you know something?" Seeing Nico's calm face, Anya thought that maybe Aiden was telling him something.

"I don't know anything. Uncle just said that when the child is born, Keara's hope will shatter to dust. And I trust him in this one," Nico said with a smile.

"There is still some more news about the Pratama Family. Currently, Keara's mother's health is not good because of her illness. During the last two years, she rarely came out and tried to get treatment, but the results were not good. I heard that the doctor suggested a liver transplant and Keara could be the donor. But she continued to refuse and now she is pregnant. I'm not sure her mother will survive until Keara gives birth," Tara said.

"Aunt Indah is very sad. She raised Keara as her own. Even though she is not her real mother, she is still her aunt. Why did Keara do that? Now she uses her pregnancy as an excuse to avoid donating her liver. She doesn't want to save her own adoptive mother and still wants to trick my uncle." Nadine felt her anger building up inside. 

"I really wanted to slap myself repeatedly for thinking of her as a good person."

"How about I help you? I've always wanted to slap you for following her like a sidechick," Nico said, rising to his feet.

Harris stared at him sharply while protecting Nadine behind his body. If Nico dared to hit Nadine, Harris would not remain silent.

"Can you stop?" Tara immediately pulled Nico to the sofa.

As soon as Nico sat back down, he immediately hugged Tara's waist and leaned his head on her shoulder. Tara hit Nico's hand with an irritated look until the back of the man's hand flushed red.

"Tara ..."

"Shut up!" Nico immediately closed his mouth as Tara's deadly glare fell on him.

Keara was really selfish.

She didn't want to donate her liver and got pregnant on purpose at a time like this. Then she took this opportunity to trap Aiden with the child.

She was trying to achieve everything at the same time…

"So, Keara deliberately trapped Nico and Nadine at the same time. She failed to get Nadine because Jonathan didn't want to obey her, but she managed to get Nico. Now, Imel has successfully matched Brother Ivan with the Mahendra family," Anya said.

Nico played with Tara's hair, curling it around his index finger. "When I was playing chess with Grandpa, what were you talking about with Uncle Ivan?"

"Nothing. But he knew that I am not pregnant and he did not expose your lies in front of your grandfather," Tara answered.

"He said your grandfather wanted peace and harmony in his family, as did he. He said that if he really wanted to compete with Aiden, Aiden might not be able to stop him. Is there any meaning behind those words?" Anya looked confused.

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