"Mother, did you tell Aiden to cook?" Anya asked in surprise when she saw Aiden in the kitchen helping her mother.

"Aiden is cooking this stir-fried beef with asparagus. Now he is frying prawns," Diana smiled as she handed the plate containing Aiden's cooking to Anya, asking her to put it on the table.


Anya got worried seeing the cooking. Could Aiden cook?

She had never seen Aiden cook before. All meals were always provided by Hana.

Anya saw the sauteed asparagus on the plate she was holding and quietly took out a small piece of meat, putting it in her mouth.

It tasted so good. The flesh was soft, as if melting in her mouth…

Anya couldn't hold herself back and took another piece of meat. Alisa had just finished washing her hands when she accidentally saw her.

"Mama, you can't steal," Alisa shouted.

"Shh!" Anya put the plate on the table and whispered to Alisa, "This dish is made by the handsome uncle, it's very delicious. You can try it."

"Of course. How could the prince's cooking be bad!" With a proud face, Alisa stretched out her hand.

"Alisa..." Nadine warned her because the girl was about to use her hands to eat. She immediately gave her a small spoon.

Alisa tasted a piece of meat and immediately shouted, "My prince is the best!"

"Have you ever seen a prince that old?" Anya teased.

"My prince is not old," Alisa couldn't accept it when she heard Anya calling Aiden an old prince.

"Aiden is still cooking fried prawns. I'll see if the fried prawns are done," Anya hurried into the kitchen and brought out a plate of fried prawns with broccoli.

"Is it true that my uncle cooked it?" Nadine looked doubtful. She couldn't believe her workaholic uncle could cook.

"You don't believe it either, right? This is really his cooking. And what's even more surprising, the food is very delicious. Your uncle is very versatile," Anya could not help but praise him.

"My uncle is handsome, rich, can cook and can spoil you. Then why are you still in doubt? " Nadine asked.

"Your uncle is so extraordinary that I don't deserve him. Let's eat." Anya pulled a chair and sat down.

The last dish Aiden brought was scrambled egg with sprouts. From the kitchen alone, the aroma of the cooking wafted and filled the air.

Diana brought a large pot and placed it on a saucer, so as not to damage the table.

"What soup is this, mom?" Anya asked as she distributed the bowls and spoons.

"Chicken soup. Eat a lot. The first one is for the princess," Diana said as she gave a bowl of chicken soup to Alisa.

"Thank you, grandma," Alisa accepted it with a laugh.

"The second bowl is of course for Aiden. You have helped me to cook. You have to eat a lot." Diana handed the bowl to Aiden.

"Thank you, Mother," Aiden accepted it with great respect.

"Is it my turn now?" Anya looked at her mother with a look full of hope.

Diana ignored her and turned to Nadine's direction. "Nadine, this is for you. You've been helping me look after Alisa these days. Thank you very much."

Nadine laughed and rushed to accept the bowl, "Auntie, don't be jealous!"

"Mother, I'm your daughter!" Anya pretended to be sad.

"My cooking skills are not good enough, so I'm not very good at cooking either. Over the past two years, I learned to cook from Hana and I have progressed quite rapidly," Anya said as she spooned the soup into a bowl. "If you want to be a wife and mother, you also have to be able to cook."

"Aiden can do it," Anya said carelessly.

That answer made everyone turn their heads.

"Auntie, do you want to make up with my uncle?" Nadine asked excitedly.

Anya blinked her eyes repeatedly. Oh my, what did she just say?

When she realized it, Anya's face immediately blushed. "That's not what I mean..."

Suddenly, Aiden grabbed Anya's hand under the table. "It doesn't matter if Anya can't cook. If I'm busy, Mrs. Hana can cook or you can go to this house. When I'm not busy, I'll cook for her,"

"Ahhh! How romantic… Singles like me can never!" Nadine teased.

"Anya, Aiden is a good man. Your misunderstanding has been resolved, at least give him another chance. Later when another woman snatches him from you, you will regret it. Don't run to me crying when it happens," Diana said.

"What are you talking about?" Alisa looked at them all curiously while eating.

"Nothing, honey. Let's just eat," Anya lowered her head and was about to pull her hand away, but Aiden held her back.

Two years on, it seemed like Aiden had gotten even bolder.

The old him wouldn't dare to do this. He would've been too prideful to do it.

"Anya, what do you think?" Diana insisted.

"Mother, give me some time to think, at least after the competition is over. I will not reject him right away." After that, Anya changed the subject. "Now give me the soup."

Diana gave the bowl with a smile.

Anya turned to Aiden and glared at him as if to say, 'Can you remove my hand now?'

Aiden let go of Anya's hand, but he immediately got up and accepted the bowl from Diana's hand. Then, he placed it in front of Anya. "Eat slowly. The soup's still hot."

Diana and Nadine stared at the two of them with their own smiles, making Anya's face burn. She was really embarrassed!

"Aiden, don't be like this!" Anya whispered.

Aiden heard her, but he pretended to be stupid. He took a fried shrimp and gave it to her. "Try this, I made it."

Alisa immediately felt jealous when she saw it. "Uncle, I also want the shrimp!"

Aiden immediately obeyed Alisa's request patiently. "Eat a lot, little girl. You have to grow big fast."

"I will be as tall as mama and prettier than her," Alisa said with a serious look.

Diana laughed at her words. She loved the little girl even more.

After that, they enjoyed their lunch quietly, chatting and making jokes.

After lunch ended, Anya took the initiative to clear the table and wash the dishes. Aiden went straight to the kitchen to help her.

Accidentally, when Anya was carrying a plate, her hand slipped and she dropped a plate.

She immediately lowered her head, about to take the broken plate, but Aiden stopped her.

"You'll hurt your hand. I'll do it," the man immediately took over. He threw away all the broken pieces on the floor and washed the dishes.

"Let me wash the dishes. You've been accompanying Alisa all day. If you are busy, you can go home first," Anya said.

"I'm not. Accompany me instead." Aiden raised the watch on his wrist and looked at it. "When you accompany me, my insomnia is healed."

"So?" Anya looked at him in confusion.

"Today, I accompanied Alisa until three o'clock in the afternoon. So you have to sleep with me until morning," Aiden said seriously.

"Just say you want to make love to me! But I'm not a call girl like you imagine!" Anya growled. She was no longer the naive woman she was two years ago. She was no longer clueless about everything.

How could she not understand what Aiden was thinking?

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