"What should I do to make you come back to me?" Aiden whispered in Anya's ear. His hands were still tightly hugging Anya's waist from behind.

"I don't know. I don't want to think about my feelings for a while. After I take revenge for my child, after I find my real parents, after I win the perfume competition, after I get tired of work and want to get married… If you still want to be with me at that time, I will come back to you," Anya replied.


"That's it?" Aiden replied thoughtfully. It didn't sound like it's going to give him a difficult time.

The people who separated them and killed their child were Keara and Toni.

Anya's biological parents were Galih and Indah Pratama.

With her own abilities, Anya could easily win the perfume competition. As long as she didn't get nervous and tried to do her best, Anya would definitely win.

And the last thing, even though Aiden didn't know when Anya would be tired of working and want to get married, he was sure he could persuade her and convince her to accept him back.

This time, Aiden wanted to give Anya a beautiful wedding…

"What are you thinking about?" Anya turned and looked at Aiden.

"I can tell you that Keara and Toni Srijaya are behind all of this. The reason why I didn't do anything was because I was worried it would affect your parent's search. I'm not asking you to answer now. But after the perfume competition is over, I hope you can consider whether you are willing to come back to me or not," Aiden decided not to push Anya too much and gave her time to think about it.

"Okay then," Anya nodded, "Sorry I have to trouble you with the matter finding my biological parents."

"There's no need to be too polite to me," Aiden stroked Anya's head gently. "If you're hungry, come downstairs and have dinner."

He took Anya's hand and walked out of the perfume room.

"Mrs. Hana, what did you cook today? I am hungry!" Suddenly, Nico's voice came from below.

When she heard this voice, Anya immediately tried to remove her hand from Aiden's grasp. But Aiden was holding onto her even tighter.

"Hello, uncle, auntie. You guys are back. I came for a meal. Am I bothering you?" Nico greeted them with a smile and then his gaze fell to Aiden and Anya's interlocking hands.

Anya's face flushed red then turned pale. "Let go of me," she whispered to Aiden, gritting her teeth.

However, Aiden ignored Anya's bluff and instead said to Nico in a cold voice, "You're annoying."

Nico was reluctant, but he finally decided to leave. "I'll go then," he said with a sad face.

Anya immediately panicked when she saw Nico turn around. She immediately shouted out loud, "Nico, we can eat together!" She said, stopping Nico in his tracks.

Nico turned around with a happy face. He immediately ran to the dining table and sat in his chair happily. "Thank you, Auntie!"

Aiden could only surrender when Anya said that. He looked at Nico with disgust. "I'm going overseas to inspect branch offices. You are in charge of the company here."

"Uncle, you say it as if I haven't been working hard all this time. I have taken care of all matters in the company, both small and big while you were away on vacation with auntie. I'm tired to death," Nico complained.

"Did you take care of it, or Harris?" Aiden immediately exposed Nico's crap.

Anya laughed hearing that. "Nico, I haven't seen you in two years. Why are you still like this? When will you grow independent and let Aiden rest?"

"Auntie, try asking uncle if he wants to rest first. Although uncle Ivan didn't care about the Atmajaya Group, with Harris and me, we would not go bankrupt. But my uncle was worried and couldn't stop working. This uncle of mine was really born to work. Auntie, you try to persuade him," Nico said, shaking his head.

Anya stared at Aiden silently. The man wasn't born to work hard, but he had to do it for other reasons.

"He doesn't want the Atmajaya Group company to fall into Ivan's hands. In fact, two years ago, we discovered that your grandmother's death had something to do with Ivan. Don't you wonder why your father didn't continue his investigation? Your grandfather protected Imel so even Aiden couldn't do anything to her. The only thing he can do is maintain the Atmajaya Group. If you don't help your uncle to bear that burden, you don't deserve to complain," Anya said.

Nico was stunned to hear Anya's story. He did not know anything about his grandmother's death. He looked at Aiden, "Uncle, is it true what auntie said?"

"Heru also knows everything. But he and Imel have a close relationship. Heru is more loyal to Imel than to father. He would never betray Imel," Aiden took a deep breath. "Your grandfather is old and he wants friends to accompany him in his old age. Now, he still wants Imel and is reluctant to let her go. In the meantime, I can't do anything to her,"

"Grandfather is too obsessed with lust. What's so good about Imel?" Nico looked annoyed. "I can introduce him to another woman."

Anya just chuckled at Nico's scolding.

"Imel is really cunning like a fox. Who would dare to steal grandfather from her?" Nico said.

"Your grandfather was just as cunning and could not possibly lose to Imel," Anya said half jokingly.

Aiden choked to hear that. Nico smiled and scratched his head awkwardly. "Auntie, don't ever say it in front of grandfather. Just keep it in your heart."

"Oops. Sorry, I take back my words earlier," Anya said, realizing that she had said something disrespectful.

"By the way, Raka has ended his engagement to Natali," Nico said. "Right after the news of your vacation spread on the internet, Raka suddenly announced that he was no longer with Natali. Looks like he's helping auntie reduce the bad news."

"What does it mean?" Anya asked, looking confused.

"We know you but many people don't. Since they liked uncle too much, many people saw him as their enemy and attacked him on the internet. Don't think about it too much," Nico said, playing with his cell phone.

Anya immediately took out her cell phone and read the news on the internet.

She found that the news of Raka cancelling his engagement to Natali topped the trending list, followed by Aiden and Anya's vacation in second place.

Anya saw several websites about her and read the comments.

"They said Anya was pregnant two years ago, but she killed her child cruelly."

"According to the rumors, that child is hers and Raka's."

"I heard she worked in a nightclub when she was in college. She knows lots of rich men and is willing to do anything for money."

"She suddenly went abroad and became a famous figure again. They said there are rich people who'd pay for everything for her,"

"Yuck. She is only 23 years old but is no longer a virgin and pregnant once. Surely, rich people who want to be with her are no other than creepy old dudes."

"I am an employee at Iris. I can say that Anya's health is not well and that she took a lot of medicines every day."

"A woman who uses her body for money. How can Aiden still want her?"

"Aiden, wake up! Don't let her trick you again."

"Don't look," Aiden took Anya's cell phone and put it on the table.

Anya only smiled faintly. "I won't take them seriously. Do you think I'll take it to heart?"

"Your perfume competition will be held soon. It's not good if there's bad news about you. I've arranged for someone to handle everything. Don't worry," Aiden said, comforting her.

"I'm not worried at all. Perfume competition requires skill, not personality. It doesn't matter what kind of person I am in their eyes. The important thing is my skill in making perfume," Anya calmly said.

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