"Are you worried?" When he opened his eyes again, Aiden could see Anya's face clearly.

That face looked worried when looking at him….


"Even though we are not husband and wife anymore, I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Anya said with a serious look. Even though they were ano longer married, at least they could become friends.

Aiden reached out his hand to caress Anya's face. "I'll be fine as long as you are by my side. Anya, come back to me..."

"We can't go back to what we were before," Anya looked away. She fastened her seat belt and started driving.

Anya didn't want to let her heart hurt again like before. She really didn't want to hate Aiden anymore because the man hadn't done anything wrong so far. Aiden was also a victim, just like her.

But that didn't mean Anya wanted to get back together with Aiden again.

What if the same bad thing that befell them before repeated itself? She didn't want her heart to be hurt a second time ...

Following directions from the GPS, she found a four-star hotel. Aiden headed straight to the reception desk and booked the best room on the top floor.

Seeing that Aiden only booked one room, Anya immediately took out her wallet. "I want to book one more room..."

"I can't leave you alone," Aiden immediately snatched Anya's wallet and took the room's card from the receptionist, then he pulled her hand towards the elevator.

"Aiden, let me go!" Anya tried to let go of her hand, but the man's grip was too strong.

"I'm going to sleep on the sofa. You can sleep on the bed," Aiden said.

Anya was silent hearing that. She didn't want to share a room with Aiden.

Not that she didn't trust Aiden. She didn't believe in herself more than she couldn't trust Aiden…

"I won't do anything to you. I just don't want to let you be in the room alone," Aiden said.

"We're divorced. We shouldn't stay in the same room. I'm used to living alone abroad. I'm fine by myself," Anya said, trying to refuse him.

"You don't live alone abroad. I'll arrange your roommate," Aiden pulled Anya's hand into the elevator and pressed the button.

"What?" Anya glared at Aiden in disbelief.

During her two years in France, Aiden never contacted her. Anya even thought that the man had deleted her number and blocked her contact.

But now she heard the man say that he'll arrange for her roommate abroad…

Aiden took Anya's hand until she arrived in the room. It was the nicest hotel in the area and they were in the best room so it was quite large.

A long sofa was placed in front of a large glass window, separated from the double bed by a wooden barrier.

"Please rest for half an hour. After that, we'll have dinner," Aiden went straight to the sofa area and arranged his pillow.

"What time do we return to the orphanage again?" Anya asked.

"Around eight in the evening," Aiden replied.

"Isn't it too late?"

"Hmm…" Aiden muttered without explaining further. Anya could only surrender and believe in him. She was sure Aiden already had a plan so she didn't continue to ask.

Aiden laid himself on the sofa, feeling a sharp pain in his temple. Then, he stretched out his hand to massage his head.

Anya was getting a glass of water when she saw Aiden massaging his head.

"Does your head hurt?" She approached Aiden and offered to massage him.

This time felt like two years ago, when Anya used to massage Aiden when the man got tired. In the past, she didn't know how to do massaging. She even had to find out and learn massage techniques from the internet to please Aiden.

"Is it too hard?" Anya asked.

"Not. It's just right," Aiden frowned, as if he was enduring a headache.

Anya's fingers touched Aiden's frown, "Don't think about anything. Take a short break."

She did not stop until her hands felt sore. When she looked down, she saw that Aiden was asleep.

Either because the massage eased his headache or that he was too tired, Aiden seemed to be sleeping soundly.

They arrived at the hotel at six in the evening. At first, Anya thought they were going to have dinner at seven o'clock and immediately returned to the orphanage to gather more information.

But Aiden did not wake up until it was eight o'clock in the evening. Anya remembered Tara saying that the man had severe insomnia and rarely slept soundly, so she didn't have the heart to wake Aiden.

When he woke up, Aiden saw Anya sitting on the edge of the window, hugging her knees.

"How long have I been asleep?" Aiden massaged his neck. He fell asleep on the sofa so that his neck felt stiff.

Anya looked at the clock on her cellphone. "You fell asleep around six o'clock. It's half past eight now. So, you slept two hours and a half,"

"Why don't you wake me up?" Aiden immediately got up from his chair.

"Should we eat first?" Anya asked.

"It's too late," Aiden immediately went into the bathroom and washed his face. After leaving the bathroom, he looked much fresher than before.

They immediately went to the orphanage and parked the car in the previous place. Then they walked again.

When Aiden fell asleep, Anya did not dare to leave him alone to buy slippers, so she asked the hotel clerk for help to find her slippers.

Aiden took his bag from the back seat and then took Anya's hand to the orphanage.

Anya held Aiden's hand back and asked anxiously, "Do you think someone saved those children? Or did they run away and leave them all?"

"Those who worked at the orphanage weren't not bad people. They worked there as volunteers. If a fire broke out, it might be difficult to save all of them. But at least they must have managed to save some people," Aiden said.

Anya nodded in agreement. She also felt that it would be impossible if all the children died in the fire, without a single survivor.

Once they arrived at the door of the orphanage, it was already past nine o'clock. The place looked much quieter than before.

There was only one person left, they saw him tidying things up. This person was the guardian of the orphanage.

"Why do you guys come again late at night like this?" The person asked.

"My wife and I came from far away to look for her parents. I hope you can help us," Aiden took his bag, took out a wad of money and placed it on the table.

The man looked at the money on the table with an embarrassed face. "I've promised not to say anything."

Aiden pulled out another wad of money and said, "I can assure you that no one will find out if you open your mouth."

"This..." looking at the money on the table, the man looked shaky. "At that time, there was a young woman working as a volunteer at this orphanage. She came to look for her daughter, but she did not find her among the girls in this orphanage. "

"Did she leave after the fire broke out? Was there any child survivor?" Anya asked.

"There's no way that young woman could save a child's life from a great fire," the man took a deep breath. "Poor kids."

"Where did that woman come from and what was her name?" Aiden took out another wad of money and placed it on the table.

"It's been more than 20 years. I don't think I can recall it," the man said.

"Try to remember carefully. If you can give us information, all of this will be yours," Aiden said calmly.

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