"Harris, do you think Uncle and Aunt can get back together?" Nadine asked, leaning her head on Harris' back.

"As long as they are still in love with each other, no matter how long or how far they are apart, they will get back together," Harris replied.


"I will go out with my aunt tomorrow. Can you give me more pocket money?" Nadine hugged Harris' waist tighter.

"I can only give you 200 thousand, Miss."

"200 thousand? You think 200 thousand is enough?!" Nadine replied irritably.

"Miss, do you want to take it or not?" Harris didn't melt easily.

Nadine immediately nodded excitedly. Of course she would. She would receive whatever money he gave her now because she really had nothing now.

The next day, Abdi helped Nadine bring Nico's car to Harris' house. The car was clean and the gas was fully loaded.

Nadine also took the opportunity to have breakfast at her uncle's house.

Since she would help her uncle today, Aiden didn't mind Nadine to have her breakfast at his house.

"Uncle, how about I eat breakfast with you every morning to report auntie's condition?" Nadine said in a spoiled tone.

"Remember what I said last night. If you can win the child's heart, you can have breakfast here every day," Aiden said.

"I am the queen of children. Is there any child who doesn't like me? Don't worry, uncle!" After eating and drinking with satisfaction, Nadine was ready to go. Before leaving, Hana gave her a large bag filled with various fruits, puddings and snacks.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when she arrived in front of Anya's house. Anya had been waiting on the swing in the garden of her house since morning.

"Auntie, let's go!" Nadine stopped at the door and opened the window, then she waved her hand at Anya excitedly.

Seeing Nadine driving Nico's favorite car, Anya frowned. "Since did Nico turn this generous? Willing to lend his favorite car to you?" Anya asked when she got into the car.

"I chose it! I chose the most flashy and luxurious car!" Nadine grinned widely as she said this.

Who would have thought that when Nadine said it, her cell phone suddenly rang. Nico called her.

"Nadine, where are you? Hurry up and return my car!" Nico shouted from the phone.

"Brother! You've promised to lend your car to me. I'll return it tonight!" Nadine replied.

"I lent you the white car in the front. Why did you even bring my beloved car?" Nico's voice could be heard clearly even though Nadine didn't turn on the speaker of her cellphone.

"White car will get dirty if I take them away. I want to go around the town. Using a black car is safer!" Nadine said casually.

"Where are you now? I'll meet you and change cars!" Nico was really annoyed. His favorite car was a limited edition and there was only one in this city.

He didn't trust his younger sister's driving ability.

Plus, Nadine wanted to go around town all day. Nico couldn't imagine what his car would be like when that girl got home.

"Come on bro, don't be stingy. You have a lot of cars!" 

"I have a lot of cars, but you chose my favorite car instead. What should I do if the car breaks down? It's a limited edition and it can't be repaired in Indonesia if there is a problem," Nico interrupted irritably.

He shouldn't have left his garage's key at his uncle's house. Now Nadine had taken the opportunity and borrowed his favorite car, though she could choose the other ones in the garage.

"Don't worry. I've even driven off-road cars. I'll take good care of your car!" Just as Nadine finished talking, she almost grazed a tree, making the car alarm ring loudly.

"Nadine! Did you crash it? I heard the alarm!" Nico shouted.

"This is all your fault! Who told you to call me while I was driving!" Nadine hung up the phone and continued driving casually.

Anya immediately fastened her seat belt and held it tight. "Nadine, drive slowly. This car looks really expensive,"

"Brother said this is a limited edition car. He said that if there was any damage, this car could not be repaired in Indonesia. I'll drive more carefully," Nadine calmly answered.

"How about we borrow another car? Or just call a taxi?" Anya felt worried. She would pick up Alisa. She wouldn't want to put a child in danger!

Plus, Nadine just grazed this expensive car to a tree!

"Nico distracted me! He kept yelling angrily from the phone. Don't worry, I'll be careful!" Nadine continued to drive her car down the highway and asked questions, "Auntie, where are we going?"

"Pick up someone at the airport and then we will go to the playground," Anya answered.

"Who are we going to pick up? Is the person handsome?" Nadine turned on her car's GPS while driving and nearly grazed the divider. Luckily, the car's alarm went off so she was able to avoid it in time.

Anya felt increasingly worried about Nadine's driving ability. It seemed that Nadine was not the type of person who could do two things at once, so Anya finally helped her to install the GPS.

"We're going to pick up my friend's child. Do you like little kids?"

"Of course!"

It's true as Nadine said, she was indeed a child lover. Maybe because Nadine herself was still like a child, she could be as close to any child as with her own friends.

Once at the airport, Alisa hugged Anya tightly and didn't want to let her go.

However, when they arrived at the playground, Anya only served as her personal goods-carrier, while Nadine and Alisa went on an adventure together hand in hand.

The two of them seemed to be full of energy as they walked around and tried all the games, while Anya was like an old man following them exhaustedly.

Around five in the afternoon, Anya invited them to go home because Alisa looked tired. However, Nadine still looked excited.

"Alisa, don't you want to see the fireworks display at night?" Nadine persuaded miserably.

She still didn't want to go home!

"Mama, I also want to see fireworks," Alisa held Anya's hand and begged her.

"Auntie, I have a discount coupon for this hotel. How about we rest at the hotel first and come out again when the fireworks show starts?" Nadine asked carefully.

"Mama, come on!" Alisa said excitedly as she pulled Anya's hand.

"Show me the coupon," Anya had already searched for hotels around this place and found out that hotels in this area were quite expensive.

Nadine gave the coupon to Anya. "This is a discount coupon of 1 million. We can use it if we rent a room for 2 million,"

Finally, Anya complied with Nadine and Alisa's request. The three of them walked towards one of the hotels.

Unexpectedly, they didn't get a room because the hotel was fully booked.

"Sorry, ladies. We are full today," the hotel clerk said politely.

"Can you find us an available room this afternoon? We only want to rent it for a few hours. This child is tired and wants to rest for a while," Anya said while carrying Alisa.

The officer felt bad and sorry for Alisa, but he couldn't do anything about it. "I'm really sorry, Miss..."

"Just give them my room," at that moment, a familiar voice rang out from behind Anya.

As soon as Anya turned around, she saw Aiden wearing a suit standing in the middle of the hotel lobby like a king.

"Wow! This uncle is so handsome!" Alisa stared closely at Aiden, not wanting to avert her gaze.

"Don't let your saliva drip, little girl," Nadine took her from Anya's arms and teased her.

Alisa bursted out laughing as Nadine tickled her stomach.

"Mr. Aiden, do you know these ladies?" The clerk asked.

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