"After that, how did you survive? Did Keara come back to save you?" Anya asked again.

Nadine just shook her head softly. "No, she didn't. At that time, a local resident saw me and helped me. After that, he immediately took me to his village and by chance, a medical team came to give free treatment to the village so that my hands could be saved on time. If not, I might have lost my hand,"


Keara didn't return to save Nadine. Anya did suspect that Nadine's disappearance had something to do with Keara.

But she did not think that Keara was that bad.

Nadine was the one who helped her when Keara was in trouble. But when Nadine was in trouble, she ran away.

Once home, she even lied and said that she did not know Nadine's whereabouts.

She said that as if she didn't run away and left the person who saved her. After that, she didn't know where or how Nadine was because she left her. She might've thought that Nadine had been eaten by the crocodile.

"If you were alive and fine, why didn't you come back after your hand was healed?" Anya asked, looking confused.

"I stayed in the village for a while to recuperate. At that time, I was also looking for Sister Keara's whereabouts, but I couldn't find her. After that, I heard that our family sent people to look for us, but they could only find Sister Keara's severed finger. I thought she was dead and I didn't dare go back home. Finally, I decided to join the medical team to volunteer."

Nadine lowered her head. "We both went together, but I was fine, while she had to endure that bad luck. That's why I decided not to come home for a while,"

"You stupid! Even if she died, it's not your fault. You even got hurt saving her, but she ran away instead," Anya felt very angry when she heard this.

"I thought Sister Keara was dead..." Nadine hugged Anya's hand spoiled, as if she was trying to persuade her aunt not to be angry. In fact, she was actually three years older than Anya.

Anya neither pulled her hand nor pushed Nadine. She kept asking questions. "Why have you been hiding for so long?"

"About that… At first, I thought the medical team that helped me were volunteers. But they were actually human gene researchers. They even used humans for their experiments. I'm stuck with them," the experience was like an unforgettable nightmare for Nadine.

Anya felt goosebumps when she heard this story. Was it true that all the girls in the Atmajaya Family were cursed?

"Don't ever enter the lottery. You will never win," Anya tried to tease Nadine to find tension. But her hand touched Nadine's lightly, as if trying to provide her strength.

"Luckily, these people are not that interested in Asian genes. Every now and then they told me to try their homemade medicine. I also often helped them so that they didn't harm me. Two years ago, I met an Indonesian. I told him that I was Aiden's niece and as long as he could save me, my uncle would give him a huge amount of money. That's why I managed to escape," Nadine continued.

"Do you remember when you were saved two years ago?" Anya asked.

"I remember it was a few days before Grandpa's birthday. I wanted to go home on his birthday and surprise him. But the person who saved me had a bad intention and instead kept me to raise the ransom. A few months passed, Sister Keara found me and gave the person 1 billion in money so that I could be released. After that, I stayed with her for the last two years," Nadine told Anya everything.

Two years ago, Nadine was back. But why didn't she come home too?

Anya felt even more suspicious. "You came back two years ago. Why didn't you contact your family right away?"

"Because… Because I heard that I'm not my mother's real daughter and my mother had found her real daughter. Even though I came back, the Atmajaya family wouldn't need me anymore. If I didn't see my uncle, maybe I'd remain thinking this way," Nadine took a deep breath. "I don't understand, why did Sister Keara lie to me?"

"It's simple. If you had gone back to the Atmajaya Family, she wouldn't be able to lie about what happened to you. She told us that you left her when she was in danger, when in fact you were bitten by the crocodile trying to save her. Never let her trick and lie to you again," Anya said. "My mother is not my biological mother too, but she loves me so much. It doesn't matter whether I came from her own flesh and blood or not, she still loves me with all her heart."

Nadine's eyes turned red when she heard that. "When I met my mother, she cried and said that she missed me a lot. I'm really stupid huh, aunty?"

Anya hugged Nadine and stroked her head gently. "The important thing is you have returned safely. Does your uncle know everything that happened to you?"

"Yes," Nadine nodded.

"What did he say?"

"Uncle said he would punish me for all my actions. Auntie, you have to help me," Nadine looked at Anya with a sad look.

"I'm not your aunt. Who can help you to calm down your angry uncle? I can't either. Don't expect any help from me," Anya pulled her hand as Aiden's name was mentioned in their conversation. 

"Come on, we have to go down."

They walked towards the bus stop together, not expecting that Harris was waiting for them there.

"Look, your uncle really cares for you. He even told Harris to pick you up," when she saw Harris, Anya immediately teased Nadine.

Who would have thought that Harris wasn't coming for Nadine. "Madame, Mr. Aiden is waiting for you in the car."

"Waiting for me?" Anya looked at Harris confusedly.

"What about me?" Nadine turned and looked at Aiden who was sitting in the car. 

"My bike is still in front of the flower shop," Anya said.

"Give me the key. Let me take it back to your house," Harris said.

Nadine stared at Harris in surprise. "Can you ride a bicycle tho?"

Harris didn't want to explain to Nadine that he couldn't ride a bicycle now. As long as Aiden needed him, he could do anything, even selling flowers!

"Nadine, come with me!" Anya felt panicked.

She had left Aiden's office in a rage without touching the food earlier. Remembering that incident again, Anya was worried that Aiden would be angry with her.

What if Aiden thought she had broken the contract? If that happened, she wouldn't be able to work in the perfume industry for two years!

"Miss Nadine, if you're not afraid of dying, come along!" Harris said.

When she heard this, Nadine immediately stepped back and hid behind Harris' back. "Auntie, hurry up and go. Uncle is waiting for you,"

Anya felt confused and didn't know what to do. "Harris, how's Aiden's mood today?"

"It's been two years since he has not returned to the Atmajaya Family house. Today, he returned there and had a big fight with Mr. Bima. You know what happened. His mood now is like a raging storm," as soon as Harris gave his answer, Nadine immediately pulled his hand.

"Harris, we better run away!"

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