Two years later, at the Airport.

Accompanied by Raka, Anya finally returned to Indonesia to participate in a perfume competition. The contestants were international parfumeurs coming from all over the world.


This was Anya's first competition in 2 years and all the participants were amazing.

Raka was away to get her things, while Anya was waiting for Tara's arrival.

Despite waiting forty minutes, Tara was still stuck on the way and Raka couldn't be reached either because her cellphone didn't get a signal.

As a result, Anya had no other choice but to wait for Tara's arrival and then went to find Raka together.

"Tara, when will you arrive? I'm hungry," Anya couldn't help calling Tara again.

"What if I leave my car by the side of the road and run to your place?" Anya said.

The airport was right in front of Tara, but she couldn't just get through this traffic.

"Then? How can we retrieve your car again if you leave it halfway?" As soon as she heard it, Anya immediately rolled her eyes. Tara was still the same as before, speaking carelessly without thinking.

"Then, how about you walk over to my place?" Tara asked.

"I don't know the area around this airport. What if I get lost later? It's going to be a bother for you if you have to look for me later," Anya looked back. "I'll be waiting for you in the restaurant area first. What do you want to eat?"

"By the way, Anya, I just remembered. Aiden is leaving for an overseas business trip today. Maybe he will go to the airport. You better find a place to hide," Tara said.

Anya chuckled when she heard that. "I'm not going to do anything to him. What am I hiding for? We've separated after all,"

As soon as she lifted her head, Anya saw a man walking towards her and her eyes immediately felt hot.

"Right, Auntie. Why bother hiding? If you meet him, it's fate," Nico said with a smile.

"Nico, I was no longer your aunt since two years ago," Anya said in a low voice. Then, her gaze fell on Aiden.

Two years passed, Aiden was still as handsome, but his eyes were much sharper than before.

Anya could feel a cold aura emanating from the man in front of her.

"I'll always think of you as my aunt," Nico said, looking like he was trying to gain her favor. "Did you just return to Indonesia today?"

"Hmm..." Anya muttered. She felt uncomfortable with Nico's call. "Don't call me aunt again. I'm not your aunt."

  Aiden's sharp eyes looked at Anya deeply.

Two years passed, Anya looked thinner than before. However, she was much more confident in nature. And more beautiful than before.

"Isn't Raka picking you up?" Aiden asked in his deep voice.

Anya was a little stunned when she heard that. The voice still had tremendous appeal, like it was making waves in Anya's heart.

Why did it feel like this?

When she left Indonesia, she really hated Aiden to death. However, when she saw him again, she seemed to forget all her hatred.

"Raka is taking my luggage, Tara will pick me up, but she's stuck in traffic," Anya replied, trying to pretend she was calm.

"I'm in a hurry. I'll go first," Aiden passed her and left her without further ado.

"Auntie, I'll take him first and come back here. Wait for me!" Nico said, immediately catching Aiden's footsteps towards the examination area.

Anya looked at the back which left her standing rooted in her place.

'Aiden, I haven't seen you in two years. I really miss you. Have you ever thought of me?' She thought.

Anya did not expect that she would meet Aiden once she set foot in Indonesia. This made the calm she had built over the past two years seem to collapse.

She didn't expect Aiden to be this calm, as if they didn't have any past, as if they were complete strangers.

Two years ago, Aiden had forgotten all of their past.

Only Anya still remembered everything.

Only Anya was still trying to keep all their memories.

When Tara arrived, Nico had just returned after sending Aiden off.

"Let me take you all, my driver can take your car home. I'll treat you to anything!" Nico said generously.

"I'm tired and I want to go home," Anya knew that she shouldn't blame Nico for what happened to her two years ago. Nico had always treated her well.

But when she saw Nico, Anya always thought of the Atmajaya family. She always remembered how Maria forced her to take that damn drug.

Anya was forgiving. But no matter how forgiving she was as a person, she wouldn't be able forgive what the Atmajaya Family had done to her.

"Auntie, you still blame me for what happened two years ago so you don't want to have dinner with me," Nico pretended to be sad. "But I never did anything. I always respect you."

"Two years have passed, but I still don't know the reason for my divorce. I still don't know why your mother suddenly changed and killed the child in my womb…" Anya muttered.

After hesitating for a moment, Nico finally said, "I can't tell you what you want to hear. But do you want to ask my mother directly? I'll take you there."

"Two years have passed, why are you telling me about it now?" Anya asked.

Tara looked at Nico. Seeing that Nico was silent, she finally spoke up. "The past two years, Aunt Maria has always regretted what she did and felt guilty towards you. Aiden was so angry with the Atmajaya Family that he had not returned home during that time. He did not want to meet his father and sister-in-law. If you see Aunt Maria now, she will definitely tell you everything."

"I don't want to go to the Atmajaya Family house," Anya refused. Actually she wanted to meet Maria and make things clear. It had been two years since she lived in the dark.

She wanted to know what really happened.

But she didn't want to set foot in the Atmajaya Family house.

"My mother is not at the Atmajaya family house. Two years ago, the old maid who looked after my grandmother's house died so my mother moved there," Nico said.

"Anya, I'm sure what happened two years ago is still stuck in your heart. Now that you've returned to Indonesia, what's wrong with finding out the truth? I'm also curious myself," two years ago, Tara and Nico had separated.

Even though Tara hadn't ended her engagement yet, she and Nico had been busy taking care of their respective jobs for the past two years.

In their spare time, they would meet and go together only as friends, not lovers.

Now, Tara only thought of Nico as her best friend.

Meanwhile, Nico could only bury his feelings for Tara deep down his heart. He could only watch Tara from afar and guard her secretly.

Anya knew Nico and Tara separated because of her problem. She felt very sorry for them, but she didn't dare persuade Tara to stay with Nico because she was afraid that Tara would feel the same way as her.

Wouldn't that mean she was going to plunge her best friend into the same hole as her?

"I came together with Raka. He's still taking my luggage and I couldn't reach him," Anya couldn't leave Raka alone at the airport.

"Is it true? I will look for him then. You guys wait for me in the car," Nico gave the car's key to Tara and asked his driver to escort the two women to the parking lot.

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