"Sir, where are you now? I called my mother before going to the airport. Before getting on the plane, I also tried to call her again but no one answered. I also tried calling the house, but no one picked up. I feel something strange, nobody picked up the phone," Harris said.

"What?" Aiden was silent for a moment.


"I feel worried. Did something happen in your house? I'll be leaving soon, so I have to turn off my cell phone," Harris asked anxiously. 

"Let me take care of it. You bring Nadine back to Indonesia," Aiden hung up and walked over to Bima. "Where did you send Sister Maria?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Your sister is printing the picture," Bima continued to evade. "Just wait, she will be back in a moment."

"If I see her in my house, I will kill all of you!" Aiden immediately ran outside, towards his car.

Hearing the threat from Aiden's mouth, Bima knew that his son was not joking. He was very worried and immediately called his messenger who went with Maria. "What's the situation?"

"Half an hour ago, I heard Miss Anya screaming for help. I think Mrs. Maria has succeeded," he replied.

"If you are successful, get out of there quickly. Aiden is on his way home. If he sees you, he will really kill all of you!" Bima urged.

Aiden ran from the Atmajaya Family house like a madman. He immediately got into his car and sped away.

Bima panicked and worried that something would happen to Maria. In the end, he decided to call Nico. "Nico, go to your uncle's house. Your mother is in danger. "

"Grandpa, I'm still outside right now. I'll be home as soon as possible…"

"Hurry! Your uncle said he would kill everyone. Hurry and save your mother!" Bima shouted frantically.

Nico patted Raka's shoulder and said that something urgent had happened. After that, he immediately ran outside.

The road was still wet from the rain so Nico didn't dare to drive too fast. But he was really worried that something would happen to his mother if he was late.

He was so panicked that he couldn't think.

His cell phone rang and Raka called him. "Nico, let me escort you. You don't drive in a panic. Leave your car on the side of the road. I am behind you,"

Nico hesitated for a moment and then decided to pull over his car and get into Raka's car.

After that, he called Bima. "Grandpa, I'm already on my way. What happened? What's wrong with uncle?!"

"I... Your mother gave Anya abortion pills," Bima said.

"What?! How can you do this? Is that an order from you, Grandpa? Why did you make my mother do that?" Nico grabbed his hair in frustration. He was very angry.

"Don't ask too many questions. Hurry up and go to your uncle's house first and take your mother away from there. Everything is my fault. I will bear it. Your mother is only carrying out my orders," Bima said firmly.

Nico felt like he wanted to go crazy. "Today is Christmas. Why are you even killing people today?"

"Anya's baby continued to grow every day. The longer we delay, the more dangerous it will be for her. I called your uncle to my house to buy time. When your mother saw Aiden leaving his house, she took the opportunity to enter," Bima said.

"So, you guys have planned all this? You chose this Christmas, when everyone else is not suspecting, to carry out this evil plan?!!  Grandpa, uncle will never forgive you!" Nico hung up the phone helplessly. After that, he patted Raka's shoulder. "Raka, can you drive faster? We've got to save them!"

"What's wrong? What happened to your mother?" Raka immediately increased his speed. He stepped on the gas, making the car go faster.

"My mother killed the child in Aunt's womb. Now my uncle is on his way home and he is going to kill my mother. Grandpa asked me to save her," Nico scratched his head frantically. "What really happened to this family?"

"Huh? How is Anya doing now?" The only person Raka worried about the most was Anya.

He could imagine how scared and helpless Anya was when she was forced to take the abortion pill in her own house.

"I don't know," Nico immediately tried to contact Maria's cellphone, but Bima picked it up. "Don't call. Your mom doesn't have her cell phone with her. What's wrong?"

"Grandpa, how about her condition? Is she in danger? Have you called an ambulance?" Nico asked.

"Ask my driver. He took your mother there," Bima answered with a deep sigh. He didn't even know what had happened or how the situation was.

When Raka stopped at a red light, he saw a car speeding up very fast and breaking a traffic light. He recognized the car.

It's Aiden's car!

Aiden didn't get to see Nico and Raka. At this moment, he was truly panicked and terrified. A lot of violent and anxious thoughts crossed his mind.

He wasn't afraid when he was kidnapped and left in the dark warehouse. He wasn't afraid when the warehouse exploded.

But he was scared to death now.

He was scared that something might happen to Anya…

Aiden's hand held the steering wheel tighter, his heart was filled with fear and anger. His relationship with Anya had just gotten better as they walked home together. He wanted to spend this Christmas with Anya and forget all of their troubles.

It only took one day. Just today.

But he did not expect this to happen.

Today, he deliberately gave most of his bodyguards a vacation so that only three people guarded the house.

He couldn't even contact any of the three. In a panic, he ordered all of his bodyguards on vacation to return home.

He was afraid he would be late.

He was afraid that Anya would get hurt!

Aiden really hoped he wasn't too late. He hoped Anya would be fine.

Aiden tried to calm himself while accelerating his speed. He didn't dare to delay a single second. He lost count of how many red lights he had violated.

All of this was his fault. This was his carelessness.

He shouldn't have let his bodyguards leave the Atmajaya Family house. He shouldn't have let his guards off.

He should've protected Anya.

If this carelessness hurt Anya, he would never be able to forgive himself.

Aiden was a very calm man, despite the dangers that approached him. However, his worry for Anya got him sweating even though the weather was cold due to rain.

'Anya, wait for me. Please, wait for me!'

The door to the main room on the second floor opened.

Anya curled up, hugging her trembling body. Her entire shirt was covered in blood, drowning her in red.

Maria still hugged her tightly, no matter how many times Anya tried to push her away.

Maria's face, neck and hands were covered with fresh wounds from Anya's claw. But she still hugged Anya and cried. 

"Anya, I'm sorry. It's okay if you want to hit me. Forgive me …"

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