"Raka, I'm going to meet Mrs. Mona. Tell her this." After that, Anya continued, "Are you afraid of Aiden?"

"No," Raka replied firmly.


"Then, accompany me to meet Mrs. Mona," Anya said.

"Alright," Raka replied without thinking. If there was anything he could do for Anya, he would have done it without a second thought. "Did Aiden do something to you?"

"No," Anya replied calmly.

"If anything happens, just tell me," after that, Raka ended the call.

He didn't tell Anya that Natali's condition was very bad. Natali wanted to leave the asylum, to the point that she begged and bowed at his feet. Crying and asking Raka for help to get her out of hell.

Natali was afraid that she would really go crazy if she stayed in the mental hospital for too long.

This was all because Natali asked Yura to do her dirty deeds. Yura's father loved his daughter so much that he didn't accept her daughter being treated like this.

He reciprocated Natali's actions in this way, almost driving her crazy.

During her time in the mental hospital, Natali always received assistance from a psychiatrist. Even though Natali still couldn't get over the incident that continued to haunt her, at least she was much calmer than when she first entered the mental hospital.

Today, Deny came to visit his daughter. Natali offered her kidney to Deny, as long as he could save her from that place.

In the end, Deny told Raka about his savings. As long as Natali could be saved, he would try to persuade Mona so that Raka could end his engagement with Natali.

Mona didn't want her daughter to donate her kidney to Deny. She also didn't agree if Natali and Raka's engagement had to end.

Due to Deny's poor health, he appointed Mona as Natali's guardian when they were divorced. Without Mona's consent, Natali couldn't do anything.

If Natali's condition was fine and deemed not insane, she would immediately be sent to prison. Now, she could only submit to her mother.

Regarding the cancellation of the engagement, Raka actually didn't really care.

When his fiancée committed a crime and was admitted to a mental hospital, Raka did not end the engagement.

Everyone could only praise him as the best man. He didn't leave his struggling fiancée.

In fact, Raka's wish was only one thing. He only wanted to protect Anya. He wanted to protect Anya's happiness and didn't want to make her worry. He did all this for Anya's sake.

The next day at noon, Anya met Mona at a cafe.

Mona was wearing very thick makeup and was accompanied by a young man who sat beside her.

"This is my assistant, not an outsider," Mona said.

Anya looked at the young man indifferently. She could see that the man was still very young and his face was handsome.

The man noticed Anya's gaze and looked back at her. He could see Anya wearing branded clothes from toe to head. The bag she used was also a limited edition.

Seeing this, the man immediately winked at Anya.

Anya just looked away coldly. She could already guess what relationship Mona had with this man.

"Raka said you wanted to meet me and make an offer," Anya didn't want to make small talk any longer. She immediately went straight to the point of their conversation today.

"Five billion," Mona said with a greedy face. "Your father is bankrupt. When I divorced him, I left the house. You have to compensate for what your father did to me,"

"I have no money," Anya immediately refused. Why did she have to give that kind of money to Mona?

Aiden once said that Deny had deposits in several foreign banks and it was enough to support Natali comfortably for the rest of her life.

But now Mona was asking her for money. Apparently, she didn't know anything about Deny's savings.

Natali's brain was really cunning. She even hid this information from her mother. Did she want to keep those money for herself?

"How can you not have money? The bag in your hand alone costs over 500 million. Don't pretend to be poor in front of me," Mona grumbled.

"If you like it, I can give this bag to you. But I don't have five billion," Anya  replied calmly.

Mona looked greedy and excited at Anya's bag. "3 billion, not less than that,"

"Natali's kidneys are not that valuable. If Natali doesn't want to save my father, why should we try to get her out of that place?" Anya replied coldly.

"Then how much can you give?" Mona  asked.

"500 million," then Anya put her bag on the table. "Coupled with this bag."

"Too little! I need 3 billion!"

"500 million!"

"2 billion, can't be less."

"Raka, let's go from here," Anya was about to get up and leave with her bag.

Mona immediately stopped her. "1 billion and your bag. If you don't agree, you can go."

Anya asked the waiter for a plastic bag and moved all the items in the bag into it. Then, she gave the bag to Mona.

"When are you going to send the money to me?" Mona asked.

"When my father comes into the operating room, I'll give it to you," Anya replied calmly.

When he heard this, the young man beside Mona was annoyed and was about to leave the place.

Mona immediately took his hand and tried to persuade him. "Don't be angry. When I get the money, I'll buy you a car right away. Just be patient and wait for a few days."

"Come back to me when you have money," the young man left. He gave his name card to Anya while blinking once more. "You can come to me when you're free."

"Go away!" Raka immediately protected Anya behind his body.

Anya looked at the name card he gave her and realized that the man was in fact a worker in a nightclub.

Anya immediately looked at Mona in disgust. "Does Natali know that you sold her kidney to make your dog happy?"

"Your father and I are divorced. You don't need to interfere in my personal life," Mona took Anya's bag and immediately chased after the young man.

Anya felt her heart was being washed down by cold water. Her father was completely blind. He left her mother for a woman like Mona.

No wonder Natali deliberately covered the matter with Deny's savings. If the money fell into Mona's hands, she would not hesitate to waste them for the sake of making her young lover happy.

"Anya, let me give the money to her," Raka said.

"No need. Let my father pay for it himself. When he comes out of the operating room, it's up to him who he wants to give the money to, Natali or Mrs. Mona. This is none of our business," Anya said calmly.

"Alright then. I'll take you home," Raka said as he walked out of the cafe.

"No need. I'm with a driver today. Thank you for being with me. I will go to the hospital to visit my father," Anya said.

Raka nodded and led Anya into her car.

Aiden's bodyguard kept staring at Raka from the rearview mirror.

Anya cleared her throat softly and reminded him in a cold voice. "Don't look at him like that. Just tell Aiden that I went to a cafe with Raka. After all, we didn't go to a hotel."

"Madame, don't get me wrong. Sir asked me to report your whereabouts to ensure your safety," the bodyguard was immediately surprised and tried to explain.

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