"Don't be sad mom. Even if you can't find Nana, there's still me. As long as we don't give up, we'll definitely find her," Nico said, hugging his mother.

Tears welled in Maria's eyes again as she was unable to tell the truth to Nico. She hoped she didn't know all this. She hopes none of this was true.


Her biological daughter… How could that be?

"Maria, all of this is because of Atmajaya's name. It's the fate of all the girls born into the Atmajaya family that made you lose your daughter twice," Bima said regretfully.

Nico could only scratch his head. "Grandfather, why do you still think like that? We are already in modern times, don't believe in mystical things like that. All of this is just an accident. After all, there was a big scandal back then and it wasn't just my sister who disappeared. Didn't the daughter from the Pratama Family also disappear?"

"What about Nadine? She went along with Keara but Keara returned safely. Meanwhile, Nadine had not been found yet. Maybe I should do a lot of good deeds and charities, hoping that my two granddaughters are still alive."

"Grandpa, you're being too much. Maybe Nadine is just like Keara, losing her memories and leading a new life in a new place. Maybe she will come back when she remembers us again," Nico said, trying to comfort him.

"I hope so," Bima could only sigh. "Don't worry about me. Just go home,"

"Nico, help your uncle. He obviously still has a lot of work. Let me accompany your grandfather," said Maria.

Nico saw the situation and realized that his presence was not really needed there so he finally decided to leave.

After Nico's departure, Bima's room became quiet. There were only Bima and Maria there…

"Maria, if you want to spend a lot of time with Anya, you can move to Nico's house. Diana is also abroad for treatment. You can accompany her when she is alone," Bima's voice was choked as he said this.

"Father, Aiden said he would separate from Anya and sleep elsewhere starting tonight. After Christmas, he will ask Doctor Tirta to do another test," said Maria.

"If it's true that Anya is your daughter, for Anya's sake, for Aiden's sake and for the entire Atmajaya Family's sake, we must do the right thing. We will make sure that Anya lives happily, but she can't be with Aiden…"

"I understand. For Anya's sake, I will not say that I am her real mother," Maria looked away and tried to hold back her tears.

How would Anya feel knowing that she was married to her uncle?

How would Anya feel when she found out that the man she loved was related to her by blood?

It was better for Anya not to know that she was part of the Atmajaya Family.

When Imel arrived, she accidentally witnessed this incident. Seeing Maria crying, Imel immediately panicked.

"Bima, what happened to you?" Imel immediately went to the bed and looked at Bima who was lying on the bed in panic.

"I'm bleeding. I almost couldn't see you again," Bima deliberately exaggerated his health problems.

Hearing this, Imel bursted into tears and held Bima's hand tightly. "Ivan is still not married and we still don't have grandchildren. You also promised to marry me, right? Is that promise fake?"

Bima laughed. "What's the point in marrying me? I am old. When I die, you will be a widow. You better marry another man who can make you happy,"

"I don't want to marry a man other than you," Imel was already over 50 years old, but she was still like a highschool girl in love. She leaned her head on Bima's arm.

Maria felt so awkward in the room that she decided to leave. "Dad, I'll go home first and come back later this afternoon,"

"Maria, please tell people in the house to make Bima's food. I will accompany him to eat here later in the afternoon," said Imel.

Maria just nodded politely and left the room.

When she was walking in the corridor, she accidentally met Ivan.

"Sis, are you okay?" Ivan asked worriedly.

"Father is fine. His blood pressure was high so there was a little bleeding in his brain. But that's no big deal. He just needs a lot of rest," said Maria.

"Why did father's blood pressure suddenly rise? Is it because I canceled my engagement?" Ivan asked regretfully.

Maria shook her head. "Ivan, daddy was really angry when you suddenly canceled your engagement without telling us. But we know Keara doesn't love you. Besides, I also knew that Nadine's disappearance had something to do with her. We also don't want Keara to be part of the Atmajaya Family. So, you don't need to blame yourself,"

"Is it because of Anya?" Ivan was a smart man. Nothing could be hidden from him. He immediately guessed what caused his father's blood pressure to rise suddenly.

"What did you say?" Maria could only look at Ivan in surprise.

"Sis, Keara already knows about this problem and she used it to force me to cancel our engagement. She can't forget Aiden and maybe she will do something to harm Anya. You have to be careful," said Ivan

"How dare she!" Maria's eyes bulged with anger. She will fight anyone who dared to harm her daughter.

"What will you do?" Ivan asked worriedly.

"After Christmas, everything will end. Ivan, Anya has suffered a lot. Help me to hide all this from her," Maria said in a weak voice.

Ivan could only look at Maria in surprise. Maria decided not to tell Anya to keep her feelings from breaking apart.

Finally, Ivan nodded. "Sis, you have done your best,"

Maria raised her head and took a deep breath. She held back her tears and tried to calm her feelings.

By hiding all this, she could protect Anya's heart. This was the best way.

"Go inside. Your mother is inside," Maria said before leaving.

Ivan stood there for a long time, staring at Maria's lonely back. His heart was broken for Anya.

While Anya was having lunch, she heard the news that Bima was taken to the hospital because of bleeding in his brain. Initially, she wanted to visit Bima, but Aiden immediately stopped her.

She was currently pregnant, Aiden didn't want Anya to catch any illness from visiting the hospital.

Finally, Anya decided to call Bima. "Father, this is Anya. I heard you are hospitalized. Are you okay?"

"Anya, I'm fine. I'm just too emotional and my blood pressure is out of control. Doctor says I can come home in a few days. No need to visit me," said Bima.

"When you come home, I will visit you at home," Anya said politely.

"Take good care of your health, you are pregnant. I will eat now, see you later," Bima forced a smile on his face but his heart was very sore.

At first, he disliked Anya because of her family background which was not good enough, and then he began to accept and like her.

But who would have thought that Anya would be his granddaughter?

"Bima, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like you want to cry?" Imel was worried when she saw the expression on Bima's face.

"I'm worried about Ivan and I don't know how Keara can persuade him to cancel the engagement. Ivan didn't care about himself at all. He even broke off his engagement, saying that he might be paralyzed for life. If it's like this, who wants to be his wife?" Bima said with a sad expression.

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