Bima frowned upon hearing Maria's words. "Keara still likes Aiden? But why would she want to be engaged to Ivan? Who does she think she is? Does she think that there is no other woman in the world who can be with my sons?"

"Dad, I know that you want to speed up Ivan's marriage  after Nico's engagement. But I want to remind you one more time. If you let Keara set foot on our door, I'll really be gone. I'm not going to take care of that wedding party and I'm sure it will be chaotic," Maria said. She had been part of the Atmajaya Family for more than 20 years, so she knew Bima so well.


Maria knew very well what Bima was thinking and what he was worried about.

Bima shook his head. "Don't you think I've been embarrassed enough? Today is embarrassing enough for me. I wouldn't have talked about marriage if I knew Ivan and Keara were this bad. They have to cancel their engagement. I don't want Ivan to get older and have no partner,"

"Don't be in a hurry, Dad. I don't think Ivan has any plans to get married. Keara is older than Nico. She's the one who's running out of time. Sooner and later, she must get married," Maria comforted. "If the engagement must be canceled, let the Pratama Family discuss it first,"

"Your idea is very good. But you also have to think about Ivan. Even though I'm old, I'm not stupid and senile. I will not let Imel do whatever she wants," said Bima.

"I'll pay attention to Ivan," Maria replied with a smile.

Bima nodded and looked at Anya and Aiden once again. The more he looked at the two of them, the happier he was.

Having a happy family was great fun.

After that, he looked at Nico and Tara. They were close friends so they were comfortable with each other. They were both cheerful, kind and obedient to their parents.

Then, Bima's gaze returned to Ivan again. He felt sorry for his second son. He loved Ivan as much as he loved Aiden and wished all his sons all the best.

As a child, Ivan did not grow up with the Atmajaya family. He was in great pain.

In addition, he injured his waist when he was still so young that he had to go through rehabilitation many times.

Bima took a deep breath as he thought about his son's fate.

"Father, I will take Anya to the gynecologist on Monday. I'll show you the ultrasound results later," Aiden said loudly.

Keara also heard Aiden's voice so she immediately looked at them.

"Are you going to see Doctor Norah?" Bima asked.

"Yes," Aiden replied with a nod.

"Very nice. Doctor Norah is a great doctor. She can ensure the safety of the baby and also the health of the mother," Bima said with a smile. "Anya, when you come to have dinner at home, I will give you a present!"

Anya felt surprised and touched when she heard Bima's words.

In the past, her father-in-law still didn't like her family background. But now Bima was starting to open up because he was happy with the news of her pregnancy.

"Thank you dad. You don't need to bother," Anya replied.

"We will definitely go there," when he heard that Bima had a gift for Anya, Aiden would not miss this opportunity.

Bima nodded happily. Then, he saw the Srijaya Family approaching them from afar. "Maria, the Srijaya Family has come to speak,"

"It's up to you, dad. I don't really care about it. After all, my son finally can get engaged to the woman he likes," Maria knew that all this was Nico's plan and now her son's wish had been fulfilled.

The most important thing for her was Nico's happiness, so she didn't really think about this problem.

"Aiden, what do you think?" Bima asked.

Aiden thought for a moment and then said, "If they apologize sincerely and the cooperation between the two families is not affected, we can forget about this matter."

"Okay. I also agree," said Bima.

Lisa's father and mother were very reluctant to approach Bima's table. They came together with Galih and also Indah.

Keara immediately got up and greeted them all, "Father, mother. Uncle, aunt… "

They all sat facing each other, but no one started the conversation.

Maria, who was usually the mediator, decided to keep quiet and ignore everything.

Aiden and Anya also fell silent, while Bima waited for the Srijaya Family to start a conversation.

Lisa's father saw that not a single person from the Atmajaya Family objected and was angry about today's incident, but he still said stubbornly, "Bima, today's chaos is Lisa's fault. But should Nico have to find a replacement and get engaged to someone else in this place too? Our family is also embarrassed in this incident,"

"You didn't come here to apologize, but to blame me?" Bima said calmly, but his voice was loud.

"We came to apologize. My daughter is guilty. I have failed to educate her. But Nico also has a woman he loves and is now engaged to her. If it weren't for this, this problem wouldn't have happened," Lisa's mother said.

"What's wrong with Nico looking for a replacement? Should he be publicly humiliated by your daughter running away? If you really don't want to get engaged, why should you play with us like this? My grandson was standing on the stage alone when Lisa just left him. Don't you think it's embarrassing?" Bima said angrily.

Indah looked at her brother and sister-in-law with annoyance. They came to apologize and explain all this so that the relationship between the two families wouldn't be ruined. But why did her brother and sister-in-law even discuss Nico's engagement?

If Lisa hadn't run away, would Nico need to find a replacement?

"Bima, that's not what we mean. Since childhood, she was too spoiled and it was all our fault for forcing her to get engaged to Nico. We want to have a good relationship with the Atmajaya Family so that we forget about our child's feelings. Finally, Lisa made a big mistake on this supposedly happy engagement day. Today, it is our family who is at fault. We apologize to you."

Indah did not discuss Nico's engagement at all. She only said that today's incident was her family's fault and she didn't want their relationship to get bad.

When he heard Indah's words, the anger in Bima's chest immediately subsided. "I also want to have a good relationship with you. No one expected this to happen. Today, I also feel ashamed, but what happened, happened. You also have to understand,"

"We understand. We want to congratulate you. Nico and Tara get along very well," said Lisa's mother quickly. Then, she nudged her husband's leg. Even though her husband was reluctant, in the end, he still congratulated him.

"Even though our families can't be united, at least we can still be friends. Lisa really can't be part of our family. But with Keara, maybe we can all become family," Bima said with a smile.

Keara lowered her head with an embarrassed smile while sitting beside her mother.

Indah smiled and said, "I'm glad to hear that. We hope that today's events won't affect the relationship between our families. Nico and Tara have a very sweet relationship. Here's a little gift from us for Tara. I hope you can accept it,"

Maria looked at Bima. She did not know whether it was appropriate to receive this gift.

"Accept it," Bima nodded.

"As mother-in-law, I represent Tara to thank all of you," Maria received a gift box from Indah.

Anya stared at all of this silently. Then she whispered to her husband, "Aiden, why did Aunt Indah give Tara a gift?"

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