Aiden patted Anya's back gently and helped to hold her hair. "If it's not good, it's better not to drink it,"

"I want to have children with you soon. The longer I stay in contact with my work, the harder it will be to get pregnant. I am afraid that I will be like my mother, not being able to have children when I want to," Anya kept throwing up. Her body immediately went limp and her eyes watered.


"We are still young. We can still have children without rushing," said Aiden.

When Anya was vomiting, Nico immediately called Tara and told her, "Tara, what potion did you make for my aunt? Auntie just tasted a little but she immediately threw up all her dinner,"

"I didn't put in any weird ingredients. It was the same potion she normally drank. How can she throw up? Is she…"

"Pregnant?" Nico's reaction was very fast. He immediately guessed it.

"Most likely so. Does Mrs. Hana have plums? Tell Anya to eat plums to fill her stomach while waiting for me. I'll be right there," Tara said excitedly.

"Be careful on the road," Nico was worried because Tara was too excited.

Once out of the bathroom, Hana immediately brought a plate of plums for Anya. "Doctor Tara will be here soon. She told you to eat plums first,"

"Okay," Anya hesitated to eat it. But when she put one in her mouth, she was not as nauseous as before.

After taking a shower, Diana heard that her daughter was vomiting after taking the medicine. She immediately looked at Anya with worry. "Are you alright?"

"Don't worry mom. I'm fine," said Anya. "Do you want fruit?"

Diana looked suspiciously at the plate of plums and then asked, "When are you going to have your period?"

"Should be in two days. But sometimes, I'm also late in my period. I'm too tired lately so the cycle is most likely messed," Anya replied as if nothing had happened.

"Why are you throwing up all of a sudden? Are you pregnant?" Diana asked with a smile.

"Ah?" Anya was shocked to hear this. It never occurred to her that she was pregnant.

Then, she turned her head towards Aiden.

Aiden's gaze looked uncertain, but Anya could see that her husband had prepared himself for all possibilities.

"Tara will come in a moment and check on you," Aiden said calmly.

Anya just nodded.

She was really nervous. Was she really pregnant?

This fast?

She was just about to prepare herself, but she suddenly got pregnant? She was pregnant even before she was ready…

Nico was also nervous and kept looking at his watch. Tara hadn't come so she immediately called her.

"Tara, where are you?" Nico asked.

"My car was hit and now I'm waiting for the repairman to fix my car," Tara said from the phone.

"Give me your current location. I'll get you," said Nico.

"Aren't you busy preparing for your engagement party? Haven't you returned to your family's house yet?" Tara muttered.

"I'm still at my uncle's house," Nico was worried about Tara's safety. It was very late and Tara was driving alone. Now she was having an accident in the middle of the way and no one was accompanying her.

Tara looked around and said, "I am close to Aiden's house. On the main road before getting into the housing,"

"Wait there. I'll get you," Nico hung up the phone. He immediately took his car's key and walked toward the door.

"Uncle, Tara had a problem with her car. She was waiting for the repair man because her car would not start. I'll get her," Nico said hurriedly.

Aiden immediately ordered one of his bodyguards to follow Nico.

"Mrs. Hana, can we clean the guest room and let Tara stay the night. Too bad she had an accident in the middle of the road because we called her in the middle of the night."

"Don't worry, Mother. Nico's off to get Tara. Give him a chance to look reliable," said Anya with a smile.

"Ah? The two of them…" Diana didn't say anything even though her thoughts were wandering. Nico was getting engaged. How could he have a relationship with Tara?

But Diana asked nothing and felt that it was none of her business.

Nico immediately picked up Tara while Aiden's bodyguard waited until her car was repaired.

"Tara, are you okay?" Anya asked worriedly.

"I am fine. It's my lover who ended sadly, I guess?" Tara shrugged helplessly.

"Lover?" Nico frowned and glared at Tara.

"I mean my car. My car is my lover. Initially, I wanted to save up enough money before getting a new one. But it looks like I have to replace it as soon as possible," Tara immediately went to Anya on the sofa and put her medicine box on the table. "Wait a minute, I'll wash my hands,"

Hana made a cup of hot tea for her. Tara then came out of the bathroom at the same time Hana placed the teacup on the table.

Tara picked up the teacup and drank it casually, ignoring the worried stares of everyone around her.

"Can't you see that my uncle is staring at you sharply? Hurry and check my aunt now," Nico couldn't help thinking how much Tara could stay calm and drink tea at a time like this. Couldn't she see the uneasiness in Aiden's eyes?

Tara looked around, saw Hana, Diana, Aiden and Nico looking her way. Anya also looked at her and her face was filled with anxiety.

"Don't be nervous like that. If you really are pregnant, I'll give you tocolysis drugs. If it turns out that your stomach has a problem, I can give you GERD medicine," Tara said as she started examining Anya.

Anya obeyed all of Tara's sayings and followed her obediently.

"How is it?" Nico asked.

"Why are you so panicked?" Tara didn't look at him and still focused on Anya.

"Tara, why are you checking on me for so long? Am I sick?" Anya was getting more and more panicked.

"Don't think anything weird," said Tara.

"If aunty is all right, why are you checking her for so long?" Nico joined in panic. He was really curious, anxious and restless…

Aiden just stayed beside Anya because he knew that his wife was very nervous. Actually, he was also nervous, but he didn't want to make Anya panic even more.

Tara finally removed the stethoscope in her ear and finished checking on Anya. She asked about Anya's sleep and rest patterns over the past few days, what she ate, what she drank and what she touched.

"Tara, you really scared me. What happened to me?" Anya asked in panic.

"Don't be afraid. Just look at Tara, she's so calm. That means you are okay," although Aiden was very nervous and wanted to know the results of Tara's examination, he trusted her ability.

"You are pregnant. I checked on you long enough to confirm it over and over again," Tara said with a smile. "Congratulations, Aiden. You will become a father soon!"

"What about Anya's condition? Will this pregnancy affect her health?" Even though Aiden wanted children, he cared more about his wife's health...

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