"Just praise? Is there no prize for me?" Anya teased.

"What do you want?" Aiden approached Anya and chewed her ear gently.


Anya immediately blushed and leaned her head on Aiden's shoulder, "Not here,"

Aiden kissed his wife on the cheek and laughed happily. Teasing his little wife was a very pleasant thing. They both laughed as they entered the living room hand in hand.

Natali immediately stood up when she saw Anya's figure.

"Why are you here?" Anya asked coldly.

"Sister, I came to apologize," Natali said. She immediately knelt before Anya. "Please forgive me!"

Anya stopped at her place and looked at Natali from far. "What did you do wrong to ask me to forgive you?"

"Yura sure has done all this on her own. Though I knew that she intended to harm you, I was wrong for not telling you right away. My second mistake was lending my room to Yura and making you nearly hurt…"

"You don't know where you went wrong. So, there's no need to apologize to me. I just hope you don't appear in front of me again," after that, Anya immediately walked to her room upstairs.

"Anya, Natali really admits her mistake. Can you give her a chance?" Raka stopped Anya's steps.

Anya stopped and said aloud, "I don't see her sincerity in admitting her mistakes. Natali, if you don't want to rot in prison with Yura, explain to me what you have done and apologize sincerely. I don't want to hear you blame other people again,"

"I already apologized. What else do you want?" Natali glared at Anya.

"Is this the attitude of someone who wants to apologize? If I sued you, you could go to jail for three to five years. Seems like it's better that way. I don't accept your apology. You will never realize where you went wrong," Anya ignored her and said to Aiden, "Aiden, I'm tired."

Aiden nodded and said, "Waiter, please escort the guest out," he was much meaner than Anya. He didn't have to explain his wish and immediately kicked them out of his house.

When he saw the situation, Raka knew that there was no other way. However, he couldn't keep his fiancée in prison. The Mahendra family would not be able to bear all this.

"Anya, I know Natali has done something and hurt you. Tell me, what should she do so you can forgive her?" Raka asked.

"Tell her to explain her mistakes clearly. If she can't, that means she still doesn't realize what her mistake is. She doesn't deserve to be forgiven," Anya said coldly.

"I've explained it. I even got down on my knees. What else do you want?" Natali got up from the floor. The pain in her body almost made her shake and she could not stand up straight.

"I just want you to get out of my sight and let me live in peace," said Anya. She didn't care about Natali at all.

"You have made me dirty like this. You also poured dirty water on my mother and put her in prison. Now you tell me to get down on my knees and admit my mistake. Anya, don't think I'm afraid of you! I'll fight you my whole life! I will sue you!" Natali gritted her teeth.

"Your own mother came to our doorstep and made a scene. She insulted me and my mother in my house. Now you come to apologize without sincerity. You only know how to put the blame on others. Do you want me to count all your evil doings and explain them in your face?" 

Anya was no longer the old Anya. Now she was much more confident and more assertive with help from her husband.

She wouldn't forgive a shameless person like Natali.

"What did I do?" Natali was panicking. She felt that Anya would reveal all her backgrounds.

"After my parents divorced, you and your mother moved to my house. You deliberately ruined all my toys. You were also the one who killed my rabbit pet and threw the corpse on my bed. You threw all your mistakes at me, made dad hit me. I was a fool for not understanding it all."

"Three years ago, when I was still in relationship with Raka, you were jealous of us. You told Raisa to accuse me of stealing and making me lose my job. When my mother was sick and I wanted to borrow money from my father, you and Yura humiliated me and poured water on me. You said dad would see me so I waited for hours soaking wet. But it turns out that you are lying…"

"To get my mother's medical treatment money, Raka's mother gave me a check on the condition that I would leave with her son. But you stole the money from me and said that Raisa spent all of it. It was meant to save my mother's life…" Anya spilled everything.

"Nonsense! I didn't do it! Raka! You have to believe me. Anya deliberately accused me without proof. I didn't do it," Natali held Raka's hand and said frantically.

"You spiked my drink and escorted me to Aiden's room. You liked Raka so you used me to break your engagement to Aiden. You took advantage of Aiden's blind eyes. After that, you told everyone that I took Aiden from you and Aiden betrayed you. You paint yourself as the victim of our affair so you could cancel your engagement easily,"

"Don't you think I don't know that every time Raisa attacked me you were the one who ordered her? I know Raisa is too innocent and she couldn't think of evil things. You taught her to destroy my vanilla garden and tried to put a drug into Aiden's wine," Anya continued to expose Natali's crimes one by one without stopping.

"You are lying! I've never done any of it!" Natalli continued to dodge.

"Raka, she will never admit her mistake. How can I forgive her? Just go and take her away from here. I don't want to talk about this anymore," Anya walked upstairs and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Anya, don't go! Come back and explain everything properly!" Natali shouted.

Raka looked at Natali with disappointment. His gentle, intelligent, kind and caring fiancée turned out to have a really evil brain.

He thought that by closing his eyes and ears, he could pretend he didn't know.

But Anya had revealed everything now. Raka really wanted to slap his face.

How could he defend Natali and ask Anya to forgive her?

Natali didn't deserve Anya's forgiveness at all. But now Natali was his fiancée. Everyone knew that she was the Mahendra Family's daughter-in-law so Raka must protect her.

But thinking about what Natali had been doing so far, especially to Raisa…

Natali used Raisa so that his sister couldn't go home. Raisa cried every day, saying that she missed home.

Since childhood, Raisa was very spoiled by her entire family, including Raka himself. Now she was abroad alone without anyone near.

She really wanted to go home.

And all this happened, because of his own fiancée.

"Let's go," Raka didn't want to lose his face again. He grabbed Natali's hand and dragged her towards the door.

"I don't want to go. I don't want to go until Anya explains everything clearly!" Natali struggled and refused to leave.

"If you don't want to go, I'll go home alone!" Raka didn't want to stay here and lose his pride. He removed Natali's hand and left.

"Raka, Raka..." Natali immediately followed him. "Don't leave me. Slow down! I can't keep up with you!"

After their departure, Aiden's house finally calmed down. Anya returned to her room, took a shower and changed clothes. After that, she came back downstairs for dinner.

And just as she thought, Aiden's lawyer called and said that Yura had admitted that it was all her fault and Natali was not involved at all.

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