Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 411 - Arrested By The Police

"If this really causes injury to you, we can arrest him on the basis of a crime. What water did they use to splash you?" One of the cops asked.

"Wash water," Hana replied, not explaining in detail what was washed.


"You will get hurt if you get hit by hot water or acid. But wash water alone can't hurt you, it only makes you smell," a female reporter covered her mouth and nose in disgust as she looked at Mona.

The police who came also could not stand the smell, but it was their job. They felt a little irritated when they thought that this stinky woman would enter their car.

"Sir, I don't want to go. Bring that woman with you, she poured this water on me. Even though she didn't try to hurt me, this was still tantamount to insulting me. I will take legal action!" Mona said.

Mona insisted that she did not want to be arrested. Why should she be arrested just for cursing?

"Mrs. Diana accidentally poured the water. How can she see clearly in a dark night like this?" Hana said.

"But she poured the water twice. That means she did it on purpose. Officer, hurry and arrest the woman!" Mona said angrily.

"Mrs Diana's leg is still not fully recovered. She even needs crutches to walk. Carrying just one bucket made her roll. How could she pour the second bucket? There are so many people who witnessed this incident. If you don't believe it, ask them."

Hana was sure that no one would help Mona.

Everyone in the room also hated Mona's careless attitude. And she smelled so bad they wanted her to be taken away. "Right. There is no second bucket. Mrs Diana accidentally dropped the first bucket and it poured on her," said everyone there.

"What did Aiden give to all of you? Why are you willing to help him like this?" Mona shouted angrily. Then, her gaze fell on the camera brought by the reporters. "Give me your camera. You must have taken some photos of what happened earlier!"

"Sir, hurry up and take this woman away. I can't give this camera because a lot of photos about famous artists and people will be in the news. This is the privacy of our company," the journalist refused to give his camera.

Then, Mona looked at the CCTV of the house and said, "Then, I'd like to see the CCTV footage!"

The policeman couldn't do anything. The reporters were reluctant to lend their cameras and Mona didn't want to just give up. She insisted that the police also arrest Diana.

Aiden came out of his study and said, "You can see the CCTV footage,"

Footage captured by CCTV in front of the door was shown directly against the wall, like a presentation, for everyone in the room to see.

A black shadow flashed across the tape. The black shadow covered her head with a turban and her face was covered with black glasses. She was standing in front of the door and her figure was not clearly visible.

Then, Diana was seen carrying a bucket of water. Her body was shaking and the water was accidentally thrown. The CCTV footage showed that Diana did it by accident. After all, Mona's figure when they stood in front of the door was unclear at night, so how could Diana deliberately pour it on her?

"No, not like that! Diana deliberately poured the water when she saw me. She really saw me and purposely poured the water on me. There is still another recording," Mona shouted frantically.

CCTV footage from another point of view was also shown, but there was absolutely no second bucket as mentioned by Mona.

"No! Diana deliberately splashed me with dirty water! The camera was definitely not facing us so it was not recorded. These reporters must have taken a clearer picture of the incident. They must have had clearer footage!" With her last hope, Mona insisted on looking at the camera recording from the reporters. She didn't want to be caught alone.

If she had to be caught, she would drag Diana along with her.

However, not a single person was willing to defend her. All video and voice recordings showed that she was the one who deliberately came to insult Anya and Diana. Besides, the journalists there were also willing to be witnesses.

CCTV footage shown by Aiden also showed that Diana accidentally poured the water on Mona and the reporters confirmed this.

Mona's anger peaked at once. "Diana, you bitch! You are just like your cheap daughter, selling yourself to a rich man. You mother and daughter are both shameless. I will drag you to hell..."

The policemen immediately reacted quickly, wrapping and tying Mona using the cloths given by Hana, before she could speak ill further.

After Mona was arrested, the reporters left one by one.

"There's no need to rush. You guys can drink tea and relax first. Apart from that, you can also take Anya's osmanthus syrup home," Hana immediately took action, bribing the reporters.

Anya was holding Diana's hand, standing by the window and watching the movement outside. She was afraid that the policeman would actually take her mother away.

Luckily, these reporters knew that it was Mona who had bad intentions and made a fuss so they didn't defend her.

In the basement, Anya had already made over 100 bottles of osmanthus syrup that she actually made as gifts for the Iris' employees.

Now, it looked like the gift would be used for something else.

Hana asked the reporters to leave their names and telephone numbers. The reporters immediately queued, not because they wanted a gift to be given, but they wanted to get closer to Aiden. If they could get to know Aiden, getting news or interviews would be much easier!

Some of them were even willing to leave their names and phone numbers without taking gifts. They said they could share with each other.

Finally, after the reporters left, the night became calmer at Aiden's house.

However, an uproar broke out on the internet, revealing the Tedjasukmana Family's scandal.

'The Tedjasukmana Family Scandal: Mona Tedjasukmana is the mistress who abused her stepdaughter.'

'Mona Tedjasukmana, the woman who dared to appear in front of the legal wife, shocked Diana Hutama and made her give birth prematurely.'

Apart from the news about Mona, Natali's name was also dragged along. The news said that she was a faker and full of cunning tricks. She liked to use other people to do what she wanted while maintaining her angelic image.

Everyone who had been hurt by her immediately spilled Natali's true self. Some people said that Raisa was very stupid because she wanted to follow her cunning best friend.

When she saw the news on the internet, Irena immediately realized that Raisa's suffering all this time was actually caused by Natali.

She was so mad that she called Raka in the middle of the night. "Raka, after this, you must immediately cancel your engagement with Natali!"

"Mother, what is this?" Raka was very tired because he had to take care of Natali. He took Natali to a villa that was secluded enough so that his fiancée wouldn't bother anyone. Natali often went berserk and destroyed all the items in the villa.

"My beloved daughter… My Raisa got hurt because of that woman! She caused all this. Raisa considered her a friend. She listened to Natali and believed her. How could she use her own sister-in-law?" Irena cried bitterly. "Now Raisa is abroad alone. She often cried and complained about homesickness. I want my daughter to come home!"

"Mother, how do you know all this? Who's telling you?"  Raka asked in surprise.

"Everything has been spread on the internet. Everyone says Raisa has been used and lied to by Natali. Many people are witnesses. You have to part with her. I don't want a woman like her to be my daughter-in-law. The land from the Tedjasukmana Family was not a gift from her father either. We buy it ourselves with our money. We don't owe anything to the Tedjasukmana Family. Therefore, the engagement must be canceled immediately!" Irena said.

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